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- A mean field approach to model levels of consciousness from EEG recordings (2020) JOURNAL OF STATISTICAL MECHANICS-THEORY AND EXPERIMENT.
- A network analysis of potential antecedents and consequences of pain-related activity avoidance and activity engagement in adolescents (2020) PAIN MEDICINE. 21(2). p.E89-E101
- Alterations in the fronto-limbic network and corpus callosum in borderline-personality disorder (2020) BRAIN AND COGNITION. 138.
- Assessing fit in ordinal factor analysis models : SRMR vs. RMSEA (2020) STRUCTURAL EQUATION MODELING-A MULTIDISCIPLINARY JOURNAL. 27(1). p.1-15
- Complete hemispherotomy leads to lateralized functional organization and lower level of consciousness in the isolated hemisphere (2020) EPILEPSIA OPEN. 5(4). p.537-549
- Compression of cerebellar functional gradients in schizophrenia (2020) SCHIZOPHRENIA BULLETIN. 46(5). p.1282-1295
- Connectivity between the cerebrum and cerebellum during social and non-social sequencing using dynamic causal modelling (2020) NEUROIMAGE. 206.
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