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- Conference Paper
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Limited variability in biological durability of thermally modified timber using vacuum based technology
Kiln drying of poplar wood at low temperature: beam distortions in relation to wood density, tension wood occurrence and moisture distribution
High quality thermal treatment using vacuum based technology to come to more homogeneous durability
Fungal decay resistance and durability of organosilicon-treated wood
Potential contribution of organosilicon compounds to reduced leaching of biocides in wood protection
In situ, in vitro and in silico analysis of coating performance
- Journal Article
- A1
- open access
X-ray tomography as a tool for detailed anatomical analysis
- Journal Article
- A1
- open access
Preventive action of organosilicon treatments against disfigurement of wood under laboratory and outdoor conditions
Fungal disfigurement of exterior wood coatings: from subjective rating towards 3D/4D objectivity
- Journal Article
- A1
- open access
Methodology to assess both the efficacy and ecotoxicology of preservative-treated and modified wood
In silico weathering of a coating: a theoretical approach
Service life prediction of wood: scale-dependent tools within a bio-engineering framework
Preservative treatment of willow wood (Salix alba): product retention and spatial distribution
Three-dimensional imaging and analysis of infested coated wood with X-ray submicron CT
Experimental and theoretical behavior of exterior wood coatings subjected to artificial weathering
- Journal Article
- A1
- open access
End-use related physical and mechanical properties of selected fast-growing poplar hybrids (Populus trichocarpa x P-deltoides)
- Journal Article
- A1
- open access
Composition, distribution and supposed origin of mineral inclusions in sessile oak wood - consequences for microdensitometrical analysis
Modelling film formation and degradation of semi-transparent exterior wood coatings
Physicochemical monitoring of wood coating degradation related to fungal disfigurement
Laboratory testing and computer simulation of blue stain growth on and in wood coatings
- Journal Article
- A2
- open access
Microstructural and physical aspects of heat treated wood, part 1: softwood
- Journal Article
- A2
- open access
Microstructural and physical aspects of heat treated wood, part 2: hardwoods
Assessment of blue-stain resistance according to the EN 152 and a reverse test method using visual and computer-aided techniques
Adhesion and weathering performance of waterborne coatings applied to different temperate and tropical wood species
Image processing as a tool for assessment and analysis of blue stain discolouration of coated wood
- Journal Article
- A1
- open access
Predispositions and symptoms of Agrilus borer attack in declining oak trees
Quantitative measurement of the penetration of water-borne coatings in wood with confocal lasermicroscopy and image analysis
Biological durability of wood in relation to end-use - Part 2: The use of an accelerated outdoor L-joint performance test
Biological durability of wood in relation to end-use - Part 1. Towards a European standard for laboratory testing of the biological durability of wood
Houttechnologisch populierenonderzoek: de Belgische markt van populier in perspectief
Effect of protective additives on leachability and efficacy of borate treated wood.
Creosote losses due to ageing methods prior to laboratory efficacy testing.
Elevated atmospheric CO2 alters wood production, wood quality and wood strength of Scots pine (Pinus sylvestris L) after three years of enrichment.
Advances in wood preservation in Europe.
(2001) -
Effect of some formulation parameters on the penetration and adhesion of water-borne primers into wood.
Quantitative assessment of the penetration of water-borne and solvent-borne wood coatings in Scots pine sapwood.
Gebruik van grondstoffen: hout
Balanceren in de houtverduurzamingsdriehoek
The significance of accelerated laboratory testing methods determining the natural durability of wood.
Aquatic toxicity research of structural materials
(1998) -
An appraisal of methods for environmental testing of leachates from salt-treated wood, part 1
(1998) -
Environmental fate of Copper-based wood preservatives in different soil substrates, part 1: screening of the metal adsorption potential
Environmental fate of Copper-based wood preservatives in different soil substrates. Part 2: Study of the metal sorprion and migration potential under simulated rainfall
Performance of finishes on wood that is chemically modified by acetylation.
Variations in specific gravity within the progeny of two poplar crossings - relations to rate of growth and disease resistance
Populier, een pionierhoutsoort
The development of blue-stain in service in sapwood of European softwood species
A new concept of wood durability for out of ground contact using accelerated L-joint testing
High temperature drying of fresh sawn poplar wood in an experimental convective dryer.
A comparison between different accelerated test methods for the determination of the natural durability of wood
Laboratory culturing and decay testing with Physiporinus vitreus and Donkioporia expansa originating from identical cooling tower environments show major differences
The influence of wood preservative treatments on the mechanical strength of plywood
Is laboratory testing of decay resistance questionable as a criterion for natural durability ?
Modelling of copper emission from treated wood leached according to NEN 7345 and ENV 1250.2
Poplar diseases, consequences on growth and wood quality.
Effect of leaching temperature and water acidity on the loss of metal elements from CCA treated timber in aquatic applications, part 1: laboratory scale investigation
(1995) -
Effect of leaching temperature and water acidity on the loss of metal elements from CCA treated timber in aquatic applications, part 2: semi-industrial investigation
Comparative study of leaching of CCA from treated timber: modelling of emission data
(1994) -
Potential use of an emulsified tar oil fraction as a wood preservative: preliminary technological and environmental assessment
(1994) -
Houttechnologisch populierenonderzoek helpt industrie en wetenschap in het streven naar een kwalitatief hoogwaardig produkt
Laboratory experiments on aerial emissions from wood treated with wood stains
Populierenonderzoek : technologisch onderzoek helpt eigen houtvoorzieningen te verhogen
Effect of process conditions on moisture content and decay resistance of hydro-thermally treated wood.
Houttechnologisch wilgenonderzoek. Biedt wilg een alternatief voor de Belgische populierenverwerkende industrie? Silva Belgica, 6, 2001, 26-31.
Stem form, volume and dry matter production in a 12 year old circular Neider plantation of Populus trichocarpa x deltoides 'Beaupré'. Proc. 19th Session of the Intern. Poplar Commission, 1992, 8 p., (in press).
Comparative study of blue stain resistance of various types of wood stains after artificial and natural weathering. Proc. 23rd Annual meeting of the In tern. Research Group on Wood Preservation, Document IRG/WP/2411-92, 1992, 12 p.
Xenon simulation of natural weathering of external joinery preserving - fi nishing systems. Proc. 23rd Annual meeting of the Intern. Research Group on Wood Preservation. Document IRG/WP/2412-92,1992,13 p.
Some technological properties of poplar wood from fast-growing Belgian clones. Intern. Union of Forestry Research Organizations. Proc. IUFRO Di vision 5 'Forest Products, 1992, Vol. 1, 161-162.
Characterization of fast-growing Belgian poplar clones for industrial trans formations. Proc. 19th Session of the Intern. Poplar Commission, 1992, 12 p., (in press).
Improvement in decay resistance of some commercial plywoods by water-borne and solventborne preservative treatments. Intern. Union of Forestry Research Organizations. Proc. IUFRO Division 5 'Forest Products', 1992 Vol. 1, 404.
Stem form, volume and dry matter production in a 12 year old circular Nelder plantation of Populus trichocarpa x deltoides 'Beaupré'. Proceedings of the 19th Session of the International Poplar Commission (IPC). Zaragossa, 1992, 8 p.
Houttechnologisch onderzoek voor de evaluatie en opwaardering van populierenhout in industriële toepassingen (XYLINDUS V.Z.W.), eindrapport 1988-1992, 229 p., 65 tabb., 137 figg.
Forme du tronc, volume et production de matière sèche dans une plantation de 12 ans en forme de cercle, du clone Populus trichocarpa x deltoides 'Beaupré'. Bulletin trimestriel Centre de Populiculture du Hainaut, 1993, nr 1, pp. 32-34.
Stem form, volume and dry matter production in a twelve year old circular Nelder plantation of Populus trichocarpa x deltoides 'Beaupré'. The Forestry Chronicle, Canadian Institute of Forestry, 1993, nr 6, pp. 72-77, 3 figg., 1 tabb.
Houttechnologisch onderzoek voor de evaluatie en opwaardering van populierenhout in industriële toepassingen (XYLINDUS V.Z.W.), rapport 01/12/92 - 31/08/93, 122 p., 19 figg., 50 tabb.
Justification technologique de l'utilisation de bois en menuiseries extérieures. Courrier du Bois, Bureau National de Documentation sur le Bois, Bruxelles, 1993, nr 103, 5 p., 2 tabb.
Préservation du bois et écotaxes. Situation de la préservation du bois en Belgique en 1993 suite à la normalisation européenne et à l'application d'une écotaxe sur les produits de préservation du bois. Courrier du Bois. Bureau National de Document ation sur le Bois, Bruxelles, 1993, No 101, 9 p., 5 tabb., 6 foto's.
Houtbescherming en ecotaks. Toestand van de houtbescherming in België anno 1993 met de Europese normalisatie en de toepassing van de ecotaks op houtbeschermingsprodukten. Houtnieuws, Nationaal Houtvoorlichtingsbureau, Brussel, 1993, nr 101, 9 p., 5 tabb., 6 foto's.
Hout in de bouw: een bio-ecologische benadering. Studiedag Bio-ecologisch bouwen. Proceedings KIH De Nayer, Mechelen, 1993, 10 p.
Some technological properties of poplar wood from fast-growing Belgian clones. International Union of Forestry Research Organizations. Proceedings of the IUFRO Division 5 'Forest Products'-Conference. Nancy, 1992, 8 p., 8 figg.
Characterization of fast-growing Belgian poplar clones for industrial transformations. Proceedings of the 19th Session of the International Poplar Commission (IPC). Zaragossa, 1992, 12 p., 10 figg., 2 tabb.
Improvement in decay resistance of some commercial plywoods by waterborne and solventborne preservative treatments. International Union of Forestry Research Organizations. Proceedings of the IUFRO Division 5 'Forest Products'-Conference. Nancy, 1992,' 9 p., 7 figg., 3 tabb.
Variation in the decay resitance of plywood. Proceedings of IUFRO S.03.02 Symposium: Protection of Wood-based Composite Products. Orlando, 1993, pp. 79-87, 4 figg., 6 tabb.
Effect of various preservative treatments on the mechanical and physical properties of plywood. Orlando. Document IRG/WP/93-40007, 1993, 15 p., 6 figg., 5 tabb.
Resistance of acetylated wood to Basidiomycetes, soft rot and blue stain. The international research group on wood preservation, doc. IRG/WP/94-40021, 1994, 11 p.
Dimensional stability and decay of wood upon modification with some new type chemical reactants. The international research group on wood preservation, doc. IRG/WP/94-40028, 1994, 14 p.
Variability of poplar wood in particularly wood density. International Poplar Commission, Working party on logging and utilization of poplar wood, Izmit, Turkey, 1994, 12 p.
Improved evaluation of gluing properties using requirements based on combined performance criteria. Proceedings of the first international conference on the development of wood science/technology & forestry, 1994, ISBN 0 948314 15 X, 15 p.
Highly virulent wood-rotting Basiodiomycetes in cooling towers. The International Research Group on Wood Preservation, 1995, Document IRG/WP/95-10125, 6 p., 2 tabb.
Investigation into the heterogeneous nature of the impregnability of some poplar hybrids.
The International Research Group on Wood Preservation, 1995, Document IRGAVP/95-40052, 12 p., 4 tabb., 4 figg.
The influence of wood preservative treatments on the mechanical strength of plywood Cost 508 Wood Mechanics Workshop on Mechanical Properties of Panel Products (Watford, UK), 1995, 17 p.
Ongekende eigenschappen van onze Vlaamse populier.
Houthandel en Nijverheid, 1996, nr 71, pp. 7-8.
Decay resistance of high performance biocomposites based on chemically modified fibres. The International Reseach Group on Wood Preservation, IRG/WP 98-40120, 1998, 1 lp.
Quantitative analysis of the penetration of water-borne primers into wood by means of fluorescence microscopy. Advances in Exterior Wood Coatings and CEN Standardisation, 19-21 October 1998, Brussels, 1998, 16p.
Watergedragen afwerkingssystemen voor buitenschrijnwerk. Houtnieuws, 122, 1998, 29-34.
The impact of resin treatments on the mechanical properties of solid wood. Cost Action E8 Workshop 'Mechanical performance of non-standard wood' 11-12 May, Florence, 1998, 16p.
Blue stain resistance of exterior wood coatings as a function of their typology. The International Research Group on Wood Preservation, IRG/WP, 98-20145, 1998, 1 lp.