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On the digital lane to citizenship? Patterns of internet use and civic engagement amongst Flemish adolescents and young adults
- Book Chapter
- open access
Participatory versatility in Flanders : a multiple correspondence analysis
The often announced decline of the modern citizen: an empirical, comparative analysis of European young people's political and civic engagement
Political engagement of the young in Europe: youth in the crucible
Peter Thijssen, Jessy Siongers (UGent) , Jeroen Van Laer, Jacques Haers and Sara Mels(2015) -
Langs digitale weg dan maar? Patronen van internetgebruik en politieke participatie bij Vlaamse jongeren
Marksizem in vzpon konfucijanizma v sodobni Kitajski
Local legitimation crisis and legitimation strategies
Political participation and web 2.0 in Europe: a case study of Facebook
Explaining participation in intra-party elections: evidence from Belgian political parties