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- 2024
- Does urban polycentricity contribute to regional economic growth? Empirical evidence from a panel of Chinese urban regions (2024) REGIONAL STUDIES. 58(5). p.1018-1032
- Navigating polycentric urban regions : economic consequences and methodological insights (2024)
- 2023
- The productivity effects of polycentricity : a systematic analysis of urban regions in Europe (2023) PAPERS IN REGIONAL SCIENCE. 102(6). p.1193-1213
- Urban co-opetition in megaregions : measuring competition and cooperation within and beyond the Pearl River Delta (2023) COMPUTERS ENVIRONMENT AND URBAN SYSTEMS. 101.
- De genderdimensies van ruimte : nieuwe en opkomende onderzoeksrichtingen (2023) TIJDSCHRIFT VOOR GENDERSTUDIES. 26(1). p.1-19
- The effects of urban polycentricity on particulate matter emissions from vehicles : evidence from 102 Chinese cities (2023) URBAN PLANNING. 8(3). p.135-147
- The gender dimensions of space : new and emerging directions (2023) TIJDSCHRIFT VOOR GENDERSTUDIES. 26(1). p.20-37
- 2022
- Mapping the spatial conditions of polycentric urban development in Europe : an open‐source software tool (2022) GEOGRAPHICAL ANALYSIS. 54(3). p.583-598
- Visualizing the potential for transit-oriented development : insights from an open and interactive planning support tool in Flanders, Belgium (2022) ENVIRONMENT AND PLANNING B-URBAN ANALYTICS AND CITY SCIENCE. 49(2). p.411-426
- 2021
- Measuring polycentric urban development : the importance of accurately determining the ‘balance’ between ‘centers’ (2021) CITIES. 111.
- Transit neighborhoods and structural inequity : careful detective work across scales and contexts (2021) TRANSFERS-INTERDISCIPLINARY JOURNAL OF MOBILITY STUDIES. 11(1). p.163-165
- Transit-oriented displacement or community dividends? (2021) TRANSFERS-INTERDISCIPLINARY JOURNAL OF MOBILITY STUDIES. 11(1). p.163-165
- 2020
- Integrating node-place and trip end models to explore drivers of rail ridership in Flanders, Belgium (2020) JOURNAL OF TRANSPORT GEOGRAPHY. 87.
- 2019
- Conference locations and sustainability aspirations : towards an integrative framework? (2019) DISP. 55(1). p.34-51
- Investigating walking accessibility to recreational amenities for elderly people in Nanjing, China (2019) TRANSPORTATION RESEARCH PART D-TRANSPORT AND ENVIRONMENT. 76. p.85-99
- Planning for nodes, places and people in Flanders and Brussels : developing an empirical railway station assessment model for strategic decision-making (2019) JOURNAL OF TRANSPORT AND LAND USE. 12(1). p.811-837
- What strategies for which railway stations? : an experiential approach to the development of a node-place based planning support tool in Flanders (2019) Proceedings of the BIVEC-GIBET Transport Research Days 2019.
- Planning for nodes, places, and people : a strategic railway station development tool for Flanders (2019)
- 2018
- Changing connectivities of Chinese cities in the World City Network, 2010-2016 (2018) CHINESE GEOGRAPHICAL SCIENCE. 28(2). p.183-201
- Measuring the accessibility of railway stations in the Brussels regional express network : a node-place modeling approach (2018) NETWORKS & SPATIAL ECONOMICS. 18(3). p.495-530
- Meet & fly : sustainable transport academics and the elephant in the room (2018) JOURNAL OF TRANSPORT GEOGRAPHY. 70. p.64-67
- Airmiles zijn geen statussymbool (2018) De Standaard. p.37-37
- Duurzaamheid als fantasie : een interview met Erik Swyngedouw (2018) AGORA (AMSTERDAM). p.10-13
- 2017
- Measurement and interpretation of 'global cultural cities' in a world of cities (2017) AREA. 49(2). p.238-248
- Planning for railway network connectivity and spatial proximity : balancing node and place functions in Flanders and Brussels Capital Region (2017) Proceedings of the BIVEC-GIBET Transport Research Days 2017.
- 2016
- Toepassing van het knoop-plaatsmodel in Vlaanderen (2016) Colloquium Vervoersplanologisch Speurwerk, Bijdragen.
- Pleidooi voor pluralisme : Plandag 2016 (2016) AGORA (AMSTERDAM). 32(3). p.45-45