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Maximal directions of monotonicity of an aggregation function
Curved splicing of copulas
On the degree of asymmetry of a quasi-copula with respect to a curve
Cutting levels of the winning probability relation of random variables pairwisely coupled by a same Frank copula
The Frank inequality
On the construction of radially symmetric copulas in higher dimensions
- Conference Paper
- P1
- open access
On the construction of radially symmetric trivariate copulas
- Conference Paper
- C3
- open access
Intermediate classes between quasi-copulas and copulas in higher dimensions
An analytical description of the time-integrated Brownian bridge
Multivariate upper semilinear copulas
- Conference Paper
- C3
- open access
Construction of flipping-invariant functions in higher dimensions
- Conference Paper
- C3
- open access
A method to construct radially symmetric trivariate copulas
Focal copulas: a common framework for various classes of semilinear copulas
Characterization of copulas with given diagonal and opposite diagonal sections
Multivariate Bertino copulas
On the relationship between modular functions and copulas
The role of generalized convexity in conic copula constructions
Semiquadratic copulas based on horizontal and vertical interpolation
A frequentist view on cycle-transitivity of reciprocal relations
Best-possible bounds on the set of copulas with given degree of non-exchangeability
Closing reciprocal relations w.r.t. stochastic transitivity
Ortholinear and paralinear semi-copulas
- Journal Article
- A1
- open access
Cycle-free cuts of mutual rank probability relations
On the construction of semiquadratic copulas
Linear optimization with bipolar max-min constraints
On the existence of a trivariate copula with given values of a trivariate quasi-copula at several points
On a conjecture about the Frank copula family
Lower semiquadratic copulas with a given diagonal section
A necessary 4-cycle condition for dice representability of reciprocal relations
- Conference Paper
- P1
- open access
Biconic semi-copulas with a given section
(2013) Advances in Intelligent Systems Research. In Advances in Intelligent Systems Research 32. p.565-568 -
Order-theoretical tools to support risk assessment of chemicals
Biconic aggregation functions
Binary survival aggregation functions
Optimal monotone relabelling of partially non-monotone ordinal data
Piecewise linear aggregation functions based on triangulation
Constructing copulas with given diagonal and opposite diagonal sections
Approximation of average ranks in posets
On the cycle-transitivity of the mutual rank probability relation of a poset
Lipschitz continuity of copulas w.r.t. L-p-norms
Counting linear extension majority cycles in partially ordered sets on up to 13 elements
A family-based association test to detect gene-gene interactions in the presence of linkage
On an idempotent transformation of aggregation functions and its application on absolutely continuous Archimedean copulas
Flipping and cyclic shifting of binary aggregation functions
On the transitivity of a parametric family of cardinality-based similarity measures
Optimal strategies for symmetric matrix games with partitions
Loss optimal monotone relabeling of noisy multi-criteria data sets
Orbital semilinear copulas
Differential inequality conditions for dominance between continuous Archimedean t-norms
A generalization of the Mulholland inequality for continuous Archimedean t-norms
- Journal Article
- A1
- open access
How potential users of music search and retrieval systems describe the semantic quality of music
Properties of mutual rank probabilities in partially ordered sets
A hitchhiker's guide to poset ranking
New operations for informative combination of two partial order relations with illustrations on pollution data
Informative combination of multiple partial order relations
A family-based association test for quantitative traits to detect gene-gene interactions
Monotone relabling of partially non-monotone data for different types of monotonicity
Cauchy problem with fuzzy initial condition and its approximate solution with the help of fuzzy transform
On the cycle-transitive comparison of artificially coupled random variables
Cycle-transitivity is all around
On the random generation of monotone data sets
Monotone relabeling of partially non-monotone data: restoring regular or stochastic monotonicity
The omnipresence of cycle-transitivity in the comparison of random variables
Asymmetric semilinear copulas
On the random generation and counting of weak order extensions of a poset with given class cardinalities
On the transitivity of the comonotonic and countermonotonic comparison of random variables
Extreme copulas and the comparison of ordered lists
Extremes of the mass distribution associated with a trivariate quasi-copula
A lattice-theoretic approach to computing averaged ranks illustrated on pollution data in Baden-Wurttenberg
Directional adjustment of average rankings of two posets: an application to herb layer and tree layer pollution in Baden-Württemberg
Towards graded and non-graded variants of stochastic dominance
Improved monotone relabeling of partially non-monotone data
Mulholland's inequality and differential conditions for strict t-norms
A new diagonal construction for copulas
Orthogonal grid constructions of copulas
Mining fatty acid databases for detection of novel compounds in aerobic bacteria
Factors affecting music retrieval in query-by-melody
Cyclic evaluation of transitivity of reciprocal relations
On the dominance relation between ordinal sums of conjunctors
UPGMA clustering revisited: A weight-driven approach to transitive approximation
Exploiting the lattice of ideals representation of a poset
Meta-theorems on inequalities for scalar fuzzy set cardinalities
Optimal strategies for equal-sum dice games
Graded Stochastic dominance as a tool for ranking the elements of a poset
Identities and inequalities on fuzzy set cardinalities
On the role of maximal independent sets in cleaning data sets for supervised ranking.
- Conference Paper
- C1
- open access
A user-dependent approach to the perception of high-level semantics of music
Tree-based versus distance-based key recognition in musical audio
Transitivity-preserving fuzzification schemes for cardinality-based similarity measures
Knowledge accumulation and resolution of data inconsistencies during the integration of microbial information sources
Transitive comparison of random variables
Cycle-transitive comparison of independent random variables
Transitivity frameworks for reciprocal relations: cycle-transitivity versus FG-transitivity
The complete linkage clustering algorithm revisited
Copulas and the pairwise comparison of ordered lists
A new approach to stochastic dominance
Optimal strategies of some symmetric matrix games
On the min-transitive approximation of symmetric fuzzy relations
From the comparison of ordered lists to the construction of copulas
Generalized stochastic transitivity for probabilistic relations