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Wilt ghi horen een nuwe liet / van datter cortelings is gheschiet : het Middelnederlandse politieke populaire lied vóór de Reformatie (1300-1560)
(2025) -
The Secret Face of Empire. Espionage, Governance and the Habsburg Archives under Charles V, 1525-1550.
(2025) -
La gramaticalización del futuro y el condicional en iberorromance medieval : variación diatópica, difusión geográfica y contacto lingüístico
(2025) -
- PhD Thesis
- open access
Diverging from the normative reproductive life course. A qualitative approach to family building at advanced parental age
(2025) -
- PhD Thesis
- open access
The Poet–Monk Taixu and His Imagery World
(2025) -
Al-Jawāb ʿalā qtirāḥ al-Aḥbāb : een belangrijke historische bron, Syrische natievorming en de burgeroorlog van Damascus in 1860
(2024) -
Pluricentrisme in de praktijk : naar een methode voor de codificatie van grammaticale verschillen tussen Belgisch Nederlands en Nederlands Nederlands
(2024) -
Juegos del español : iterative design, evaluation and implementation of games with a purpose to enhance parts-of-speech tagging in a corpus of European Spanish dialects
(2024) -
Pieter Cristus en de post-Eyckiaanse schilders : archivalisch en materiaal-technisch onderzoek
(2024) -
Lazzaro Bastiani : a catalogue raisonné in the light of infrared reflectography analysis
(2024) -
Erfolgsfaktor Rubens? Das Projektmanagement für den feierlichen Einzug des Kardinalinfanten Ferdinand von Spanien in Antwerpen (1635)
(2024) -
Extended characters : opera’s fascination with reconfiguring the character-performer relationship in the twenty-first century
(2024) -
A multidisciplinary and multi-scale study of the medieval environment (9th-15th centuries) of the lower Ravenna plain through archival documentation and macro- and micro-plant remains analysis
(2024) -
'Werk in eigen streek!' Ontstaan en evolutie van een economisch beleid op maat van streken en regio's (België, tweede helft van de 20ste eeuw)
(2024) -
Clio in militaire dienst? Het Koninklijk Museum van het Leger (en van (de) Krijgsgeschiedenis) : een geschiedenis, 1911-2017
(2024) -
Evaluating the measurement of neural and behavioural correlates of musical influence during music making
(2024) -
Geuzenhoek : identity and coexistence in a protestant enclave in early modern Flanders
(2024) -
Universal dependencies for spoken Spanish
(2024) -
Latin epigraphy and the 'Vulgar' Latin vowel system (ca. 250 BCE - ca. 600 CE) : a qualitative, quantitative (and statistical) study based on the inscriptional sources of the city of Rome
(2024) -
The multicultural character of the settlement of Pyla-Kokkinokremos on Cyprus around 1200 BCE : ceramic analysis and interpretation
(2024) -
Navigating identities in political news : towards a better understanding of intersectional gendering in news reporting on women politicians
(2024) -
The wisdom of the cloud : an aspect-based sentiment analysis of professional and online literary criticism through the prism of four literary prizes
(2024) -
Confucianism and metaphysics : studies on the analects in Wei, Jin, southern and northern dynasties
(2024) -
Too hard to handle? How Flemish teachers respond to ethnic diversity in the classroom
(2024) -
Wedijver en samenwerking in de maritieme gemeenschappen aan de vijftiende-eeuwse Vlaamse zeekust
(2024) -
Documenting the sounds of the West-Coastal Bantu languages of the Lower Kasai region (DR Congo) : an integrated phonetic and diachronic-phonological approach
(2024) -
La spiegazione in italiano lingua straniera (IL2) : analisi di lezioni online durante il Covid-19 in Belgio
(2024) -
Recherches de sémantique et d’étymologie sur gr. ἀραρίσκω 'ajuster' et les mots apparentés
(2024) -
Von Müll und Menschen : Ökologische Imaginationen in deutschsprachiger Erzählprosa der Gegenwart
(2024) -
Netwijdte : de sublieme verbeelding van het internet in de Nederlandse en Vlaamse roman
(2024) -
Demystifying discourse in dutch : a study on event coreference resolution
(2024) -
Old stories for new times : Syriac historiographical excerpt collections (6th-10th c.)
(2024) -
Beyond the letter : (self-)presentation of Basil of Caesarea in his letters, letter collection, and manuscripts
(2024) -
- PhD Thesis
- open access
Alternating Dat-Nom/Nom-Dat verbs in German and Icelandic : a corpus study
(2024) -
Bioarchaeological perspectives on social inequality from classical Athens and Laurion
(2024) -
Rodenburg : een landschapsarcheologisch onderzoek naar vroege stadsontwikkeling in de Zwinregio (Aardenburg, provincie Zeeland, Nederland, ca. 300 - 1100 A.D.)
(2024) -
A corporeal reconstitution of the (dance) performances of Sophie Taeuber and Emmy Hennings in Zurich Dada
(2024) -
Hegemonie en historiografie : het documentaire film-essay als palimpsest
(2024) -
The many faces of meteorology : toward a science of the weather in the french enlightenment
(2024) -
'Friend' or 'infernal monster'? Comic and tragic representations of the Ottomans in sixteenth-century Venetian theatre
(2024) -
Hilbertian statistical models in music neuroscience
(2024) -
Monitoring kinematic parameters for music education and performance
(2024) -
El vocativo en el español coloquial actual : variación pragmática, socio-indexical e interindividual
(2024) -
Fluid controversies : discursive exchange and negotiation in the mesmerism debate (1779-1785)
(2024) -
Printing secrets in 16th-century Italy : editorial strategies, paratextual features, and the fashioning of new personae
(2024) -
To sum it up a multiproxy study on regional population dynamics and human activity in the western Scheldt basin (Belgium & N-France) from the mesolithic to the medieval period
(2024) -
Biting into the Belgian neolithic : insights from isotopic analysis and dental anthropology
(2024) -
Play the hero, or play god : characterization of Greco-Roman mythological characters in video games
(2024) -
Research on Mou Zongsan’s Thoughts on Ethical Aesthetics
(2024) -
- PhD Thesis
- open access
Neural sign language recognition and translation : towards sign language applications powered by artificial intelligence
(2024) -
Collaboration and participation in science-media interactions : a linguistic ethnographic analysis of a citizen science project on air quality
(2024) -
Narrating migration in the 21st century : a posthumanist approach to anglophone novels
(2024) -
Tunen syntax and information structure
When Chinese Buddhism met psychology : pioneers of an alternative intellectual history, 1880–1930
(2024) -
Embodied learning with and from aikido : a mixed-methods investigation into teaching intercultural communication skills for the workplace
(2024) -
Rubens in the age of mechanical reproduction : studies on reproducibility between 1877 and 1977
(2024) -
- PhD Thesis
- open access
Manuel gabalas : biography, intellectual network, works and thought
(2024) -
Beyond one language : an intervention study in supporting teachers to create multilingual policies in secondary classrooms
(2024) -
Alles heeft zijn prijs : tolheffing en de commerciële ontwikkeling van de Vlaamse ruimte (1150-1300)
(2024) -
From assessment tools to intervention approaches : the road to accurate language diagnosis and support for bilingual children in Flanders
(2024) -
- PhD Thesis
- open access
Dialogues with machines
(2024) -
Education following migration : outcomes and experiences of newly arrived migrant students
(2024) -
Predictors of vocabulary development in Vietnamese children in preschools and primary schools
(2024) -
Ecological trauma in contemporary African literature in English
(2024) -
Relative complexity : a historical-sociolinguistic study of relative clauses in Greek documentary papyri
(2024) -
Exploring the literacy and language practices of student-teachers at a South African university : a stance-taking analysis
(2024) -
The sound of a shared intimacy : a phenomenological research into sound(ing) and listening in performance practices
(2024) -
Viewing papyri through contact lenses : a socio-semiotic approach to bilingual and biscriptal papyri (IV-VIII CE)
(2024) -
Rationalizing patients : clinical decision support systems, patient decision aids and patient autonomy
(2024) -
Nominale aanspreekvormen in vroegmodern Nederlands : gespreksboeken als bron voor historisch-pragmatisch onderzoek
(2024) -
High tech and sensorimotor skill acquisition in instrumental music learning
(2024) -
The productivity of the inchoative construction(s) in Spanish : from 'break to cry' to 'dive to read'
(2024) -
La intensificación en el español coloquial del siglo XXI : variación sincrónica, cambio microdiacrónico e identidad sociolingüística
(2024) -
Fashionable and transgressive : queer style and masculinities in contemporary Indian fashion
(2024) -
Self-regulation in khat use : a qualitative study in Ethiopia
(2024) -
Kant’s epigenetic segue into the synthetic a priori : deriving the categories as a critique of predication
(2024) -
Off the grid : activating histories of belgian graphic design
(2024) -
The price of history : historical research and changing European funding regimes, 1970-today
(2024) -
- PhD Thesis
- open access
A director's cut for spatial planning : a cinematic approach to the Flemish urbanized landscape
(2024) -
- PhD Thesis
- open access
IVESS : intelligent vocabulary and example selection for Spanish vocabulary learning
(2024) -
Queer late/r life sex : women and non-binary people's unruly stories
(2024) -
Writing to the authorities : a study on the materiality of official requests from Roman and Late Antique Oxyrhynhcos
(2024) -
Self-willed growth : a more-than-human ethnography in West Tanzania
(2024) -
Violencia, vulnerabilidad y redes de solidaridad : análisis sensorial de cinco novelas mexicanas sobre la migración
(2024) -
Zenza apprenticeship : learning, mentorship, and resilience on and off Tokyo's yose stages
(2024) -
Fury : the value of feminist rage
(2024) -
- PhD Thesis
- open access
La autonomía indeseable : el valor de las nuevas novelas francesas de Biblioteca Breve frente al poder franquista (1955-1962)
(2024) -
- PhD Thesis
- open access
Lords and lordship in Languedoc (1400-1541)
(2023) -
- PhD Thesis
- open access
Ives the Progressive : a cultural-historical reconsideration of Charles Ives’s philosophy of music
(2023) -
- PhD Thesis
- open access
Normativity or creativity? The use and perception of non-standard language features in consumer feedback and webcare on corporate social media
(2023) -
The Zutang ji 祖堂集 : aspects of textual history, genealogy, and intertextuality
(2023) -
Human rhythmic interactions : coordination dynamics and informational coupling
(2023) -
A study on the aesthetics of literati gardens in the Northern Song Dynasty
(2023) -
Salt of the North : an interdisciplinary study into the technical and social organisation of roman salt production in the civitas Menapiorum (Gallia-Belgica)
(2023) -
Recommendation letters of Libanius : comparison with the wider ancient epistolary practice and means of promoting interests of his multiple petitioners
(2023) -
Lifting the veil : a formal analysis of original position arguments
(2023) -
- PhD Thesis
- open access
The intonation of closely related varieties : the case of Campania Italian
(2023) -
Weaving the past into the present : a collaborative artistic research with and on women rug-weavers in northern Iran
(2023) -
Explanation in the engineering sciences : IBE, causal modelling, and (fictional) mechanisms in failure analysis and safety science
(2023) -
Before Rubens : Titian’s reception in the Habsburg Netherlands c. 1550-1600