Show 10 5 10 15 20 50 100 250 Sort by year (new to old) Actions Download search results Subscribe to news feed Your filters: cql: issn exact "2611-4135" Add to list Journal Article A2 open access Solid medical hospital waste in times of corona : increased volume but no increased biohazard risk Norbert Fraeyman (UGent) , Eva Van Braeckel (UGent) , Bruno Verhasselt (UGent) , Pascal De Waegemaeker (UGent) , Susanne Mahnik, Marc Hoffmann, Paul Gemmel (UGent) , Kristof Eeckloo (UGent) and Eric Mortier (UGent) (2022) DETRITUS. 19. p.94-103 Add to list Journal Article A2 open access Relating magnetic properties of municipal solid waste constituents to iron content : implications for enhanced landfill mining Daniel Vollprecht, Christin Bobe (UGent) , Roman Stiegler, Ellen Van De Vijver (UGent) , Tanja Wolfsberger, Bastian Küppers and Robert Scholger (2019) DETRITUS. 8. p.31-46