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- Journal Article
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Capitalist discourse, subjectivity and Lacanian psychoanalysis
Trauma, ethics and the political beyond PTSD: the dislocations of the real
(2016) -
A metasynthesis of published case studies through Lacan's L-schema: transference in perversion
- PhD Thesis
- open access
Trauma beyond the biomedical paradigm : avenues for a subject-oriented and contextual trauma approach
(2015) -
- Journal Article
- A1
- open access
Metaphor in psychosis: on the possible convergence of Lacanian theory and neuro-scientific research
- Journal Article
- A4
- open access
De crisis en de positie van de analyticus
- Journal Article
- A1
- open access
How to return to subjectivity? Natorp, Husserl, and Lacan on the limits of reflection
- Journal Article
- A4
- open access
Slavoj Žižek’s ideologiekritiek geïntroduceerd vanuit Lacans begrip van het Reële
A research illustration from the single case archive: thematic analysis of transference patterns in perverse patients using Lacan's L-schema
- Journal Article
- A1
- open access
A Lacanian view on Balint group meetings : a qualitative analysis of two case presentations