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Village variations : modern projects and projections
- Journal Article
- A1
- open access
The environmental impact of circular building design : a simplified approach to evaluate remountable building elements in life cycle assessment
Impact of the building airtightness and natural driving forces on the operation of an exhaust ventilation system
O.-L.-Vrouw Oorzaak onzer Blijdschap van Tongeren : een middeleeuws fragment in omloop
Fashion creation as an embodied practice : of the kimono, patterns and the space in-between
The painter William Sheppard (fl. 1641-60) at The Hague in 1647
Rodenburg : een landschapsarcheologisch onderzoek naar vroege stadsontwikkeling in de Zwinregio (Aardenburg, provincie Zeeland, Nederland, ca. 300 - 1100 A.D.)
(2024) -
Hegemonie en historiografie : het documentaire film-essay als palimpsest
(2024) -
- Journal Article
- A2
- open access
An exploration of artistic expressions of everyday peri-urban landscapes as a method of socio-spatial analysis in spatial planning
Blurry manifestos : Eshkol-Wachman movement notation and its militarised applications