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- 2025
- Teachers’ computational thinking content knowledge : development of a measurement instrument (2025) COMPUTERS & EDUCATION. 225.
- 2024
- Wat leren we uit de resultaten van de centrale toetsen? En wat nog niet? (2024)
- Computational thinking integrated into the English language curriculum in primary education : a systematic review (2024) EDUCATION AND INFORMATION TECHNOLOGIES.
- Design, implementation and assessment of computational thinking integrated into the primary English curriculum in China (2024)
- Looking into Students’ Test-Taking Motivation through the lens of their Goals and Motives (2024)
- Iedereen gemotiveerd? Een blik op inzet en toetsmotivatie bij leerlingen voor centrale toetsen (2024)
- 2023
- Centrale toetsen in het secundair onderwijs: kansen voor onderwijsontwikkeling (2023)
- Centrale toetsen in Vlaanderen: van data naar schoolontwikkeling (2023)
- Reflection on value and function of information technology curriculum from the reform of the british ICT curriculum (2023) EDUCATION SCIENCES. 13(1).
- 2022
- The assessment of primary school students’ digital competences : conceptual challenges (2022) Annual Meeting American Education Research Association (AERA) 2022, Abstracts.