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- 2019
- Towards safe and efficient pre-operative planning of transcatheter mitral valve interventions (2019) MORPHOLOGIE. 103(343). p.139-147
- Classification of aortic valve morphology using a three-dimensional convolutional neural network (2019) PCR London Valves, Abstracts.
- Patient-specific numerical modeling in transcatheter aortic valve replacement : towards a more effective treatment (2019)
- 2018
- Patient-specific computer simulation to elucidate the role of contact pressure in the development of new conduction abnormalities after catheter-based implantation of a self-expanding aortic valve (2018) CIRCULATION-CARDIOVASCULAR INTERVENTIONS. 11(2).
- Detection of the aortic annular plane and coronary ostia from MDCT using deep learning techniques. (2018) Advanced Techniques and Therapies in Cardiovascular Care, ATTICC 2018, abstracts.
- Towards automated TAVI device size selection using artificial intelligence (2018) 5th European Congress on eCardiology and eHealth, Abstracts.
- 2017
- Impact of plaque type and side branch geometry on side branch compromise after provisional stent implantation : a simulation study (2017) EUROINTERVENTION. 13(2). p.E236-E245
- 85Patient-specific computer simulation to elucidate the role of contact pressure in the development of new conduction abnormalities after catheter based implantation of a self-expanding aortic valve (2017) EUROPEAN HEART JOURNAL. 38(suppl_1). p.13-13
- Low implantation depth during TAVR increases the pressure exerted on the atrioventricular conduction system: a biomechanical analysis (2017) JOURNAL OF THE AMERICAN COLLEGE OF CARDIOLOGY. 70(18). p.B267-B268
- Low implantation depth during TAVR increases the pressure exerted on the atrioventricular conduction system: a biomechanical analysis. (2017) p.1-2
- 2016
- Patient-specific computer modeling to predict aortic regurgitation after transcatheter aortic valve replacement (2016) JACC-CARDIOVASCULAR INTERVENTIONS. 9(5). p.508-512
- Patient-specific image-based computer simulation for the prediction of valve morphology and calcium displacement after TAVI with the Medtronic CoreValve and the Edwards SAPIEN valve (2016) EUROINTERVENTION. 11(9). p.1044-1052
- Computer simulations to predict paravalvular leakage after TAVI : a comparison between Medtronic CoreValve and Medtronic CoreValve Evolut R Systems (2016) Virtual Physiological Human 2016 Conference, Abstracts.
- Novel predictors for conduction disturbances after transcatheter aortic valve implantation (2016) 15th Belgian Day on Biomedical Engineering, Abstracts.
- Novel predictors for conduction disturbances after transcatheter aortic valve implantation (2016) Virtual Physiological Human 2016 Conference, Abstracts.
- 2014
- Provisional stenting of coronary bifurcations: insights into final kissing balloon post-dilation and stent design by computational modeling (2014) JACC-CARDIOVASCULAR INTERVENTIONS. 7(3). p.325-333
- 2013
- A computational study of the hemodynamic impact of open- versus closed-cell stent design in carotid artery stenting (2013) ARTIFICIAL ORGANS. 37(7). p.96-106
- 2012
- Kissing balloon or sequential dilation of the side branch and main vessel for provisional stenting of bifurcations: lessons from micro-computed tomography and computational simulations (2012) JACC-CARDIOVASCULAR INTERVENTIONS. 5(1). p.47-56
- Our capricious vessels: the influence of stent design and vessel geometry on the mechanics of intracranial aneurysm stent deployment (2012) JOURNAL OF BIOMECHANICS. 45(8). p.1353-1359
- Computer simulation predicts the geometry of the Medtronic Corevalve frame after TAVR (2012) Innovations in Cardiovascular Innovations (ICI 2012), Abstracts.
- Renewed interest in porcine and horse heart and pulmonary vein anatomy in an experimental model for atrial fibrillation treatment (2012) Proceedings of the 2nd scientific meeting of the Faculty of Veterinary Medicine (University of Liège, Belgium).
- Towards simulation-based pre-operative planning of transcatheter aortic valve replacement (2012) JOURNAL OF THE AMERICAN COLLEGE OF CARDIOLOGY. 60(17, suppl.). p.B264-B264
- Virtual deployment of self-expanding stents in aneurysmatic intracranial vessels: do stent design and vessel geometry matter? (2012) Proceedings of the ASME summer bioengineering conference 2012, pts A and B. p.481-482
- open vs closed cell design in carotid artery stenting (2012) The Leipzig Interventional Course, Abstracts.
- 2011
- Virtual bench testing of new generation coronary stents (2011) EUROINTERVENTION. 7(3). p.369-376
- Improved understanding of stent malapposition using virtual bench testing (2011) INTERVENTIONAL CARDIOLOGY. 6(2). p.106-109
- OK Computer! Computersimulaties voor de behandeling van uw vernauwde slagader of aorta-aneursyma (2011) HET INGENIEURSBLAD. 80(2). p.14-19
- Structural simulation of a mouse-specific abdominal aorta (2011) Proceedings of the ASME 2011 Summer Bioengineering Conference.
- Towards a new virtual bench testing environment for stents assessment (2011) Proceedings of the ASME 2011 Summer Bioengineering Conference.
- High quality hexahedral stent meshing for virtual carotid stent bench testing (2011) International Society of Biomechanics, 23rd Congress, Abstracts.
- Stent design back in the picture: an engineering perspective on longitudinal stent compression (2011) EUROINTERVENTION. 7(7). p.773-775
- 2010
- A novel simulation strategy for stent insertion and deployment in curved coronary bifurcations: comparison of three drug-eluting stents (2010) ANNALS OF BIOMEDICAL ENGINEERING. 38(1). p.88-99
- Coronary bifurcation stenting: insights from in vitro and virtual bench testing (2010) EUROINTERVENTION. 6(J). p.53-60
- Patient-specific computational fluid dynamics: structured mesh generation from coronary angiography (2010) MEDICAL & BIOLOGICAL ENGINEERING & COMPUTING. 48(4). p.371-380
- A virtual product development strategy for minimally invasive medical devices (2010) TRENDS IN BIOMATERIALS AND ARTIFICIAL ORGANS. 24(1). p.19-26
- A novel approach to patient-specific hexahedral meshing: hexahedral vs tetrahedral mesh requirements in coronary CFD (2010) European Society of Biomechanics, 17th Congress, Abstracts.
- Computer modelling of coronary bifurcation stenting: insights into the provisional approach (2010) ICI meeting 2010 : Innovations in Cardiovascular Interventions, Abstracts.
- Finite element analysis of self expanding braided wire stents (2010) Second African conference on computational mechanics : an international conference (AfriCOMP11), Abstracts. p.1-4
- Mesh requirements in patient-specific computational fluid dynamics for accurate assessment of wall shear stress (2010) Biomechanics in Vascular Biology and Cardiovascular Disease, 5th International symposium, Abstract book.
- Novel technique for the quantitative analysis of wall coverage of deployed stents: comparison of five stents (2010)
- Novel technique for the quantitative analysis of wall coverage of deployed stents: comparison of five stents (2010) FDA / NHLBI / NSF worhshop on computer methods for cardiovascular devices : the integration of nonclinical and computer models, Abstracts.
- Update on the latest advances in stent modelling (2010) Biomechanics in Vascular Biology and Cardiovascular Disease, 5th International symposium, Abstract book.
- Virtual bench testing of carotid wallstents: from design to clinic (2010) ICI meeting 2010 : Innovations in Cardiovascular Interventions, Abstracts.
- Virtual bench testing of peripheral stents: from design tool towards virtual procedure planning (2010) European Society for Vascular Surgery ESVS XXIV annual meeting, Abstracts. p.147-147
- Virtual bench testing of three coronary stents : quantitative wall coverage assessment (2010) Biomechanics in Vascular Biology and Cardiovascular Disease, 5th International symposium, Abstract book.
- Virtual stent implantation: a novel tool to assess arterial trauma of stent implantation (2010) EUROINTERVENTION. 6(suppl. H). p.H61-H61
- Computer modelling of coronary bifurcation stenting (2010)
- A new hexahedral mesher for a numerically efficient patient specific analysis of arterial blood flow and wall shear stress (2010) Proceedings of the ASME 2010 Summer Bioengineering Conference. p.543-544
- Stent design matters: insights from virtual bench testing (2010) EXPERT REVIEW OF CARDIOVASCULAR THERAPY. 8(5). p.613-615
- 2009
- Finite element analysis of side branch access during bifurcation stenting (2009) MEDICAL ENGINEERING & PHYSICS. 31(4). p.434-440
- Nitinol embolic protection filters: design investigation by finite element analysis (2009) JOURNAL OF MATERIALS ENGINEERING AND PERFORMANCE. 18(5-6). p.787-792
- Virtual optimization of self-expandable braided wire stents (2009) MEDICAL ENGINEERING & PHYSICS. 31(4). p.448-453
- A novel framework for patient-specific hexahedral mesh generation for vascular computational modelling applied to carotid artery stenting (2009) ARCHIVES DES MALADIES DU COEUR ET DES VAISSEAUX. PRATIQUE. p.23-23
- Balloon folding pattern, an underestimated parameter in stent design? (2009) Biomechanics in Vascular Biology and Cardiovascular Disease, 4th International symposium, Abstract book.
- Feasibility analysis of virtual stent insertion in a patient-specific coronary bifurcation (2009) FDA/NHLBI/NSF Workshop on Computer methods for cardiovascular devices, Abstracts.
- Realistic virtual radial strength testing of stents (2009) Abaqus Benelux Users' Meeting, Abstract.
- The role of WSS in in-stent restenosis (2009) Biomechanics in Vascular Biology and Cardiovascular Disease, 4th International symposium, Abstract book.
- Virtual design of minimally invasive medical devices using the Finite Element Method (2009) Knowledge for Growth, Abstracts.
- Virtual investigation of a novel provisional bifurcation stent system (2009) EUROINTERVENTION. 5(suppl. E). p.E33-E33
- Analysis of side branch access during bifurcation stenting (2009) Proceedings of the ASME 2008 Summer Bioengineering Conference. p.433-434
- Biomechanical analysis of stent placement in a coronary bifurcation considering the anisotropic response of the wall (2009) Proceedings of the ASME 2009 Summer Bioengineering Conference. p.1319-1320
- Finite element design of Nitinol embolic protection filters based on parametric modelling with Pyformex: a feasibility study (2009) Proceedings of the ASME 2009 Summer Bioengineering Conference. p.19-20
- Parametric hexahedral patient-specific mesh generation from coronary angiography using pyFormex (2009) Proceedings of the ASME 2009 Summer Bioengineering Conference. p.965-966
- Parametric stent design using pyFormex (2009) Proceedings of the ASME 2008 Summer Bioengineering Conference. p.1001-1002
- 2008
- Automated generation of a finite element stent model (2008) MEDICAL & BIOLOGICAL ENGINEERING & COMPUTING. 46(11). p.1169-1173
- Numerical study of the uniformity of balloon-expandable stent deployment (2008) JOURNAL OF BIOMECHANICAL ENGINEERING-TRANSACTIONS OF THE ASME. 130(2). p.021018-1-021018-7
- Realistic finite element-based stent design: The impact of balloon folding (2008) JOURNAL OF BIOMECHANICS. 41(2). p.383-389
- Reproducibility of haemodynamical simulations in a subject-specific stented aneurysm model: a report on the Virtual Intracranial Stenting Challenge 2007 (2008) JOURNAL OF BIOMECHANICS. 41(10). p.2069-2081
- Comparison of drug-eluting stent cell size using micro-CT: important data for bifurcation stent selection (2008) EUROINTERVENTION. 4(3). p.391-396
- Analysis of side branch access during bifurcation stenting (2008) Biomechanics in Vascular Biology and Cardiovascular Disease, 3rd International symposium, Proceedings.
- Simulation of wall shear stress-driven in-stent restenosis (2008) IFMBE PROCEEDINGS. 22.
- A microtomography setup for the validation of numerical stent expansion in mock arteries (2008) European Society of Biomechanics, 16th Congress, Abstracts.
- A novel way to assess the mechanical response of self-expanding braided wire stents (2008) INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF ARTIFICIAL ORGANS. 31(7). p.626-626
- Balloon folding, the underestimated cause of neointimal hyperplasia? (2008) EUROPEAN HEART JOURNAL. 29(suppl. 1). p.344-344
- Decision tool for bifurcation stenting based on geometrical analysis (2008) JOURNAL OF BIOMECHANICS. 41(suppl. 1). p.S396-S396
- Effect of anisotropic arterial diffusivity on Drug Eluting Stent performance (2008) Biomechanics in Vascular Biology and Cardiovascular Disease, 3rd International symposium, Abstract book. p.92-92
- Mechanics of new generation braided wire stents (2008) JOURNAL OF BIOMECHANICS. 41(suppl. 1). p.S96-S96
- Stent cell size: an important parameter when stenting bifurcation lesions (2008) EBR' 2008, Abstracts book.
- The underestimated cause of neointimal hyperplasia: balloon folding (2008) EBR' 2008, Abstracts book.
- 2007
- Computersimulaties levensreddend bij medische implantaten (2007) HET INGENIEURSBLAD. 6-7. p.18-22
- Finite element analysis of bifurcation stenting (2007) Seventh Belgian Day on Biomedical Engineering. p.71-71
- Finite element stent design: modeling braided wirestent expansion (2007) Proceedings of the 5th European Symposium of Vascular Biomaterials. 1. p.8-8
- Impact of the balloon folding pattern on the stent strut distribution (2007) ESVB 2007: Abstracts of free communications. p.12-12
- Impact of the balloon folding pattern on the transient stent expansion behaviour: a finite element study (2007) Proceedings of the ASME 2007 Summer Bioengineering Conference (SBC2008).
- Improving side branch access during bifurcation stenting - a finite element study (2007) Finite element modelling in biomechanics and mechanobiology - Proceedings of the 2007 summer workshop of the European Society of Biomechanics. p.66-67
- Improving side branch access during bifurcation stenting: a finite element study (2007) UGent-FirW Doctoraatssymposium, 8e. p.81-82
- Numerical simulations and bifurcation stenting: a promising combination (2007) Journée thématique de la société biomécanique: program and abstract book. p.9-9
- Optimization of self-expandable braided wire stents (2007) Finite element modelling in biomechanics and mechanobiology - Proceedings of the 2007 summer workshop of the European Society of Biomechanics. p.1-2
- The impact of plasticity on the mechanical behavior of cardiovascular stents during insertion and after placement (2007) The 13th International Symposium on Plasticity & Its Current Applications - Plasticity of Conventional and Emerging Materials: Theory & Applications. p.1-6
- The use of micro-CT imaging for FE stent research (2007) European Society of Biomechanics, Summer Workshop, Abstracts.
- Finite element stent design: Parametric modeling of braided wirestents using pyformex (2007) PROCEEDING OF THE AMSE SUMMER BIOENGINEERING CONFERENCE - 2007. p.719-720
- Impact of the balloon folding pattern on the transient stent expansion behaviour - A finite element study (2007) PROCEEDING OF THE AMSE SUMMER BIOENGINEERING CONFERENCE - 2007. p.707-708
- Plasticity as a lifesaver in the design of cardiovascular stents (2007) ENGINEERING PLASTICITY AND ITS APPLICATIONS FROM NANOSCALE TO MACROSCALE, PTS 1 AND 2. 340-341. p.841-846
- Plasticity in the mechanical behaviour of cardiovascular stents during stent preparation (crimping) and placement (expansion) (2007) ENGINEERING PLASTICITY AND ITS APPLICATIONS FROM NANOSCALE TO MACROSCALE, PTS 1 AND 2. 340-341. p.847-852
- 2006
- Finite element simulation of the free expansion of the Cypher stent crimped on a tri-folded balloon (2006) Journal of Biomechanics. 39. p.297-297
- Finite Element Simulation of the free Expansion of the Cypher Stent Crimped on a Tri-folded Balloon (2006) Abstracts of the 5th world congress of Biomechanics.
- Ghent University and Abaqus set the standard for realistic balloon expandable stent deployment (2006) ABAQUS INSIGHTS.
- Ghent University uses innovative method to simulate realistic balloon stent deployment (2006) ABAQUS INSIGHTS.