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Jeffrey Beneker, Plutarch : how to be a leader
Sinclair Hood, Lisa Maria Bendall, The masons’ marks of Minoan Knossos
Luciano Agostiniani, Maria Pia Marchese, Lingua, testi, storia : atti della giornata di studi in ricordo di Aldo Luigi Prosdocimi (Firenze, 6 giugno 2017)
Leendert Weeda, Horace's Sermones book 1 : credentials for maecenas
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- open access
Tyler V. Franconi, Fluvial landscapes in the Roman world
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- open access
Nicola Reggiani, Digital papyrology I : methods, tools and trends
Andreas Rhoby, Rudolf S. Stefec, Ausgewählte byzantinische Epigramme in illuminierten Handschriften
Christine Delaplace, La fin de l'Empire romain d'Occident : Rome et les Wisigoths de 382 à 531
Joseph W. Shaw, Elite Minoan architecture : its development at Knossos, Phaistos, and Malia
Joyce E. Salisbury, Rome's christian empress : Galla Placidia rules at the twilight of the empire