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- 2025
- Nowhere to Feel Safe Anymore Mapping Public and Organisational Violence Against Journalists in Belgium (2025) Digital Journalism. p.1-18
- 2023
- Portret van Belgische Journalisten in 2023 (2023)
- De Belgische Journalist in 2023 (deel 1) : cijfers leggen grote inkomensverschillen bloot (2023) DE JOURNALIST (BRUSSEL). p.12-15
- De Belgische Journalist in 2023 (deel 2) : agressie tegen journalisten niet louter probleem buiten de redactie (2023) DE JOURNALIST (BRUSSEL). p.20-23
- Mapping violence and targeted journalistic identities in Belgium (2023) Future of Journalism Conference 2023, Abstracts.
- 2022
- 4th International Press Freedom Seminar : combating SLAPPs against journalists (2022)
- Teenagers’ reflections on media literacy initiatives at school and everyday media literacy discourses (2022) JOURNAL OF CHILDREN AND MEDIA. 16(2). p.221-239
- Precarity in the journalistic workforce during the COVID-19 pandemic : a representative survey of Belgian journalists (2022) ECREA Journalism 2022, Abstracts.
- 2021
- Perceived autonomy in Belgian newsrooms : a systematic overview of different media, beats and role perceptions based on a representative survey (2021) ECREA 2021, 8th European Communication Conference, Abstracts.
- Blowing hot and cold? A quantitative content analysis of climate change coverage on Belgian news sites (2021) Future of journalism conference 2021 : overcoming obstacles in journalism, Abstracts.
- Freelancers or ‘forced lancers’? Results of a survey to study the impact of the coronavirus pandemic on Belgian journalists (2021) Future of journalism conference 2021 : overcoming obstacles in journalism, Abstracts.
- Sexting bij LHB-jongeren : eerste stappen naar een beter begrip (2021) TIJDSCHRIFT VOOR COMMUNICATIEWETENSCHAP. 49(4). p.352-356
- From one division of labor to the other : the relation between beat reporting, freelancing, and journalistic autonomy (2021) JOURNALISM PRACTICE. 15(9). p.1203-1221
- Sexting, pressured sexting and image-based sexual abuse among a weighted-sample of heterosexual and LGB-youth (2021) COMPUTERS IN HUMAN BEHAVIOR. 117.
- 2020
- Onderzoeksrapport Apestaartjaren : de digitale leefwereld van jongeren (2020)