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- 2024
- The double connection : towards a bi-directional notion of participation (2024) DISP. 60(1). p.4-20
- Conceptualising the urban transformative capacity of underprivileged neighbourhoods for realising just energy transitions (2024) AESOP Annual Congress, Proceedings. In AESOP Annual Congress, Proceedings p.3136-3154
- No net land take trajectories: Policies and practices across Europe (2024)
- 2023
- Relational planning as a collective critical inquiry : socio-environmental justice, critical moments and reflective responses in six years of studio teaching (2023) PLANNING PRACTICE AND RESEARCH. p.1-21
- Towards a movement-friendly city : lessons from activity scans of five neighbourhoods in Antwerp, Belgium (2023) JOURNAL OF URBAN DESIGN. 28(6). p.623-644
- 2022
- Stimulating embodied intersubjectivities : two participatory experiments in Antwerp North, Belgium (2022) CODESIGN-INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF COCREATION IN DESIGN AND THE ARTS. 18(3). p.322-339
- 2021
- Government planners and critical planning practices as allies : tactics for socio-spatial planning innovations (2021) DISP. 57(2). p.30-45
- De beweeglijke stad : lessen uit beweegscans van vijf Antwerpse wijken (2021) RUIMTE (BRUSSEL). 51. p.74-79
- Ecologisch urbanisme op wijkschaal : een wervend pleidooi voor een nieuwe maakbaarheid (2021) ARCHINED (ROTTERDAM).
- 2019
- Ambiguïteit als strategie : kritische praktijken in de neoliberale stad (2019) Participatiegolven : dialogen over ruimte, planning en ontwerp in Vlaanderen en Brussel. p.191-210
- 2018
- Valuating narrative accounts in participatory planning processes : a case of co-creative storytelling in Antwerp, Belgium (2018) Participatory design theory : using technology and social media to foster civic engagement. In Routledge Research in Planning and Urban Design p.15-27
- 2017
- Ambiguity as agency : critical opportunists in the neoliberal city (2017) CODESIGN - INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF COCREATION IN DESIGN AND THE ARTS. 13(3). p.175-186
- De opkomst van de burgerontwerper (2017) BLAUWE KAMER (WAGENINGEN). 2017(1). p.24-29
- 2016
- Kopen we samen den Oudaan? Een denk- en rekenoefening buiten de lijntjes (2016) RUIMTE (BRUSSEL). 8(4). p.40-43
- The politics of nostalgia in urban redevelopment projects : the case of Antwerp-Dam (2016) The commonalities of global crises : markets, communities and nostalgia. p.249-269
- 'Float like a butterfly, sting like a bee' : giving voice to planning practitioners (2016) PLANNING THEORY & PRACTICE. 17(4). p.621-651
- 2015
- Learning by doing : delineating the changing role(s) of the new urban professional (2015) RC21 International Conference 2015, Proceedings.
- 2014
- Turning off the red lights : entrepreneurial urban strategies in ‘De Wallen’ Amsterdam (2014) APPLIED GEOGRAPHY. 49. p.37-44
- Eerstelijnwerkers en het versmoorde ruimtelijke debat. Casus De Coninckplein Antwerpen (2014) RUIMTE & MAATSCHAPPIJ (ANTWERPEN). 5(3). p.61-81
- Planning op slot : experimenteren met rollen en posities in de Damwijk in Antwerpen (2014) PlanDag 2014: regie en loslaten, gebundelde papers en bijdragen. p.267-279
- 2012
- Duurzaam dorps wonen (2012) AGORA (AMSTERDAM). 28(5). p.28-32