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- 2024
- If Russia “Protects” Transnistria, Will the EU Defend Moldova? And Georgia? (2024)
- The EU and the Red Sea: now this is geopolitics (2024)
- Zouden wij Limburg zomaar opgeven? (2024)
- European defence : no Zeitenwende yet (2024) DEFENCE AND PEACE ECONOMICS.
- This is Not a New World Order. Europe Rediscovers Geopolitics, from Ukraine to Taiwan (2024)
- Not Another Geopolitical Commission, Please! (2024)
- The Coffee Machine (2024)
- The European Union Discovers Geopolitics (2024) The Palgrave Handbook of Contemporary Geopolitics. p.1-15
- No End in Sight? The West, China, and the Russo-Ukrainian War (2024)
- PESCO: The Last Chance (2024)
- PESCO: la última oportunidad (2024)
- 2023
- EU military support for Ukraine : the time for half-measures is over (2023) Ukraine : the war that changed the world, one year on.
- How the war in Ukraine shapes the multipolar world (2023) ISA 2023 Annual Convention : Real struggles, high stakes : cooperation, contention, and creativity, Abstracts.
- De estado tapón a estado fronterizo : la UE y el apoyo militar a Ucrania (2023) EJERCITOS. REVISTA DIGITAL SOBRE DEFENSA, ARMAMENTO Y FUERZAS ARMADAS.
- From buffer to frontier : Ukraine and the EU (2023) Egmont Security Policy Briefs.
- Ukraine : the price of China’s neutrality (2023) Egmont Commentaries.
- We have to talk about (not Macron but) strategy (2023) Egmont Commentaries.
- Stop het politiek toerisme naar Taiwan (2023) Knack.
- Visit Taiwan! (2023) Egmont Commentaries.
- De Europese Unie en Oekraïne : niet langer onze buffer, maar onze grens (2023) Knack.
- Urgent, important, and our EU responsibility : military support for Ukraine (2023) Encompass.
- Het komt China niet slecht uit dat de Russische agressiviteit op haar limieten botst (2023) Knack.
- The rediscovery of geopolitics (2023) EIR newsletter. 15(119). p.1-2
- War for Ukraine and the rediscovery of geopolitics : must the EU draw new battlelines or keep an open door? (2023) Egmont papers.
- Samenwerking tussen de legers van de Lage Landen : een lichtend voorbeeld (2023) DE LAGE LANDEN.
- 大国战略 :探究21世纪大国关系 (2023)
- La guerra por Ucrania y el redescubrimiento de la geopolítica (2023) EJERCITOS. REVISTA DIGITAL SOBRE DEFENSA, ARMAMENTO Y FUERZAS ARMADAS. 50.
- Wat echt op het spel staat nu Europa door oorlogen omringd is (2023) De Tijd.
- Keeping it together? Realpolitik and solidarity in a multipolar world (2023) In CSDS Policy Brief
- Cannon to right of them, cannon to left of them : coping with war around Europe (2023) Commentaries.
- My summer in Beijing (2023) Security Policy Briefs.
- Het leger heeft een territoriale reserve nodig (2023) De Tijd.
- La boussole stratégique de l’Union Européenne : de la décision à la mise-en-œuvre (2023) L’année de la défense nationale 2024 : comprendre les orientations stratégiques dans un monde en recomposition. p.1-7
- Strategic diplomacy : the Germany case : country report for the project on ‘strategic diplomacy for 21st century defence and statecraft’ (2023)
- Regional actor, global player : can the EU get the best of both worlds? (2023) In CEPS Explainer
- Notre armée a besoin d'une réserve territoriale (2023) L'ECHO.
- 2022
- European defence : the full package (2022) EU Military Forum. 1(1).
- The new force model : NATO's European army? (2022) Egmont Policy Brief.
- Ukraine : le prix de la stabilité (2022) Le Rubicon.
- Biden’s national security strategy : three important truths for Europe (2022) Egmont Commentaries.
- Vragen dat er een einde komt aan de Orde van Leopold II, is vragen dat we de duizenden Belgische soldaten vergeten (2022) DE MORGEN.
- Is Putin winning, or is he trying not to lose? (2022) SECURITY POLICY BRIEFS.
- Military offensives, hybrid attacks : and no peace in sight (2022) Egmont Commentaries.
- Voor een progressieve realpolitik (2022) SAMENLEVING EN POLITIEK (BRUSSEL). 29(3). p.14-20
- The EU’s strategic compass : how to translate it into capabilities? (2022) MEDITERRANEAN YEARBOOK. p.211-214
- The EU’s role in security and defence : still indispensable (2022) Facing war : rethinking Europe’s security and defence : ISPI report. p.47-59
- The growing pains of Belgium’s armed forces (2022) Egmont Commentaries.
- How the war in Ukraine shapes the multipolar world (2022) Egmont Commentaries.
- Kan de NAVO eindelijk een ‘normale’ alliantie worden door mogelijk Europees leger? (2022) DE MORGEN.
- A European defence summit in may 2022 : from compass to capabilities (2022) SECURITY POLICY BRIEFS. 275.
- The world order holds : for now (2022) Egmont Commentaries.
- De wereldorde houdt stand, maar niet vanzelf (2022) De Tijd.
- Emotionele drang om meer te doen voor Oekraïne is perfect verstaanbaar. Maar emotie is een slechte strategische raadgever (2022) Knack.
- Voor het eerst sinds de Koude Oorlog staat de Belgische defensie niet meer op een hongerdieet (2022) DE MORGEN.
- De Tank versus de bank : Russische militaire en Europese economische macht (2022) BULLETIN - MARS & MERCURE. 2022(2). p.43-44
- Ukraine : the price of stability (2022) Egmont Commentaries.
- Als Moskou de gaskraan ooit dichtdraait, gaat ze nooit meer open : dat moet onze boodschap zijn (2022) DE MORGEN.
- Strategic autonomy : not without integration (2022)
- Russia invades Ukraine : the dangerous weakness of a military superpower (2022) Egmont Commentaries.
- Rusland en Oekraïne : een gevaarlijk zwaktebod van een militaire supermacht (2022) Knack.
- A European army for NATO? (2022) Encompass.
- Sabotage drijft nu onze gasprijzen op, maar op termijn snijdt dit vooral in Ruslands vel (2022) Knack.
- Heeft de EU in haar morele verontwaardiging, het zicht op de strategie verloren? (2022) Knack.
- Bidens wereldvisie : voor Amerika, met Europa, tegen China (2022) Knack.
- Imperial preference (2022) Egmont Policy Briefs. 289(11/10/2022).
- The EU and Ukraine : strategy and morality (2022) Egmont Commentaries.
- Xi Jinping seeks stability : the 20th National Congress of the CCP (2022) Egmont Policy Briefs.
- Tanks versus banks : Russian military versus EU geoeconomic power (2022) SECURITY POLICY BRIEFS. 276.
- De Oorlog in Oekraïne : de noodzaak van het waarborgen van één wereld (2022) GIDS OP MAATSCHAPPELIJK GEBIED. 113(6). p.7-13
- Poetin creëert de multipolaire wereld die hij (dacht dat hij) wilde (2022) Knack.
- Putin is creating the multipolar world he (thought he) wanted (2022) SECURITY POLICY BRIEFS.
- 2021
- Hoe de grootmachten de koers van de wereldpolitiek bepalen : grand strategy in 10 kernwoorden (2021)
- Moet het westen overal de democratie verspreiden? (2021) KERK EN LEVEN.
- The Strategic Compass : entering the fray (2021) SECURITY POLICY BRIEFS.
- EU strategy : resolutely moderate (2021)
- The lonely strategist : who but the High Representative and the EEAS cares about the EU Global Strategy? (2021) EUROPEAN FOREIGN AFFAIRS REVIEW. 26(1). p.25-34
- Welke lessen trekken uit bezoek Biden aan EU en Poetin? (2021) VRT NWS.
- Afghanistan is niet alleen een mislukking, maar erger : een overbodige mislukking (2021) DE MORGEN.
- The EU’s strategic choices for the 2020s (2021) Asia and Europe in the 21st century : new anxieties, new opportunities. In Routledge Series on Asia in the World p.74-81
- Mogherini and the Holy Grail : the quest for European strategic autonomy (2021) The making of European security policy : between institutional dynamics and global challenges. In Routledge studies in European security and strategy p.198-213
- Eine Verteidigungsstrategie für die Europäische Union (2021) Der Strategische Kompass der Europäischen Union : Ziele, Perspektiven und Chancen für Österreich. p.24-30
- Analysing the EU global strategy on foreign and security policy (2021) Handbook on CSDP : the common security and defence policy of the European Union. p.29-36
- EU and NATO : time to align strategies (2021) THE DEFENCE HORIZON JOURNAL. 2021(5). p.21-25
- 让欧洲再次伟大(旧力量、新未来) (2021)
- Grand strategy in 10 words : a guide to great power politics in the 21st century (2021)
- Διαφοροποιημενη ολοκληρωση στην αμυνα : έκκληση προς την PESCO (2021) ΣΤΡΑΤΙΩΤΙΚΗ ΕΠΙΘΕΩΡΗΣΗ = STRATIOTIKI EPITHEORISI. p.44-53
- Crying wolf will not help Taiwan (2021) Egmont Commentaries.
- The EU and China : sanctions, signals, and interests (2021) SECURITY POLICY BRIEFS. In Security Policy Briefs
- La llegada de Biden y la autonomía de la Unión Europea (2021) POLÍTICA EXTERIOR. 35(199). p.12-16
- EU-China : drop the masks, back to real diplomacy (2021) Commentaries.
- The Capitol and the Reichstag (2021) www.egmontinstitute.be.
- Het Capitool en de Reichstag (2021) www.vrt.be.
- Biden's visit : 5 must-do's in Brussels (2021) Egmont Commentaries. In Egmont Commentaries
- Samenwerken waar het kan, terugduwen waar het moet (2021) DE STANDAARD.
- Biden op bezoek: vijf dingen om zeker te doen in Brussel (2021) DE MORGEN.
- World politics in 2021: infected by rivalry (2021) www.transformingsociety.co.uk.
- Biden and Europe, values and interests (2021) Aspenia online : international analysis and commentary.
- Biden, NATO and the EU : who deals with China, and who with Russia? (2021) EGMONT COMMENTARIES.
- Mort aux groupements tactiques de l’Union européenne! (2021) Le Rubicon.
- Afghanistan : the end of a strategic distraction (2021) Egmont Commentaries. 20/08/2021.
- Come on, Biden, let's talk! (2021) Egmont Commentaries.
- AUKUS and the EU : a snub for the bloc? (2021) Egmont Commentaries.
- The coordination problem in European defence planning (2021) STRATEGIC COMMENTS. 27.
- Kill the battlegroups (2021) Egmont Commentaries.
- Defensie bestaat uit mensen : net het aspect dat jarenlang politiek verwaarloosd werd (2021) DE MORGEN.
- Belgian defence : put your trust in people (2021) Egmont Commentaries.
- EU and NATO Strategy : a compass, a concept, and a concordat (2021) SECURITY POLICY BRIEF.
- EU–Asia security relations in a global context : geoeconomics and geopolitics (2021) The European Union’s security relations with Asian partners. In The European Union in international affairs p.29-49
- What Belgium can do : proposals for the national security strategy (2021) SECURITY POLICY BRIEFS. In Security Policy Briefs
- The strategic committee on Belgian defence : how to read the report (2021) EGMONT COMMENTARIES.
- Comment lire le rapport du Comité stratégique de la Défense belge (2021) LE SOIR (BRUXELLES).
- 2020
- Battalions to brigades : the future of European defence (2020) SURVIVAL. 62(5). p.105-118
- No peace from corona : defining EU strategy for the 2020s (2020) JOURNAL OF EUROPEAN INTEGRATION. 42(8). p.1009-1023
- Weaker together or weaker apart? Great power relations after the coronavirus (2020) ASIA EUROPE JOURNAL. 18(2). p.231-234
- The ESDC : a tool for strategy-making (2020) The European Security and Defence College and its contribution to the common security and defence culture : a 15 year journey. p.166-171
- The future of the transatlantic alliance: not without the European Union (2020) Strategic Studies Quarterly. 14(3). p.81-94
- Foreword : connectivity with consent (2020) The Belt and Road Initiative : an old archetype of a new development model. p.vii-ix
- European defence and Pesco : don't waste the chance (2020) Policy Papers.
- In the desert or at sea? Securing Europe’s southern flank (2020) ANÁLISIS DEL REAL INSTITUTO ELCANO.
- Coronavirus and power : the impact on international politics (2020) SECURITY POLICY BRIEF.
- Trump, the Middle East and North Africa : just leave things to the proxies? (2020) SECURITY POLICY BRIEF.
- Dealing with Russia : towards a coherent Belgian policy (2020) EGMONT PAPERS.
- 2019
- European strategy in the 21st century : new future for old powe (2019) In Routledge Studies in European Security and Strategy
- The EU or NATO : that is not the question (2019) Mutual reinforcement : CSDP and NATO in the face of rising challenges. In Focus stratégique p.11-20
- EU-US consensus and EU-NATO cooperation (2019) New perspectives on shared security : NATO's next 70 years. p.15-18
- Fighting for Europe : European strategic autonomy and the use of force (2019) In Egmont Paper 103.
- Defensie : samenwerken voor een autonoom Europa (2019) HELLING (AMSTERDAM). 32(1). p.38-42
- From global strategy to strategic compass : where is the EU heading? (2019) SECURITY POLICY BRIEF.
- Putting the core at the centre : the Crisis Response Operation Core (CROC) and the future of PESCO (2019) SECURITY POLICY BRIEF.
- The EU global strategy 2020 (2019) SECURITY POLICY BRIEF.
- The power to engage : giving punch to a new EU global strategy 2020 (2019) SECURITY POLICY BRIEF.
- 1919-2019 : how to make peace last? European strategy and the future of the world order (2019) SECURITY POLICY BRIEF.
- 2018
- EU-NATO relations : a long-term perspective (2018) NAçãO E DEFESA. p.85-93
- Powers, great, smart and not so smart (2018) GLOBAL AFFAIRS. 3(4-5). p.321-324
- The EU and multilateralism in an age of great powers (2018) Multilateralism in a changing world order. p.39-47
- PESCO, strategic autonomy, and ambition (2018) SICHERHEIT UND FRIEDEN = SECURITY AND PEACE. 36(4). p.191-195
- European defence : give PESCO a chance (2018) SURVIVAL. 60(3). p.161-180
- Feit blijft: we moeten nieuwe vliegtuigen kopen (2018)
- Na Trump en Iran: gedaan met de Europese onderdanigheid? (2018)
- Trump en de triomf van de redeloosheid (2018)
- L'Europe de la défense: donnons une chance à "PESCO" (2018) DEFENSE. p.24-26
- Een orde of een ereteken? (2018) MEDEC. p.13-18
- Brexit, strategy, and the EU : Britain takes leave (2018) Egmont Paper. 100.
- Europa : een grootmacht zonder machtspolitiek? (2018) INTERNATIONALE SPECTATOR. 72(6).
- Letting Europe Go Its Own Way (2018)
- Stand firm and hold the handrail : a traveller's impressions of a summer of summitry (2018) SECURITY POLICY BRIEF.
- 2017
- Het Maginavo-complex van de Europese Unie (2017) SAMENLEVING EN POLITIEK. 24(5). p.9-13
- Watching Trump, Xi and Putin - How long can you hold your breath? (2017) Security Brief.
- Differentiated integration in defence : a plea for PESCO (2017) Series EU60 : refounding Europe.
- Make Europe great again (2017)
- Oratio pro PESCO (2017) Egmont Paper. 91.
- A strategy for the EU's neighbourhood : keep resilient and carry on? (2017) ANALYSES OF THE REAL INSTITUTO ELCANO (ARI).
- Europe and the great powers : playing our trump cards (2017) SECURITY POLICY BRIEF.
- How the EU can save NATO (2017) SECURITY POLICY BRIEF.
- Belgium (2017) Strategic autonomy and the defence of Europe : on the road to a European Army?. p.80-89
- 2016
- Game of zones: power struggles in the EU’s neighbourhood (2016) Global Affairs. 2(1).
- The European Union and mutual assistance : more than defence (2016) INTERNATIONAL SPECTATOR. 51(2). p.119-125
- All or nothing? The EU global strategy and defence policy after the Brexit (2016) CONTEMPORARY SECURITY POLICY. 37(3). p.431-445
- Peace without money, war without Americans, and the future of European strategy (2016)
- EU Global Strategy – Expert Opinion No. 4 (2016)
- Brexit and defence: where is the strategy? (2016)
- 2015
- The Gauche Gateway. Preface to Elisabeth Ida Mulyani, “Inside Embassies”. Brugge, Art Paper Editions (2015) Art Paper Editions.
- The future of defence in Europe: support your local sheriff (2015) 55th ISA Annual Convention, Abstracts.
- Game of zones: power struggles in the EU’s neighbourhood (2015) 55th ISA Annual Convention, Abstracts.
- CSDP: what is it good for? (2015) Egmont Papers. p.117-120
- Meer wapens lossen niks op (2015)
- Introduction: a strategic anniversary (2015) Studia Diplomatica. 66(2). p.3-12
- The state of defence in Europe: dependence, deterrence and deployment (2015) Global Affairs. 1(2). p.169-182
- Global and operational: a new strategy for EU foreign and security policy (2015) IAI Working Paper.
- Les Chemins de l’Europe-puissance (2015) France Forum. p.85-87
- Editorial (2015) Global Affairs. 1(5). p.111-112
- Peace without money, war without Americans : can European strategy cope? (2015)
- Minder militairen, meer strategie (2015)
- Thou shalt not arm those who cannot win (2015) European Strategy.
- Out of the blue: a white book (2015)
- Belgium and the miracle of European defence (2015) Egmont Paper.
- The future of the European Neighbourhood Policy (2015) Studia Diplomatica.
- Get rid of reassurance (2015) European Geostrategy.
- Bad theatre (2015) European Geostrategy.
- Toch liever geen zakenkabinet (2015)
- Wat België wél kan doen aan de oorlog in Syrië (2015)
- Zo’n briljant strateeg is Poetin niet (2015)
- Defensie: België is geen klein land (2015)
- Escalate the diplomatic offensive in the war against Islamic State (2015) European Geostrategy.
- Ook onze regering mag, zoals François Hollande, de zaken benoemen zoals ze zijn (2015)
- EU mutual assistance is more than defence (2015)
- Het leger krijgt echt niet zoveel extra (2015)
- CSDP: what is it good for (2015) European Geostrategy.
- Strategy: what is it good for? (2015) European Geostrategy.
- Een Belgisch leger voor een Europese defensie (2015)
- Half a grand strategy is not enough (2015) European Geostrategy.
- Can European Strategy cope? (2015)
- Hybrid hysteria (2015) SECURITY POLICY BRIEF.
- Shangri-La Dialogue 2015: Europe was there (2015) The Diplomat.
- 2013
- Peace without money, war without Americans: challenges for European strategy (2013) INTERNATIONAL AFFAIRS. 89(5). p.1125-1142
- Post-interventionist or newly responsible? Europe as a security provider (2013) The armed forces : towards a post-interventionist era?. p.73-79
- Belgium (2013) Strategic cultures in Europe : security and defence policies across the continent. In Schriftenreihe des Zentrums für Militärgeschichte und Sozialwissenschaften der Bundeswehr 13. p.31-41
- Multilateralism at the heart of the European security strategy (2013) The EU and multilateral security governance. In Routledge advances in European Politics p.59-71
- Mali : another European intervention without the EU? (2013) SECURITY POLICY BRIEF.
- 2012
- The EU and emerging powers in the 21st century: how Europe can shape a new global order Sven Biscop UGent and Thomas Renard (2012)
- The UK and European defence: leading or leaving? (2012) INTERNATIONAL AFFAIRS. 88(6). p.1297-1313
- CSDP : the strategic perspective (2012) Explaining the EU's common security and defence policy : theory in action. In Palgrave Studies in European Union Politics p.63-85
- 2011
- From Lisbon to Lisbon : squaring the circle of EU and NATO future roles (2011) SECURITY POLICY BRIEF.
- CSDP and the 'Ghent Framework': the indirect approach to permanent structured cooperation? (2011) EUROPEAN FOREIGN AFFAIRS REVIEW. 16. p.149-167
- Europe, strategy and armed forces: the making of a distinctive power (2011)
- 2010
- Egmont paper 37: a strategy for CSDP: Europe’s ambitions as a global security provider Sven Biscop UGent and Jo Coelmont (2010)
- Europe goes global (2010) AmCham EU Quarterly. p.8-9
- 2010: en toen werd de EU een grootmacht? (2010) Atlantisch Perspectief (AP). 34(1). p.16-19
- Europa: strategie voor een wereldmacht (2010)
- Status quo and way ahead for European strategies (2010) Strategie und Sicherheit 2010 : das strategische Profil der Europäischen Union. p.253-262
- Background and development of the ESS in 2003 (2010) Handbook on CSDP : the common security and defence policy of the european union. p.16-17
- Main themes of the ESS and key message for CSDP (2010) Handbook on CSDP : the common security and defence policy of the european union. p.18-19
- Excursion: permanent structured cooperation: an academic view (2010) Handbook on CSDP : the common security and defence policy of the european union. p.30-31
- The ENP, security and democracy in the context of the European security strategy (2010) The European neighbourhood policy in perspective : context, implementation and impact. In Palgrave Studies in European Union Politics p.73-88
- The strategic effect of European Union operations (2010) Emulations : Revenue des Jeunes Chercheurs en Sciences Sociales. p.2-3
- Un haut représentant a besoin d’une grande stratégie (2010) Alliance Géostratégique.
- The strategic effect of European Union operations (2010) European Geostrategy.
- The European convoy needs strategic guidance for fleet action (2010) Global Europe.
- European studies discovers strategy (2010) European Geostrategy - Blog.
- Of Greeks and Romans : the EU, the US and security strategy in a multipolar world (2010) POLICY BRIEF (FUNDACION PARA LAS RELACIONES INTERNACIONALES Y EL DIALOGO EXTERIOR). p.1-4
- Permanent structured cooperation in defence: building effective European armed forces (2010) BRUGES POLITICAL RESEARCH PAPERS - CAHIERS DE RECHERCHE POLITIQUE DE BRUGES. 23.
- The United States, NATO and the European Union: partnership in the balance (2010) STRATEGIC ADVISORS GROUP : ISSUE BRIEF. p.1-4
- The European Union as a security actor: cooperative multilateralism (2010) SECURITY AND HUMAN RIGHTS. 21(1). p.12-17
- A realistic ambition: setting priorities for ESDP (2010) Think global : act European. p.164-168
- Permanent structured cooperation in defence: building effective European armed forces (2010) Integrationsprojekt Sicherheit : Aspekte europäischer Sicherheitspolitik im Vertrag von Lissabon. p.101-110
- Permanent structured cooperation in defence: building effective European armed forces (2010) 40th Annual Conference, Abstracts.
- NSS review: Europe given short shrift (2010) The New Atlanticist.
- Permanent structured cooperation : in defence of the obvious (2010) SECURITY POLICY BRIEF.
- A need for strategy in a multipolar world : recommendations to the EU after Lisbon (2010) SECURITY POLICY BRIEF.
- 2009
- The value of power, the power of values: a call for an EU grand strategy Sven Biscop UGent (2009) 33.
- Belgium in the UN security council: reflections on the 2007-2008 membership Sven Biscop UGent, Jan Wouters and Edith Drieskens (2009)
- President Obama, Europe and the Middle East (2009) ISRAEL JOURNAL OF FOREIGN AFFAIRS. 3(1).
- Hoog tijd voor meer Europa in de NAVO (2009) De Standaard.
- The US needs a strong Europe (2009) The European Security and Defence Union. p.38-39
- Odd couple or dynamic duo? The EU and strategy in times of crisis (2009) EUROPEAN FOREIGN AFFAIRS REVIEW. 14(3). p.367-384
- Military integration in Europe: the future of ESDP (2009) The path to European defence : new roads, new horizons. p.196-200
- Global public goods : engine of a comprehensive EU security strategy (2009) Contemporary global governance : multipolarity vs new discourses on global governance. In International Insights 9. p.103-122
- Preparing for the NATO summit: from allies to partners (2009) The New Atlanticist - Blog.
- Change against a background of continuity: the emerging EU strategic culture (2009) 50th Annual Conference, ISA, Abstracts.
- A military strategy for the EU (2009) 39th Annual Conference, Abstracts.
- Time for an EU grand strategy (2009) European Geostrategy.
- Préparer le sommet de l’OTAN (2009) Alliance Géostratégique.
- Strategisch partnerschap tussen de EU en de BRICs: waar is de strategie? (2009) INTERNATIONALE SPECTATOR. 63(10). p.514-516
- A shared security strategy for a Euro-Atlantic partnership of equals: a report of the global dialogue between the European union and the United States (2009)
- EU’s strategic partnerships lack content (2009) EUOBSERVER.
- The EU’s strategic partnerships with the BRIC : where’s the strategy? (2009) BUREAU OF EUROPEAN POLICY ADVISORS (BEPA) MONTHLY BRIEF. p.6-8
- Europe: A Time for Strategy (2009) Egmont Paper. 27.
- A future agenda for the European Security and Defence Policy (2009) Egmont Working Paper (WP). p.1-47
- 2008
- EU enlargement and the transatlantic alliance: a security relationship in flux Sven Biscop UGent and Johan Lembke (2008)