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Het werk van Frans de Waal en de betekenis ervan voor de criminologie
(2025) PANOPTICON. -
Het (norm)doel heiligt de middelen, ook bij een toevalstreffer
Extraterritoriality before the inter-American Commission
- Journal Article
- A1
- open access
The politics of legal facts : the erasure of pushback evidence from the European Court of Human Rights
- Journal Article
- A1
- open access
Crime within a bandwidth : testing 'the law of crime concentration at place' in Brussels
- Journal Article
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Graffiti writers choose locations that optimize exposure
Loot boxes as part of a layered platform ecosystem : a multidisciplinary perspective
- Journal Article
- A1
- open access
Genital modifications in prepubescent minors : when may clinicians ethically proceed?
Transitional justice and the struggle for reparations for slavery and its ongoing legacies in the United States : Joyce Hope Scott in conversation with Cira Pallí-Asperó and Tine Destrooper
‘Mundus vult decipi’ : the (lack of) consequences of a large-scale match-fixing scandal on Belgian football
Suspect, officer, and situational dynamics underlying violent resistance against police : a critical interpretative synthesis
Algemeen bestuursrecht : grondslagen en beginselen
(2025) -
Unravelling the Zheyun Ye football scandal : a crime script analysis of the modus operandi to commit money laundering and tax fraud
It’s a man’s world but it would be nothing without a woman : the involvement of women in Belgian synthetic drugs trafficking
- Book Chapter
- open access
Revisiting the EU-Ukraine Association Agreement: A Crucial Instrument on the Road to Membership
Learning from the past? How the Khmer Rouge Tribunal, civil society initiatives and survivor stories shape young Cambodians’ understanding of non-recurrence
Public–private partnerships in alarm monitoring and filtering : a Belgian case study into intrusion alarm management
- Journal Article
- A1
- open access
Development of a measure of anti-rape attitudes as a potential protective factor against rape perpetration
The grayness of match-fixing : a study of the prevalence and sanctionability of non-betting-related match-fixing in football and tennis
- Journal Article
- A1
- open access
Intentions to steal : how equal is the interplay between anticipated moral emotions and self-serving justifications across male and female young people?
- Journal Article
- A1
- open access
Smarter homes, smarter surveillance? Exploring intimate surveillance practices in modern day households
Regulae iuris in the legal historical perspective : essential stability vs evolving contexts
Ilya Kotlyar (UGent) -
Roman and medieval juristic regulae and brocarda from the structuralist perspective : real entities or 'signs'?
Light pollution regulations and where to find them
- Journal Article
- A1
- open access
Entry mechanisms into the Belgian synthetic drugs market
- Journal Article
- A1
- open access
Financial crime scripting : an analytical method to generate, organise and systematise knowledge on the financial aspects of profit-driven crime
Are cannabis use problems comparable across individuals using for recreational and medical purposes? An international cross-sectional study of individuals who use self-grown cannabis
Neither laissez-faire nor prohibition : the khat regulation policy preferences of people who chew khat and local social service providers in Ethiopia
- Journal Article
- A2
- open access
Exploring the landscape of sentencing for terrorist offenders : a scoping review
Green finance in bulk shipping
- Journal Article
- A1
- open access
Conceptualizing fairness in the secondary use of health data for research : a scoping review
- Journal Article
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- open access
Should football care about its fans’ trust? A study into the consequences of a large-scale fraud scandal on sports fans’ integrity perceptions
Transformative justice and the need for a multi-dimensional understanding of impact
Extraterritoriality before the inter-American Court
Disentangling public perceptions of private security: Analysing the role of legitimacy in citizens' intentions to cooperate with private security officers
(2024) -
The right not to use the internet
- Miscellaneous
- open access
Third party intervention in the case of Semenya v Switzerland (Grand Chamber)
(2024) -
- Journal Article
- A2
- open access
De vrijheid van onderwijs als bevoegdheidsverdelende regel : een grondrecht en rechtsgrond voor samenwerking tussen de overheid en onderwijsverstrekkers
Meer differentiatie in het lerarenberoep? Een (on)gelijke behandeling van leraren op basis van hun opleiding
Pro-sociale preferenties gemeten aan de hand van games en gevalideerde meetschalen : maakt de keuze van het meetinstrument een verschil?
R. M. Sapolsky, Determined : a science of life without free will
'In the end you keep silent' : help-seeking behavior upon sexual victimization in older adults
Rechtspraakoverzicht van het Europees Hof van Justitie met betrekking tot het Europees onderzoeksbevel 2020-2023
Police identity checks in Belgium : a critical media content analysis
Brusselse jeugddelinquenten : een andere taal, een ander regime
Controles BV-vrijstellingen en nieuwe verlengde onderzoekstermijn voor 2024
Mensenrechten dwingen tot verdergaande emissiereducties in historisch klimaatarrest
Ambitions et limites de la Stratégie de l'Union européenne pour la coopération dans l’indo-Pacifique
- Journal Article
- A2
- open access
Trading repaired and refurbished goods : how sustainable is EU exhaustion of trade marks?
- Journal Article
- A1
- open access
Mental and physical health morbidity among people in prisons : an umbrella review
De potentiële impact van het BBNJ-verdrag op de scheepvaart
Notariële aandachtspunten bij de uitrol van warmtenetinfrastructuur
De buitengrens verduidelijkt : geen vereffening rechtsplegingsvergoeding in burgerlijke zaken zonder opgave ervan
Procedurele milieurechten en diepzeemijnbouw : recente ontwikkelingen
Consumentenkoop van een matras
Opzeg vs. dreiging tot opzeg van een bankrelatie : enkele juridische overwegingen naar Belgisch recht
BV-vrijstelling ploegenarbeid : nieuw keuzestelsel zorgt voor rechtszekerheid
Dispense de versement du Pr P pour travail en équipe : le nouveau système de choix garantit la sécurité juridique
Our men in Brussels
Marc Cools (UGent) , Emmanuel Debruyne, Mathias Desmet (UGent) , Pieter Leloup (UGent) , Robin Libert, Robin Liefferinckx, Guy Rapaille, Vincent Seron and Kathleen Van Acker -
Lezing naar aanleiding van de bevelsoverdracht van de Inlichtingenen Veiligheidsschool (IVS) – te Heverlee op 26 januari 2023
Nieuwe regels voor consumentenkoop en digitale inhoud en digitale diensten : analyse van de implementatie van Europees recht in Nederland en België
Brussel, een balie, twee ordes = Bruxelles, un barreau, deux ordres
François Bruyns and Sebastiaan Vandenbogaerde (UGent)(2024) -
World Ports Tracker Q4 2023
(2024) -
Regional analysis of liner shipping connectivity : what does the revised LSCI reveal?
Lezing naar aanleiding van de opruststelling van Jaak Raes, Administrateur-generaal van de Veiligheid van de Staat, op 26 april 2024 te Brussel.
(2024) -
- Miscellaneous
- open access
Préface : l’intelligence portuaire et les ports intelligents
- Book Chapter
- open access
De gerechtelijke vereffening en verdeling van het huwelijksvermogen en/of de nalatenschap : beschouwingen bij de recente cassatierechtspraak
(2024) Het familiaal vermogensrecht na de codificatie. In Postuniversitaire Cyclus Willy Delva 49. p.675-715 -
The unknown innovator : Switzerland and the beginning of the Investment Treaty Regime
- Journal Article
- A1
- open access
Beyond the risk factors of sports-related match-fixing : testing the applicability of situational action theory
3, 2, 1, Belspo-aanmelding… start!
- Journal Article
- A1
- open access
Do moral values moderate the relationship between immigrant-school concentration and violent offending? A cross-level interaction analysis of self-reported violence in Sweden
Diálogos transatlânticos sobre a metodologia da historiografia do direito
Legitimação divina do poder judicial e seu impacto na cultura material da justiça na Europa e no Brasil
O estado de direito na Flandres medieval
História do direito tradicional e história do direito contextual
A sucessão ab intestato no direito feudal flamengo durante os séculos XIV e XV
Os precursores da Organização Internacional do Trabalho como exemplos de comunidades epistêmicas : diálogos entre Europa e Brasil
Periódicos jurídicos na Bélgica e no Brasil do século XIX : percursos e contrapontos
História digital do direito
Os conceitos de 'Nação' e de 'Estado' em François Laurent entre os debates doutrinários brasileiros de direito internacional privado (1902-1970)
Reflexões metodológicas sobre a história do direito internacional público
Métodos da historiografia do direito contemporânea : olhares cruzados entre a Bélgica e o Brasil
Georges Martyn (UGent) and Arno Dal Ri Júnior(2024) -
- Miscellaneous
- open access
European Court of Human Rights : Narbutas v. Lithuania
- Miscellaneous
- open access
European Court of Human Rights : Allée v. France
- Miscellaneous
- open access
European Court of Human Rights : Podchasov v. Russia and Škoberne v. Slovenia
- Miscellaneous
- open access
European Court of Human Rights : Tariq Ramadan v. France
- Miscellaneous
- open access
European Court of Human Rights : Avramchuk v. Ukraine and Eastern Ukrainian Centre for Public Initiatives v. Ukraine
- Miscellaneous
- open access
European Court of Human Rights : Bild GmbH & Co. KG v. Germany
- Miscellaneous
- open access
Review of Ed Jones Corredera, The Diplomatic Enlightenment. Spain, Europe, and the Age of Speculation, ISBN 9789004469068
- Miscellaneous
- open access
Criminaliteit en de aanpak ervan_DEEL VIII_Een evolutionaire blik op bendegeweld
(2024) -
Financial crime scripting : intelligencegestuurd én datagedreven?
(2024) -
Animal rights - ways to improve global animal welfare
Samenwerking CLB's
Ontbinding wegens wanprestatie van uitgaveovereenkomst
- Journal Article
- A1
- open access
Can social concern theory explain quarantine-related misbehavior during the COVID-19 pandemic? An inquiry in the urban context of Iran
Remembering martial law : an eco-system of truth initiatives and the emergence of narrative documentation in the Philippines
Charting progress: A comparative analysis of national LGBTIQ equality action plans in the EU
(2024) -
Arbeidsrecht # HRM