1 – 10 of 104
- A critical review of Chinese and international social work : walking a tightrope between local and global standards (2022) INTERNATIONAL SOCIAL WORK. 65(6). p.1301-1313
- Aspirations of people with intellectual disabilities living in a care organization (2022) JOURNAL OF SOCIAL WORK. 22(4). p.1105-1122
- Beyond the veil of parents : deconstructing the concept of parental involvement in early childhood education and care (2022) EARLY YEARS. 42(4-5). p.587-598
- Continuity and social support : a longitudinal study of unaccompanied refugee minors’ care networks (2022) JOURNAL OF IMMIGRANT & REFUGEE STUDIES. 20(3). p.398-412
- Effectiveness of promotive and preventive psychosocial interventions on improving the mental health of Finnish-born and immigrant adolescents (2022) INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF ENVIRONMENTAL RESEARCH AND PUBLIC HEALTH. 19(6).
- Effectiveness of psychosocial school interventions in Finnish schools for refugee and immigrant children, 'Refugees Well School' in Finland (RWS-FI) : a protocol for a cluster randomized controlled trial (2022) TRIALS. 23(1).
- Experience of discrimination during COVID-19 pandemic : the impact of public health measures and psychological distress among refugees and other migrants in Europe (2022) BMC PUBLIC HEALTH. 22(1).
- Home language use with children, dialogue with multilingual parents and professional development in ECEC (2022) EARLY CHILDHOOD RESEARCH QUARTERLY. 61. p.70-80
- How to make sense of cultural difference in mental health care : analyzing biographies of diasporic Muslim women with mental health problems (2022) SOCIAL THEORY & HEALTH. 20. p.416-437
- In search of transformative practice : outreach work tactics for perpetuating symbolic boundaries (2022) BRITISH JOURNAL OF SOCIAL WORK. 52(5). p.2743-2759