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- 2023
- (De)constructing humanitarian representations. NGO journalism and communication strategies of international refugee organizations on the Syrian and Central African conflicts (2023) International Communication Association 2023.
- Manufacturing humanitarian imagery : explaining Norwegian refugee council’s public communication strategies toward the Syrian and Central African crises (2023) INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF COMMUNICATION. 17. p.3799-3821
- Beyond the humanitarian savior logics? UNHCR's public communication strategies for the Syrian and Central African crises (2023) INTERNATIONAL COMMUNICATION GAZETTE. 85(2). p.164-190
- 2022
- (De)constructing humanitarian representations of forcibly displaced people : a mixed-methods and multidimensional research project on the public communication strategies of international refugee organizations (2022)
- 2021
- Book review: Nikunen, K. (2019). Media solidarities. Emotions, power and justice in the digital age (2021) COMMUNICATIONS-EUROPEAN JOURNAL OF COMMUNICATION RESEARCH. 46(4). p.608-610
- Paulmann, J. (Ed.) (2019). Humanitarianism & media: 1900 to the present. Oxford: Berghahn Books (2021) COMMUNICATIONS-EUROPEAN JOURNAL OF COMMUNICATION RESEARCH. 46(1). p.156-158
- 2020
- How do refugee organizations communicate about forcibly displaced people? (2020)
- NGOs as newsmakers : the changing landscape of international news (2020) COMMUNICATIONS-EUROPEAN JOURNAL OF COMMUNICATION RESEARCH. 45(2). p.270-272
- IIC YSN PhD Workshop 2019 (2020)
- 2019
- Law of the Border (2019) FILM-PLATEAU.
- 2019 : IIC YSN PhD Workshop (2019)
- Drie dagen ondergedompeld in humanitaire journalistiek, media en migratie (2019)
- Beyond pity and irony? A comparative multimodal critical discourse analysis and quantitative content analysis on Norwegian Refugee Council’s public communication strategies towards the Syrian and Central African crises (2013-2018) (2019)
- Displaced people : who is represented, how, and why? A mixed methods study on Norwegian Refugee Council’s public communication strategies towards the Syrian and Central African displacement crises (2013-2018) (2019) Digital Fortress Europe : Exploring Boundaries between Media, Migration and Technology, Conference, Abstracts. p.78-80
- How do refugee organizations communicate about forcibly displaced people? A case for more mindful humanitarian representations (2019) AidEx 2019, Abstracts.