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- 2024
- Once upon a time in open space : cinematic spatial narratives of Flemish urban landscapes (2024) DISP. 60(2). p.6-22
- An exploration of artistic expressions of everyday peri-urban landscapes as a method of socio-spatial analysis in spatial planning (2024) ARCHITECTURE (BASEL). 4(1). p.124-147
- A director's cut for spatial planning : a cinematic approach to the Flemish urbanized landscape (2024)
- 2023
- Framing daily life in sprawl : Flanders urbanized space from a cinematic perspective (2023) EUROPEAN PLANNING STUDIES. 31(3). p.621-640
- 2022
- Cinematic open spaces of Flanders : spatial planning and the imagination of Flemish open space in the fiction films Bullhead and Kid (2022) AESOP 2022, Space for Species : Redefining Spatial Justice, Book of proceedings. p.414-427
- 2020
- A difficult process towards cross-sectoral environmental policy in Flanders (2020) Opening up the planning landscape : 15 years of actor-relational approaches to spatial planning in Flanders, the Netherlands and beyon. p.279-290
- Actor-relational planning education : moving toward a flat educational program for horizontal metropolitan challenges (2020) Opening up the planning landscape : 15 years of actor-relational approaches to spatial planning in Flanders, the Netherlands and beyond. p.367-380
- After ARA : critical reflections and a reflexive beyond (2020) Opening up the planning landscape. p.367-380
- Application of an actor relational approach in Bus Rapid Transit-land use interaction (2020) Opening up the planning landscape : 15 years of actor-relational approaches to spatial planning in Flanders, the Netherlands and beyond. p.215-223
- Cinematic spaces of the horizontal metropolis (2020) Opening up the planning landscape : 15 years of actor-relational approaches to spatial planning in Flanders, the Netherlands and beyond. p.331-340
- Collecting historic flood data in data-sparse areas : a citizen approach (2020) Opening up the planning landscape : 15 years of actor-relational approaches to spatial planning in Flanders, the Netherlands and beyond. p.103-111
- Flood justice in Flanders (2020) Opening up the planning landscape : 15 years of actor-relational approaches to spatial planning in Flanders, the Netherlands and beyond. p.87-100
- Flood label : a new instrument to involve homeowners in flood risk management (2020) Opening up the planning landscape : 15 years of actor-relational approaches to spatial planning in Flanders, the Netherlands and beyond. p.113-119
- Opening up heritage : beyond a conceptualization as object or process (2020) Opening up the planning landscape : 15 years of actor-relational approaches to spatial planning in Flanders, the Netherlands and beyon. p.343-350
- Planning for flood resilience : reflections on a co-evolutionary approach in practice (2020) Opening up the planning landscape : 15 years of actor-relational approaches to spatial planning in Flanders, the Netherlands and beyond. p.301-309
- Planning the Low Countries : understanding the similarities within dissimilarities (2020) Opening up the planning landscape : 15 years of actor-relational approaches to spatial planning in Flanders, the Netherlands and beyond. p.37-66
- Spatial planning in an age of active citizenship (2020) Opening up the planning landscape : 15 years of actor-relational approaches to spatial planning in Flanders, the Netherlands and beyon. p.123-137
- Struggling with climate change : dealing with a complex adaptive system (2020) Opening up the planning landscape : 15 years of actor-relational approaches to spatial planning in Flanders, the Netherlands and beyond. p.71-86
- The actor-relational approach in Flanders : meeting the practice of political service (2020) Opening up the planning landscape : 15 years of actor-relational approaches to spatial planning in Flanders, the Netherlands and beyond. p.291-298
- The concept of a housing market arena (2020) Opening up the planning landscape : 15 years of actor-relational approaches to spatial planning in Flanders, the Netherlands and beyon. p.235-253
- The spatial planner as a mediator or as an actor? Looking back at the recent debate about new shopping malls in the Brussels periphery (2020) Opening up the planning landscape : 15 years of actor-relational approaches to spatial planning in Flanders, the Netherlands and beyond. p.149-156
- Opening up the planning landscape : 15 years of actor-relational approaches to spatial planning in Flanders, the Netherlands and beyond. Beitske Boonstra, Peter Davids and Annelies Staessen UGent (2020)
- Scenes from Flanders rear : Van Groeningen’s cinematic perception of the horizontal metropolis (2020) SPACE International Conference 2020, Proceedings. p.49-57
- 2019
- The cinematic spaces of the Horizontal Metropolis : image of Flemish suburbia (2019) 2019 Architecture & Film Symposium, Proceedings. p.30-36
- The cinematic spaces of the Horizontal Metropolis : the image of Flemish suburbia (2019) Spaces and Places : An Inclusive Interdisciplinary Conference, Abstracts.
- 2018
- Film & de horizontale metropool : hoe draagt film bij aan veranderende percepties, besluit- en beleidsvorming over de Vlaamse ruimte? case study: de Vlaamse steenwegen? (2018) In Plandag 2018. Gedrag() en Ruimte. Gebundelde bijdragen p.207-218
- 2015
- The architecture of miracle-working statues in the Southern Netherlands (2015) REVUE DE L HISTOIRE DES RELIGIONS. 232(2). p.211-256