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- 2021
- Advanced Monte Carlo simulations of emission tomography imaging systems with GATE (2021) PHYSICS IN MEDICINE AND BIOLOGY. 66(10).
- Artificial neural networks for positioning of gamma interactions in monolithic PET detectors (2021) PHYSICS IN MEDICINE AND BIOLOGY. 66(7).
- High resolution monolithic LYSO detector with 6-layer depth-of-interaction for clinical PET (2021) PHYSICS IN MEDICINE AND BIOLOGY. 66(15).
- Improvement of spatial resolution in monolithic detectors for clinical PET (2021)
- 2020
- Mitigating the adverse effect of compton scatter on the positioning of gamma interactions in large monolithic pet detectors (2020) 2020 IEEE Nuclear Science Symposium and Medical Imaging Conference (NSS/MIC). In IEEE conference record Nuclear Science Symposium & Medical Imaging Conference
- Identifying potential sources of resolution degradation in monolithic scintillators : simulations vs experiments (2020) IEEE Nuclear Science Symposium and Medical Imaging Conference (NSS/MIC), Abstracts.
- Spatial resolution of large monolithic detector : performance evaluation with two positioning algorithms (2020) IEEE Nuclear Science Symposium and Medical Imaging Conference (NSS/MIC), Abstracts.
- 2019
- Optical simulation study on the spatial resolution of a thick monolithic PET detector (2019) PHYSICS IN MEDICINE AND BIOLOGY. 64(19).
- Deep learning for positioning of gamma interactions in monolithic PET detectors (2019) 2019 IEEE Nuclear Science Symposium and Medical Imaging Conference (NSS/MIC), Abstracts.
- Monolithic PET detectors with sub-mm transverse and 6 layer DOI identification for next generation high resolution clinical PET scanners (2019) EUROPEAN JOURNAL OF NUCLEAR MEDICINE AND MOLECULAR IMAGING. 46(S1). p.S808-S808
- 2018
- High-resolution monolithic detector design for clinical PET systems: Advanced optical simulation study (2018)
- High-resolution monolithic detector design for clinical Positron emission tomography systems (2018)
- Influence of photon detection efficiency and multiplexing on spatial resolution in monolithic PET detectors (2018)
- Optical simulation study for high resolution monolithic detector design for TB-PET (2018) Abstracts of the Total Body PET conference 2018. In EJNMMI Physics 5((Suppl 1): 19). p.8-9
- PET20.0: Design of a monolithic Total Body PET with 2.00 mm spatial resolution and 20 x higher sensitivity (2018)
- 2017
- Advanced optical simulation of scintillation detectors in GATE V8.0 : first implementation of a reflectance model based on measured data (2017) PHYSICS IN MEDICINE AND BIOLOGY. 62(12). p.L1-L8
- An integrated model of scintillator-reflector properties for advanced simulations of optical transport (2017) PHYSICS IN MEDICINE AND BIOLOGY. 62(12). p.4811-4830