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- 2024
- The potential benefits of Citizen Science for Spatial Planning: an exploratory analysis of 22 Belgian and Dutch cases (2024)
- 2023
- Citizen social science in spatial planning : potentials for resilience in a complex unpredictable world (2023) Integrated planning in a world of turbulence, Book of proceedings. p.556-575
- 2021
- Atlas on quality of life in Slovenia (2021)
- Territorial patterns and relations in Lithuania (2021)
- Territorial patterns and relations in the Danube basin (2021)
- 2020
- Flood justice in Flanders (2020) Opening up the planning landscape : 15 years of actor-relational approaches to spatial planning in Flanders, the Netherlands and beyond. p.87-100
- Planning for flood resilience : reflections on a co-evolutionary approach in practice (2020) Opening up the planning landscape : 15 years of actor-relational approaches to spatial planning in Flanders, the Netherlands and beyond. p.301-309
- Evaluation of the Belgian FRAMES pilots : an analysis through three perspectives (2020)
- Territorial patterns and relations in Austria (2020)
- Territorial patterns and relations in Estonia (2020)
- Territorial patterns and relations in Latvia (2020)
- Territorial patterns and relations in Luxembourg and the Greater Region (2020)
- Territorial patterns and relations in Portugal (2020)
- Territorial patterns and relations in Sweden (2020)
- 2015
- Coherent mapping for integrated water management in Brussels (2015) BRUSSELS STUDIES.
- 2013
- Effects of land use, slope gradient, and soil and water conservation structures on runoff and soil loss in semi-arid Northern Ethiopia (2013) PHYSICAL GEOGRAPHY. 34(3). p.236-259