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- Journal Article
- A1
- open access
Same owner, different impact : how responses to performance feedback differ across a private equity investor's portfolio firms
Corporate finance
(2023) -
Handboek bedrijfsfinanciering
(2023) -
- Journal Article
- A1
- open access
How private equity-backed buyout contracts shape corporate governance
- Journal Article
- A1
- open access
Unanswered questions in entrepreneurial finance
Contracting in private equity-backed buyouts
- Journal Article
- A1
- open access
Are you part of the crowd? The role of sex and environmental characteristics for crowdfunding awareness
Digitization in the market for entrepreneurial finance : innovative business models and new financing channels
The governance roles of private equity
Lending when relationships are scarce : the role of information spread via bank networks
- Journal Article
- A1
- open access
Explaining academic interest in crowdfunding as a research topic
- Journal Article
- A1
- open access
Venture capital winners : a configurational approach to high venture capital-backed firm growth
- Journal Article
- A1
- open access
Private debt fund returns, persistence and market conditions
- Journal Article
- A1
- open access
Governance implications of attracting external equity investors in private family firms
Acquisitions : a curse or blessing for direct competitors? The impact of target ownership structure
- Conference Paper
- C1
- open access
The real effects of private equity buyouts : a meta-analysis
Financing intangibles : is there a market failure?
(2020) -
- Journal Article
- A1
- open access
Signal strength, media attention, and resource mobilization : evidence from new private equity firms
- Journal Article
- A1
- open access
Relocation to get venture capital : a resource dependence perspective
New directions in entrepreneurial finance
Corporate finance
(2019) -
Rising star monitor : the many faces of growth
(2018) -
- Journal Article
- A1
- open access
Venture capital internationalization : synthesis and future research directions
Government as fund-of-fund and venture capital fund sponsors : effect on employment in portfolio companies
Attitudes of family firms toward outside investors : the importance of organizational identification
Valuation of angel-backed companies: the role of investor human capital
Escalation of commitment in venture capital decision making: differentiating between domestic and international investors
- Miscellaneous
- open access
Rising star monitor: providing insight into remuneration and founding team composition of young, high-potential Belgian ventures
Working for divergent prinicpals: effects of private equity on employment practices in family firms
(2016) Academy of Management Annual Meeting Proceedings. In Academy of Management Annual Meeting Proceedings 2016. p.1481-1485 -
Cross-border venture capitalists are less patient with under-performers
Understanding the continuation of firm activities when entrepreneurs exit their firms: using theory of planned behavior
- Journal Article
- A2
- open access
A perspective on the economic valorization of gene manipulated biotechnology: past and future
The Alfacam group: impulsive growth and financial distress
(2015) -
Access to finance of SMEs: young growth oriented companies and company transfers
Seed and venture capital
- Journal Article
- A1
- open access
Path-dependent evolution versus intentional management of investment ties in science-based entrepreneurial firms
Beyond environmental scarcity: human and social capital as driving forces of bootstrapping activities
Institutional frameworks, venture capital and the financing of European new technology-based firms
The relationship between venture capital and private equity investors and their portfolio companies: foundations and trends in entrepreneurship series
(2013) Venture capital investors and portfolio firms. In Foundations and Trends in Entrepreneurship 9 (4-5). p.365-570 -
Reassessing the relationships between private equity investors and their portfolio companies
The role of domestic and cross-border venture capital investors in the growth of portfolio companies
Venture capital
Investment strategies of cross-border venture capital investors
Financial reporting, disclosure, and corporate governance
Venture capital investors and portfolio firms
(2013) 9. -
Private equity fund performance signals and the likelihood of follow-on fundraising
(2013) -
The impact of human and social capital on entrepreneurs' knowledge of finance alternatives
Firm valuation in venture capital financing rounds: the role of investor bargaining power
The influence of experiential, inherited and external knowledge on the internationalization of venture capital firms
Firm exit after distress: differentiating between bankruptcy, voluntary liquidation and M&A
Follow-on financing of venture capital backed companies
Institutional frameworks, venture capital and the financing of European new technology based firms
Handboek bedrijfsfinanciering
(2012) -
Financiering van ondernemerschap: een vergelijkende studie van het financieringsgedrag in Belgische en Europese ondernemingen
Acquisities van grote ondernemingen: impact op de waarde van aandeelhouders en concurrenten
- Book Chapter
- open access
The post-acquisition performance of acquired entrepreneurial firms
The influence of experiential, inherited and external knowledge on the internationalization of venture capital firms
Cross-border venture capital and the development of portfolio companies
Reassessing the relationships between private equity investors and their portfolio companies
Groeikapitaal en buy-outs: gids in België
(2011) -
Guide du capital de croissance et du buy-out en Belgique
(2011) -
A longitudinal study on the relationship between financial bootstrapping and new venture growth
From distress to exit: determinants of the time to exit
- Journal Article
- A2
- open access
The post-acquisition performance of acquired entrepreneurial firms
Pecking order and debt capacity considerations for high-growth companies seeking financing
Resources access needs and capabilities as mediators of the relationship between VC firm size and syndication
Partner selection decisions in interfirm collaborations: the paradox of relational embeddedness
- Journal Article
- A2
- open access
Le capital-risque, accélérateur de croissance
- Journal Article
- A2
- open access
The planned decision to transfer an entrepreneurial company
International private equity flows
The sagacity of Sigasi: financing an innovative start-up with limited resources
The impact of bootstrap strategies on new venture development: a longitudinal study
Cross-border venture capital and the development of portfolio companies
Assessment of government funding of business angel networks in Flanders
- Conference Paper
- C1
- open access
Entrepreneurs' knowledge about financing alternatives: impact of human and social capital
Private equity syndication: agency costs, reputation and collaboration
De financiering van Vlaamse Gazellen: het belang van interne middelen, bankschulden en aandelenkapitaal
The impact of human and social capital on entrepreneurs' knowledge of finance alternatives
From distress to exit: determinants of the time to exit
(2009) -
The planned decision to transfer an entrepreneurial company
(2009) -
Venture capital gids in België
(2009) -
Guide du venture capital en Belgique
(2009) -
Private equity involvement and earnings quality
International private equity flows
De evolutie van de ondernemingswaarde van ondernemingen gefinancierd met risicokapitaal
Waarborgregeling steunpunt ondernemingen en internationaal ondernemen
(2008) -
Merger & acquisitions activity in Flanders
(2008) -
Case Pizza Hut Belgium B: The exit of the Buy-Out Fund + Teaching note
Onderzoek naar de behoefte aan en modaliteiten van mezzaninefinanciering aan KMO's
Verslag Kortetermijn project 'Waarborgregeling'
(2008) -
M & A Activity in Flanders
(2008) -
Venture capital in Vlaanderen 2006-2007: een eerste analyse van Arkimedes
(2008) -
Private equity investments and disclosure policy
The change in ownership after a buyout: impact on performance
Handboek bedrijfsfinanciering: theorie en praktijk
(2008) -
How international are European venture capital firms ?
Overheidsmaatregelen voor startersfinanciering
Towards an evolutionary model of the entrepreneurial financing process: insights from biotechnology startups
Case Basic Textiles + Teaching note
Case Pizza Hut Belgium A: The management buy-out of Pizza Hut Belgium + Teaching note