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Main Clause phenomena and the privilege of the root
A child on the national stage: justice and its ambivalences for undocumented women
Le prix est (de) 15 euros: on copular constructions expressing quantification in French
Scott's Minstrelsy and Victorian Ballad anthologies: authorship, editing, and authority
- Journal Article
- A1
- open access
Authorship as cultural performance: new perspectives in authorship studies
Philostratus, Plutarch, Gorgias and the end of Plato's Phaedrus
Seul adnominal entre la focalisation et la quantification
'Nu ken ik u eerst voor myn Broeder': vriendschap versus nepotisme in het Bijbelse toneelwerk van Claas Bruin (1671-1732)
Nero, NERO, Neronian literature
(2012) Neros Wirklichkeiten : zur Rezeption einer umstrittenen Gestalt. In Litora Classica 7. p.287-338 -
Swarth, De Mont en de prerafaëlieten: gelijkgestemde zielen, gedeelde natuur?