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- 2024
- Visualising the complexity of drought : a network analysis based on the water resilience assessment framework and the actor-relational approach (2024) CLIMATE. 12(4).
- Improving construction progress monitoring using BIM and 3D reconstruction technologies (2024)
- Woningmarktarena's in de ruimtelijke planning : een actor-relationele benadering (2024)
- Performance of analytical models predicting upstream-to-downstream water depth ratios in asymmetric open-channel confluences with width-discordance (2024) 5th IAHR Young Professionals Congress, online, 27-29 November 2024. p.142-143
- 2023
- Exchanging progress information using IFC-based BIM for automated progress monitoring (2023) BUILDINGS. 13(9).
- Towards a resilient drought management system (2023) Integrated planning in a world of turbulence, Book of proceedings. p.1488-1508
- 2022
- Plane-based robust registration of a building scan with its BIM (2022) REMOTE SENSING. 14(9).
- Registration of building scan with IFC-based BIM using the corner points (2022) REMOTE SENSING. 14(20).
- A first step towards automatic construction progress monitoring (2022) Volunteering for the Future - Geospatial Excellence for a Better Living : XXVII FIG Congress, 11-15 September 2022, Warsaw, Poland : Proceedings. In Proceedings (FIG International Congress) p.1-14
- Automated registration of building scan with BIM through detection of congruent corner points (2022) The 7th International Conference on Smart City Applications (SCA). In International Archives of the Photogrammetry, Remote Sensing and Spatial Information Sciences XLVIII-4/W3-2022. p.179-185
- Experiences running the new Belgian E-Learning Oriented IHO Cat. B Hydrography Program (2022) Volunteering for the Future - Geospatial Excellence for a Better Living: XXVII FIG Congress, 11-15 September 2022, Warsaw, Poland : Proceedings. In Proceedings (FIG International Congress) p.1-15
- Influence of the I95-index and local parameters on the accuracy of GNSS positioning (2022) Proceedings of 22nd International Multidisciplinary Scientific GeoConference SGEM 2022. In International Multidisciplinary Scientific GeoConference SGEM 22(2.1). p.409-416
- Optimising vegetation-input for drought assessment with Sentinel-2A data (2022) Proceedings of 22nd International Multidisciplinary Scientific GeoConference SGEM 2022. In International Multidisciplinary Scientific GeoConference SGEM 22(2.1). p.339-346
- 2021
- Monitoring spatiotemporal variation in beach surface moisture using a long-range terrestrial laser scanner (2021) ISPRS JOURNAL OF PHOTOGRAMMETRY AND REMOTE SENSING. 173. p.195-208
- Support vector regression for high-resolution beach surface moisture estimation from terrestrial LiDAR intensity data (2021) INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF APPLIED EARTH OBSERVATION AND GEOINFORMATION. 102.
- Flood risk mapping for all : a generic flood risk assessment methodology for the small island developing states (2021)
- Mesoscale application of static and mobile terrestrial LiDAR for the monitoring of beach surface moisture dynamics on sandy beaches (Belgium) (2021)
- 2020
- Development of a low-cost methodology for data acquisition and flood risk assessment in the floodplain of the river Moustiques in Haiti (2020) JOURNAL OF FLOOD RISK MANAGEMENT. 13(2).
- Measuring surface moisture on a sandy beach based on corrected intensity data of a mobile terrestrial LiDAR (2020) REMOTE SENSING. 12(2).
- Collecting historic flood data in data-sparse areas : a citizen approach (2020) Opening up the planning landscape : 15 years of actor-relational approaches to spatial planning in Flanders, the Netherlands and beyond. p.103-111
- Macrotidal beach monitoring (Belgium) using hypertemporal terrestrial lidar (2020) FIG Working Week 2020 : Smart surveyors for land and water management, Proceedings. In Proceedings (FIG Working Week) p.1-13
- R and Python benchmarking for geographical applications (2020) 19th International Multidisciplinary Scientific GeoConference SGEM 2019, Proceedings. p.429-436
- Renewed e-learning oriented IHO Cat. B Hydrography Program (2020-) in Belgium (2020) FIG Working Week 2020 : Smart surveyors for land and water management, Proceedings. In Proceedings (FIG Working Week) p.1-14
- 2019
- Flood risk mapping worldwide : a flexible methodology and toolbox (2019) WATER. 11(11).
- The relationship between transport disadvantage and employability : predicting long-term unemployment based on job seekers' access to suitable job openings in Flanders, Belgium (2019) TRANSPORTATION RESEARCH PART A-POLICY AND PRACTICE. 125. p.268-279
- Determining the potential for solar energy production on rooftops (2019) International Multidisciplinary Scientific GeoConference-SGEM. 19(2.2). p.791-798
- Evaluating the climate resilience in data-sparse regions : an automated GIS-based toolbar (2019) International Multidisciplinary Scientific GeoConference-SGEM. 19(2.2). p.815-822
- Using national digital elevation models for cross-boundary applications : a quality assessment (2019) International Multidisciplinary Scientific GeoConference-SGEM. 19(2.2). p.407-414
- 2018
- A spatio-temporal accessibility measure for modelling activity participation in discretionary activities (2018) TRAVEL BEHAVIOUR AND SOCIETY. 10. p.10-20
- The impact of driver's license ownership on unemployed job seekers' access to job openings : assessing the driver's license at School project in Flanders (2018) CASE STUDIES ON TRANSPORT POLICY. 6(4). p.695-705
- Flood risk assessment in data sparse regions : the use of questionnaires to collect historic flood data : a case study for the river moustiques in Haiti (2018) International Multidisciplinary Scientific GeoConference-SGEM. 18(2.3). p.377-384
- Semi-automatic flood detection using historic satellite imagery (2018) International Multidisciplinary Scientific GeoConference-SGEM. 18(2.3). p.551-558
- The climate test : the first steps towards an automated methodology to evaluate the climate resilience of new urban development projects (2018) International Multidisciplinary Scientific GeoConference-SGEM. 18(2.3). p.599-606
- 2017
- A GIS-based tool for flood damage assessment and delineation of a methodology for future risk assessment : case study for Annotto Bay, Jamaica (2017) NATURAL HAZARDS. 88(3). p.1867-1891
- Methodology for flood mapping using aerial photography after the passage of Hurricane Matthew in Haiti (2017)
- Travelling beyond spatial analysis : the impact of temporal and personal restrictions on equitable access to opportunities (2017)
- 2016
- Analyzing the sensitivity of a flood risk assessment model towards its input data (2016) NATURAL HAZARDS AND EARTH SYSTEM SCIENCES. 16(12). p.2529-2542
- Laser scanning for precise ovalization measurements : standard deviations and smoothing levels (2016) JOURNAL OF SURVEYING ENGINEERING. 142(4).
- Development of a 3D dynamic flood WebGIS visualisation tool (2016) INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF SAFETY AND SECURITY ENGINEERING. 6(3). p.560-569
- Flood damage assessment in a GIS : case study for Annotto Bay, Jamaica (2016) INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF SAFETY AND SECURITY ENGINEERING. 6(3). p.508-517
- On-site geometrical measurements of an experimental ice composite shell through TLS and photogrammetry (2016) Structures and Architectures. p.383-390
- Reinforced ice structures: in the footsteps of Candela (2016) Structures and Architecture. p.376-382
- Flood risk assessment in the SIDS : the first steps towards a generic GIS-based tool (2016) International Geographical congress, 33rd, Abstracts.
- Open Source data as input for risk assessment in the SIDS (2016) Young Researchers' Overseas Day, 2nd, Posters.
- Spatio-temporal analysis of the modal disparities in public and private motorized transport: how equitable is public transport distribution in Flanders, Belgium? (2016) Association of American Geographers, Annual meeting, Abstracts.
- 4D coastal flood analysis and visualisation for urban areas (2016) 6th International Conference on Cartography and GIS. 2. p.789-797
- Deformation monitoring of a bridge with tram rail infrastructure (2016) International Multidisciplinary Scientific GeoConference-SGEM. In International Multidisciplinary Scientific GeoConference-SGEM p.863-870
- How can a Belgian flood risk assessment be the base of a new risk approach in Annotto Bay, Jamaica? (2016) International Multidisciplinary Scientific GeoConference-SGEM. p.271-278
- 2015
- A commuter-based two-step floating catchment area method for measuring spatial accessibility of daycare centers (2015) HEALTH & PLACE. 32. p.65-73
- Identifying public transport gaps using time-dependent accessibility levels (2015) JOURNAL OF TRANSPORT GEOGRAPHY. 48. p.176-187
- Concepts, reflections and applications of social equity: approaches to accessibility to primary goods and services in the region of Flanders, Belgium (2015) Adaptive mobility : a new policy and research agenda on mobility in horizontal metropolises. p.17-44
- Spatiotemporal differences in accessibility to employment by car or public transport in East Flanders, Belgium (2015) Proceedings of the BIVEC-GIBET Transport Research Days 2015. p.85-94
- A dynamic two-step floating catchment area method for measuring spatial accessibility of day-care centers (2015) Association of American Geographers, Annual meeting, Abstracts.
- Calculating time-dependent accessibility levels to determine public transport gaps (2015) ERSA Congress, Abstracts.
- Defining the spatio-temporal variability of public transport connectivity by integrating General Transit data in GIS (2015) Spatial Statistics, Abstracts.
- A decision supporting tool for the creation of 2D simulated flood maps in a GIS (2015) International Multidisciplinary Scientific GeoConference-SGEM. p.635-642
- A GIS-based flood risk tool for Jamaica: the first step towards a multi-hazard risk assessment in the Carribean (2015) International Multidisciplinary Scientific GeoConference-SGEM. p.643-650
- Comparison of terrestrial laser scanning and photo modelling for the documentation of cultural heritage (2015) International Multidisciplinary Scientific GeoConference-SGEM. p.1227-1234
- The use of terrestrial laser scanning for measurements in shallow-water : correction of the 3D coordinates of the point cloud (2015) International Multidisciplinary Scientific GeoConference-SGEM. p.1203-1209
- Towards cost-efficient prospection and 3D visualization of underwater structures using compact ROVs (2015) International Multidisciplinary Scientific GeoConference-SGEM. p.1211-1218
- 2014
- Driedimensionale afpaling (2014) Afpaling. In CROW 10. p.159-214
- Risk assessment in the Carribean : modeling a GIS-based flood risk tool for Jamaica (2014) Young Researchers Overseas' Day, Abstracts.
- Assessment of the accuracy and precision of a near-real-time processing method of laser scan data applied on concrete structures (2014) International Multidisciplinary Scientific GeoConference-SGEM. p.35-42
- Evaluating spatial and social inequality by using GIS to analyze the catchment area and capacity of preschools in Ghent, Belgium (2014) INTED2014: 8TH INTERNATIONAL TECHNOLOGY, EDUCATION AND DEVELOPMENT CONFERENCE. In INTED proceedings p.4266-4272
- Geomatics bachelor and masters program in Belgium (2014) International Multidisciplinary Scientific GeoConference-SGEM. p.613-620
- Mobile mapping and the use of backscatter data for the modelling of intertidal zones of beaches (2014) International Multidisciplinary Scientific GeoConference-SGEM. p.223-230
- The use of geographical applications for micro-planning school locations : the @SCHOOL app for preschools in Ghent, Belgium (2014) INTED2014: 8TH INTERNATIONAL TECHNOLOGY, EDUCATION AND DEVELOPMENT CONFERENCE. In INTED proceedings p.4255-4260
- 2013
- Change detection on cultural heritage by radiometric comparison of terrestrial photos and terrestrial laser scanning (2013) International Multidisciplinary Scientific GeoConference-SGEM. p.587-594
- Evaluating spatial inequality in pre-schools in Ghent, Belgium by accessibility and service area analysis with GIS (2013) International Multidisciplinary Scientific GeoConference-SGEM. In International Multidisciplinary Scientific GeoConference-SGEM p.717-727
- Renewed (2013) geomatics Bachelor, Master and PhD programs at Belgian academic universities (2013) International Multidisciplinary Scientific GeoConference-SGEM. p.497-504
- Risk assessment: a comparison between the use of laser scanners and total stations in a situation where time is the critical factor (2013) International Multidisciplinary Scientific GeoConference-SGEM. p.687-694
- The evolution of education in land surveying in Flanders, Belgium: a work in progress (2013) International Multidisciplinary Scientific GeoConference-SGEM. p.557-564
- 2012
- De gemene muur en muurovername (2012)
- Application of laser scanning for deformation measurements: a comparison between different types of scanning instruments (2012) FIG working week 2012, 6-10 May 2012, Rome, Italy : Knowing to manage the territory, protect the environment, evaluate the cultural heritage : proceedings.
- Geographical information systems and spatial data infrastructures can enhance planning (case of Flanders) (2012) Informatics and Urban and Regional Planning, 7th International conference, Proceedings. p.572-582
- Deformation monitoring with terrestrial laser scanning: measurement and processing optimization through experience (2012) International Multidisciplinary Scientific GeoConference-SGEM. p.707-714
- Looking for the ideal combination distance: resolution with regard to the desired level of detail in laser scanning (2012) INTED Proceedings. In INTED Proceedings p.3652-3652
- University Colleges can help smaller land surveying companies in introducing new data acquisition techniques (2012) INTED Proceedings. In INTED Proceedings p.3646-3651
- 2010
- Betongerelateerde onderzoeksthema's in de Vakgroep Bouwkunde: Departement INWE aan de Hogeschool Gent (2010) BOUWKRONIEK : CONCRETE DAY 21-10-2010. p.60-62
- Terrestrische laserscanning aan Hogeschool Gent (2010) GEORAMA. p.46-48
- Comparison of as-built and design geometry based on point clouds obtained by terrestrial laser scanning (2010) International Technology, Education and Development Conference, Abstracts.
- Laserscanning voor de landmeter (2010) Gis-o-TOPO-lis, Abstracts.
- Comparison of as-built and design geometry based on point clouds obtained by terrestrial laser scanning (2010) 4TH INTERNATIONAL TECHNOLOGY, EDUCATION AND DEVELOPMENT CONFERENCE (INTED 2010). p.1230-1236
- 2009
- Vergelijking ontwerp- en as built-geometrie: voor zorgeloze inzet van 3D-laserscanning is het is nog te vroeg (2009) GEOPLATFORM. 2009(4). p.32-36
- Voor zorgeloze inzet van 3D-laserscanning is het nog te vroeg (2009) GEOPLATFORM. 4. p.32-36
- Approach for comparing design and as built models based on data acquisition using a 3D terrestrial laser scanner, a case study (2009) Proceedings of the 4th international workshop on 3D geo-information. p.101-116
- Using 3D terrestrial laser scanning as data acquisition technique for the assessment of deviations in geometry between design and as-built models of large structures : a case study (2009) Proceedings of the 4th international workshop on 3D geo-information. p.117-122
- 2008
- Digitale uitwisseling planinformatie moet graafschade en kosten minimaliseren (2008) GEOPLATFORM : VAKBLAD VOOR DE NEDERLANDSTALIGE BELGISCHE GEO-GEMEENSCHAP. 2008(4). p.48-51
- Digitaliseren archiefkaarten sec leidt niet tot atlas voor trage mobiliteit (2008) GEOPLATFORM : VAKBLAD VOOR DE NEDERLANDSTALIGE BELGISCHE GEO-GEMEENSCHAP. 2008(2). p.16-19
- Naar digitale gegevensuitwisseling over ligging kabels en leidingen (2008) I-MAGAZINE (DEVENTER). p.15-15
- Master in Applied engineering Sciences in Land Surveying at Flemish University Colleges (Belgium) (2008) Proceedings of the IX TOP-CART International Congres on Geomatics and Surveying Engineering.
- Ph.D. studies in geomatics and surveying in Belgium (2008) Proceedings of the IX TOP-CART international congress on geomatics and surveying engineering.
- Integration of old maps and plans with contemporary large scale reference databases as part of the KLIMOP-project (2008) INTED2008 abstracts book. p.635-635
- The role of historical vicinal roads in sustainable mobility networks: the case of Belgium (2008) Proceedings of the IX TOP-CART international congress on geomatics and surveying engineering.
- 2007
- Education in land surveying and geomatics is facing a multitude of challenges in Belgium (2007) Proceedings of the 2007 international congress on geomatics in Europe. p.109-118
- Education in land surveying at Belgian University colleges: master in applied engineering sciences in land surveying (2007) Proceedings of the 2007 International Congress on Geomatics in Europe. p.9-18
- Geomatics education at Belgium academic universities (2007) Proceedings of the 2007 International Congress on Geomatics in Europe. p.109-118
- Geomatics Education at Belgium Academic Universities (2007) Proceedings of the 2007 International Congress on Geomatics in Europe. p.37-48
- KLIMOP : towards an easy exchange of underground utility network data (2007) INTED2007 abstracts book. p.398-398
- KLIMOP: towards an easy exchange of underground utility network data (2007) INTED2007 proceedings CD.
- 2005
- Buurt- en voetwegen binnen trage mobiliteit (2005) De Belgische geografendag : mobiliteit, maatschappij en milieu in kaart gebracht = Les journées géographiques belges : mobilité, société et environnement en cartes. 2. p.291-296
- De Atlas der Buurtwegen als archiefbron en basis voor de uitbouw van een netwerk van trage wegen in het Vlaams en het Brussels Hoofdstedelijk Gewest (2005)
- De atlas der buurtwegen als archiefbron en basis voor de uitbouw van een netwerk van trage wegen in het Vlaams en het Brussels hoofdstedelijk gewest (2005)
- 2003
- De atlas der buurtwegen : een vergeten (cartografisch) erfgoed (2003) DE AARDRIJKSKUNDE : ONDERWIJS IN DE AARDRIJKSKUNDE, SOCIALE VORMING EN MILIEUBEHEER. 27(1). p.65-81