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- 2024
- EU member state support to Ukraine (2024) FOREIGN POLICY ANALYSIS. 20(2).
- 2023
- The populist radical right and military intervention : a coincidence analysis of military deployment votes (2023) INTERNATIONAL INTERACTIONS. 49(3). p.345-371
- Relevant, irrelevant, or ambiguous? Toward a new interpretation of QCA’s solution types (2023) SOCIOLOGICAL METHODS & RESEARCH. 52(4). p.1737-1764
- Under pressure : a qualitative comparative analysis on the factors contributing to the success and failure of cross-border gas pipeline construction in Europe and Turkey (2023) ENERGY STRATEGY REVIEWS. 45.
- The global energy crisis (2023) GIES Occasional Paper. 2.
- 2022
- NATO burden sharing after the Wales summit : a generalized set qualitative analysis (2022) DEFENCE AND PEACE ECONOMICS. 33(6). p.637-654
- Russia's invasion in Ukraine : what happened before? (2022) GIES Occasional Paper. 1. p.1-7
- Introduction : causation, inferences, and solution types in configurational comparative methods (2022) QUALITY & QUANTITY. 56(4). p.1867-1888
- The war in Ukraine (2022) GIES Occasional Paper. 1.
- A matter of preference : taking sides on the Nord Stream 2 gas pipeline project (2022) JOURNAL OF CONTEMPORARY EUROPEAN STUDIES. 30(2). p.331-344
- Party politics and military deployments : explaining political consensus on Belgian military intervention (2022) EUROPEAN SECURITY. 31(1). p.76-96
- 2021
- Belgium : the reliable free rider (2021) INTERNATIONAL POLITICS. 58. p.37-48
- La Belgique à l’OTAN : un passager clandestin fiable? (2021) BePolitix.
- Foreign policy change : from policy adjustments to fundamental reorientations (2021) POLITICAL STUDIES REVIEW. 19(3). p.482-491
- Introduction : foreign policy change (2021) Foreign policy change in Europe since 1991. p.1-20
- Belgian foreign policy : in foro interno, inferno? (2021) Foreign policy change in Europe since 1991. p.21-47
- 2020
- Patterns of political ideology and security policy (2020) FOREIGN POLICY ANALYSIS. 16(4). p.565-586
- When does politics stop at the water’s edge? A QCA of parliamentary consensus on military deployment decisions (2020) EUROPEAN POLITICAL SCIENCE REVIEW. 12(3). p.371-390
- Moving beyond coal : exploring and explaining the Powering Past Coal Alliance (2020) ENERGY RESEARCH & SOCIAL SCIENCE. 59.
- Algorithmic bias in social research : a meta-analysis (2020) PLOS ONE. 15(6).
- 2019
- Who follows whom? A coincidence analysis of military action, public opinion and threats (2019) JOURNAL OF PEACE RESEARCH. 56(6). p.753-766
- An alternative update of the two-step QCA procedure (2019) QUALITY & QUANTITY. 53(6). p.2765-2780
- Parliamentary involvement, party ideology and majority-opposition bargaining : Belgian participation in multinational military operations (2019) CONTEMPORARY SECURITY POLICY. 40(1). p.85-100
- Parliamentary war powers and the role of international law in foreign troop deployment decisions : the US-led coalition against 'Islamic State' in Iraq and Syria (2019) ICON-INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF CONSTITUTIONAL LAW. 17(1). p.118-150
- 2018
- National behaviour in multilateral military operations (2018) POLITICAL STUDIES REVIEW. 16(2). p.102-112
- Democratic participation in the air strikes against Islamic state : a qualitative comparative analysis (2018) FOREIGN POLICY ANALYSIS. 14(2). p.254-275
- Burden sharing in CSDP military operations (2018) DEFENCE AND PEACE ECONOMICS. 29(7). p.748-765
- Fractured politics? The comparative regulation of shale gas in Europe (2018) JOURNAL OF EUROPEAN PUBLIC POLICY. 25(9). p.1276-1293
- 2017
- NATO burden sharing in Libya : a fuzzy set qualitative comparative analysis (2017) JOURNAL OF CONFLICT RESOLUTION. 61(10). p.2235-2261
- EU member state participation in military operations : a configurational comparative analysis (2017) CAMBRIDGE REVIEW OF INTERNATIONAL AFFAIRS. 30(2-3). p.137-159
- European military deployment : making sense of the EU member states’ varying military engagements (2017) CRIA Views.
- 2016
- The added value of multi-value qualitative comparative analysis (2016) FORUM QUALITATIVE SOZIALFORSCHUNG = FORUM QUALITATIVE SOCIAL RESEARCH. 17(1).
- EU member state participation in military operations (2016)
- Explaining the member states' varying military engagements : the potential of a strategic culture perspective (2016) JOURNAL OF CONTEMPORARY EUROPEAN RESEARCH. 12(3). p.773-781
- 2015
- The responsibility to protect doctrine: coherent after all (2015) INTERNATIONAL POLITICS. 52(1). p.128-137
- Explaining the pattern of CSDP-operations : towards a theoretical synthesis (2015) ROMANIAN JOURNAL OF EUROPEAN AFFAIRS. 15(2). p.5-21
- Pitfalls in QCA's consistency measure (2015) JOURNAL OF COMPARATIVE POLITICS. 8(2). p.65-80
- Democratic contributions to UN peacekeeping operations: a two-step fuzzy set analysis of UNIFIL II (2015) ROMANIAN JOURNAL OF POLITICAL SCIENCE. 15(1). p.4-47
- European Council (2015) The SAGE handbook on European foreign policy. p.345-358
- EUFOR RCA and CSDP crisis management operations : back on track? (2015) EUROPEAN FOREIGN AFFAIRS REVIEW. 20(2). p.267-285
- 2014
- Policy-making in EU security and defence: an institutional perspective by H. Dijkstra (2014) JOURNAL OF COMMON MARKET STUDIES. 52(4).
- Interventie in de Centraal Afrikaanse Republiek: het eerste succesverhaal voor R2P? (2014) INTERNATIONALE SPECTATOR. 68(5). p.28-32
- Democratic participation in armed conflict: military involvement in Kosovo, Afghanistan and Iraq. By Patrick A. Mello (2014) INTERNATIONAL AFFAIRS. 90(6).
- Reconsidering the Libya intervention (2014) INTERNATIONALE SPECTATOR. 49(3).
- 2013
- The added value of multi-value QCA (2013) Compasss Working Paper Series.
- The EU and military operations: a comparative analysis by Katarina Engberg (2013)
- Het afblazen van de interventie in Syrië: klap of meevaller voor de responsibility to protect? (2013) WERELDBEELD. 373(168). p.34-37
- Is er een toekomst voor R2P in de Veiligheidsraad (2013) INTERNATIONALE SPECTATOR. 67(2). p.38-43
- EU-geleide crisis management-operaties: Minder, Kleinschaliger en Pragmatischer (2013) INTERNATIONALE SPECTATOR. 67(2). p.28-32
- 2011
- Macht en waarden in de wereldpolitiek : actuele vraagstukken in de internationale politiek (2011)