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Arcobacter cibarius sp nov., isolated from broiler carcasses
Discrepancies between the isolation of Salmonella from mesenteric lymph nodes and the results of serological screening in slaughter pigs
Prevalence, enumeration and strain variation of Arcobacter species in the faeces of healthy cattle in Belgium
Evaluation and validation of different screenings tests for tetracyclines residues in animal tissues
Evaluation and validation of different screening tests for tetracycline resiudes in animal tissues
Risk factors for the herd-level bacteriologic prevalence of Salmonella in Belgian slaughter pigs
Occurrence and strain diversity of Arcobacter species isolated from healthy Belgian pigs
Evaluation and establishing the performance of different screening tests for tetracycline residues in animal tissues
- Journal Article
- A3
- open access
Arcobacter, een nieuwe voedselpathogeen in de schaduw van de thermofiele campylobacters
Thermofiele campylobacters : belangrijke voedselgeassocieerde humane pathogenen
Correlation between bacteriology of lymph nodes and serology for salmonella dignoses in sleughter pigs
Risk factors for the prevalence of Salmonella in belgian slaughter pigs
Campylobacter contamination during slaughter of poultry
The occurence and strain diversity of arcobacter in animal faeces
The occurence of arcobacter in living poultry and on poultry meat
Molecular characterization of Escherichia coli O157 contamination routes in a cattle slaughterhouse
Molecular characterization of Arcobacter isolates collected in a poultry slaughterhouse
Isolation of Arcobacter species from animal feces
Sensitivity of methods for the isolation of Escherichia coli O157 from naturally infected bovine faeces
Isolation and molecular characterization of Escherichia coli O157 isolated from cattle, pigs and chickens at slaughter
Simultaneous determination of different antibiotic residues in bovine and in porcine kidneys by solid-phase fluorescence immunoassay
Occurrence and distribution of Arcobacter species in poultry processing.
Assessment of the genetic diversity among arcobacters isolated from poultry products by using two PCR-based typing methods.
Isolation and characterization of enterohaemorrhagic Escherichia coli O157: H7 from cattle in Belgium and Poland.
- Journal Article
- A3
- open access
De beheersing van Salmonella-infecties in de varkenshouderij met betrekking tot de voedselveiligheid
Automatische Bewertung von Broiler-Schlachtkörpern mittels Bildsystemen
Development of a new protocol for the isolation and quantification of Arcobacter species from poultry products.
Susceptibility of Arcobacter butzleri, Arcobacter cryaerophilus, and Arcobacter skirrowii to antimicrobial agents used in selective media.
Inhibition tests for detection and presumptive identification of tetracyclines, beta-lactam antibiotics and quinolones in poultry meat.
The dioxin crisis in Belgium, some facts and figures
Arcobacter a new foodborne pathogen? Prevalence of Arcobacter in Belgian poultry flocks.
An inhibition test intended to detect and to differentiate between penicillins, cephalosporins, tetracyclines and quinolones, for use in muscle tissue from different animal species
Voorkomen van Enterohemorrhagische coli bij Belgische runderen.
Development of a multiplex PCR assay for the simultaneous detection and identification of Arcobacter butzleri, Arcobacter cryaerophilus and Arcobacter skirrowii.
Effect of the incubation conditions on the detection limit of Campylobacter jejuni in food.
Effect of the incubation conditions and the presence of food in the enrichment broth on the detection limit of Campylobacter jejuni in food.
Microbial spoilage and meat safety.
Prevalence of E. coli O157: H7 in Belgian cattle
Evalution of media and test kits for the detection and isolation of Escherichia coli O157 from cattle feces
E. coli en de situering van verocytotoxinogene stammen
Oude en nieuwe opsporingstechnieken voor antibioticaresiduen in het kader van de huidige Belgische en Europese wetgeving
Identities of the Pseudomonas spp. in flora from chilled chicken.
A numerical taxonomic study of the Pseudomonas flora isolated from poultry meat.
Inspectie en levensmiddelenwetgeving
Detection of antibiotics in muscle tissue with microbiological inhibition tests: effects of the matrix.
Evaluation of the European four-plate test as a tool for screening antibiotic residues in meat samples from retail outlets.
Age determination of cattle based on the number of fully-developed incisors of the lower jaw.
Detection of residues of tetracycline antibiotics in pork and chicken meat: Correlation between results of screening and confirmatory tests.
Interpretatie van resultaten van screeningstesten toegepast bij het opsporen van residuen in eetwaren van dierlijke oorsprong
Hormonen en vlees : een maatschappijprobleem
A one-plate microbiological screening test for antibiotic residue testing in kidney tissue and meat : an alternative to the EEC four-plate method?
Comparative quality of meat from double muscled and normal beef cattle
Welk vlees heeft men in de kuip ?
Hormonen en vlees: gezondheidsrisico's?
Limitations of rapid culture methods for the isolation of Salmonella from poultry
Rapid detection of salmonella from meat using a short preenrichment step followed by motility enrichment
One day detection of Salmonella from poultry
Hot-boning and acid decontamination : a technology for developing-countries 1. hot-boning vs cold-boning : microbiological and economic-aspects
The fate of Listeria monocytogenes in dry fermented sausage. Proc. Listeria 1992, ISOPOL XI, Kopenhagen/Denemarken, 1992, pp. 325-326.
Higiena Zywnosci, Jakosc micsa w produkcji nowego fypu woluwiny. Me-dycyna Weterynaryjna, 1991,47, nr. 12, pp. 529-533.
Influence of nutrition on meat quality in double muscled bulls. 38th Intern. Cong. Meat Sei. and Techn., Clermont-Ferrand/Frankrijk, 1992, Vol. 2, pp. 153-156.
Other microorganisms of concern in poultry processing: pseudomonas species, E. coli O157:H7. Proc. of Meeting 9 'Prevention and control of potentially pathogenic microorganisms in poultry and poultry meat processing' Flair N° 6, Wageningen, Nederland, 1993, pp. 12-15.
Identificatie van Pseudomonas species in vlees van gevogelte, een case study. Proc.KVCV Symposium, Leuven, Belgium, 29 okt.1992, pp.67-78, 5 figg., 1 tab.
Listeria in onze voeding: hoe groot is het risico ? Proc. WAVFH-Symposium on Public Health and bacterial zoonoses, St.Niklaas, Belgium, 30 sept. 1993, 1 fig., 3 tabb.
Comparison of four methods in the identification of Pseudomonas species in poultry. Proc. 11th European Symposium on the Quality of Poultry and Poultry meat., Tours, France, 4-8 okt.1993, Vol.1, pp.494-499, 2 figg., 4 tabb.
Comparison of four isolation methods for the recovery of Salmonella from freshly slaughtered poultry. Proceedings 11th World WAVFH-Symposium, Bangkok, Thailand, 24-29 okt 1993, pp. 505-508, 3 tabb.
Campylobacter in poultry: a study of different detection methods for the use in surveillance programmes. Proc. 4th World Congress Foodborne Infections and Intoxications, Berlijn (Duitsland), 1998, 308-309.
Evolution and characterezation of Pseudomonas spp. in poultry meat spoilage. Proc. World Congress on Food Hygiene, Den Haag, augustus 1997, NL.
Antibiotica-residuen bij slachtvarkens: opsporen in nieren of in spieren ? Proc. BAMST studiedag 'Actueel onderzoek over vlees en vleesproducten in België', 38-40.