Pinpointing molecular mechanisms of long non-coding RNAs : at the crossroads of biochemistry and genetics
- Author
- Louis Delhaye (UGent)
- Promoter
- Sven Eyckerman (UGent) and Pieter Mestdagh (UGent)
- Organization
- Abstract
- Ribonucleic acid (RNA) is one of the major molecular biopolymers in all known forms of life. Although originally known for its crucial roles in directing diverse aspects of translation, today it is know its functions extend to other, if not all, areas of cellular biology. This is demonstrated by the fact that although >80% of the genome is pervasively transcribed, only 2% of the genome accounts for protein-coding genes, putting forward the question on the function, if any, of these non-coding transcripts? Since the sequencing of the human genome, advancements in massively parallel sequencing and RNA extraction methods have revealed a previously unprecedented complexity of the non-coding transcriptome. These ncRNAs comprise a highly diverse group with high structural and functional variation. LncRNAs are of particular interest, as these comprise the bulk of the transcriptome in terms of number of genes. Although some lncRNAs have been extensively studied and characterized, most lncRNAs have long been regarded as transcriptional noise, owing in part by their generally low expression levels. However, for the last three decades, pioneering research has demonstrated that lncRNA transcripts can have important if not essential functions in cellular biology, and it has become clear that the non-coding part of the transcriptome adds several layers of regulation on the central dogma. In addition, dysregulated expression of lncRNAs can contribute to a wide plethora of human diseases. The highly tissue-specific expression profile of many of these lncRNA genes makes the human lncRNome an untapped source of potential targets for precision medicine, and translating these insights to the clinic may lead to new exciting avenues for diagnostic, prognostic, and therapeutic applications. A big hurdle in lncRNA research remains the elucidation of the molecular mechanism of these transcripts. However, insights in these mechanisms may prove to be very useful for the development of treatment modalities that are synergistic to existing therapy or to predict and counter potential resistance mechanisms. A lncRNA rarely acts as a sole effector molecule, but rather functions by interacting with other biomolecular entities such as DNA or proteins. Although recent technological advances to interrogate an RNA’s interactome have been made, these methods have proven difficult to implement and each has its own benefits and drawbacks. Most methods to characterize an RNA’s interactome rely on RNA pulldown methods using various ways of cross-linking and the use of biotinylated tiling probes complementary to the RNA of interest (e.g. iDRiP-MS, RAP-MS, ChIRP-MS, etc). Although conceptually the same, small technical differences have shown great differences in size and content of the identified interactome. Drawing upon the PPI field, a strong case can be made for the need of orthogonal methods to create high confidence sets of interaction candidates. We combined comprehensive identification of RNA-binding proteins by mass spectrometry (ChIRP-MS) and RNA-BioID to create a high confidence RBP set of several lncRNAs. To evaluate these methods, they were applied them on HOX Transcript Antisense Intergenic RNA (HOTAIR). HOTAIR is a well-known lncRNA expressed from the HOXC gene cluster and shown to regulate the expression of the HOXD gene cluster in trans during the development limb patterning. Overexpression of HOTAIR has been associated with a metastasis-promoting phenotype in breast and ovarian cancer. Although HOTAIR is known to bind PRC2 and LSD1 protein complexes for its mode of action, an unbiased and comprehensive method to map its interactome has not yet been performed. We overlapped significantly enriched proteins in both methods and identified proteins including the hallmark interactors PRC2 and REST/CoREST chromatin remodeler complexes, but surprisingly also subunits of mitochondrial ribosomes (MRPLs). We elaborated on the MRPL-HOTAIR interaction and show the interaction does not occur in mitochondria. After optimizing ChIRP-MS on HOTAIR, we applied the method on NESPR, a neuroblastoma-specific lncRNA that we are actively dissecting at a mechanistic level. Neuroblastoma is a childhood cancer derived from the SA lineage that is defined by an adrenergic and mesenchymal cell identity. We screened lncRNAs associated with the adrenergic identity and prioritized NESPR due to its adrenergic-specific expression profile, its association with clinical parameters, and foremost its genomic location. NESPR is abundantly expressed from the PHOX2B super-enhancer, a crucial adrenergic-specific cell identity gene. Knockdown of the NESPR fraction significantly decreases cellular survival and induces an apoptotic program. RNA-sequencing upon NESPR knockdown revealed a significant reduction in the expression of PHOX2B. 4C-sequencing demonstrated that the NESPR and PHOX2B loci form an insulated neighborhood in adrenergic but not mesenchymal cells, demonstrating that NESPR regulates PHOX2B in cis. We show that perturbation of NESPR does not impact the chromatin looping between the PHOX2B and NESPR loci, nor do we find evidence for direct NESPR DNA binding at enhancer elements in the loop. However, RNA-sequencing data from NESPR and PHOX2B knockdown experiments revealed a PHOX2B-independent function for NESPR. After stringent filtering, ChIRP-sequencing revealed one in trans target gene, ESRRG. Consistent with a genetic regulatory role, we show that NESPR interacts with proteins that are involved in genome stability and transcription machinery.
- Ribonucleïne zuur (RNA) is één van de belangrijkste biopolymeren in het leven zoals we het vandaag kennen. Ondanks dat RNA vooral gekend is voor de diverse functies die het uitoefent in het vertalen van eiwitten, weten we ondertussen dat het ook andere functies omvat. Deze functies beperken zich niet tot het vertalen van eiwitten maar reiken uit naar quasi alle domeinen van de cellulaire biologie. Dit wordt mede ondersteund door het feit dat ondanks dat meer dan 80% van het genoom afgeschreven wordt, slechts 2% van deze RNA transcripten voor een eiwit coderen. Deze vaststelling doet ons de vraag stellen wat de functie, als er een is, van deze niet-coderende RNA transcripten is? Sinds het sequeneren van het menselijk genoom, hebben vooruitgang in hoge-doorvoer sequenerings- en RNA isolatiemethodes ervoor gezorgd dat we vandaag weten dat de complexiteit van het transcriptoom veel hoger ligt dan oorspronkelijk mogelijk geacht. Deze niet-coderende RNAs vormen een zeer diverse en omvangrijke groep die zowel structureel als functioneel zeer verschillend kunnen zijn. Lange niet-coderende RNAs (lncRNAs) zijn specifiek van belang, omdat deze de grootste groep van niet-coderende RNAs vormen. Ondanks dat sommige lncRNAs uitgebreid en zeer grondig onderzocht zijn, zijn de meeste lncRNAs steeds aanzien als transcriptionele ruis. Dit komt ondermeer door hun zeer lage abundantie in de cel. De afgelopen dertig jaar heeft vooruitstrevend onderzoek echter aangetoond dat lncRNAs een zeer belangrijke rol speelt in celbiologie, en in sommige gevallen zelfs een cruciale speler is in onderliggende ceullaire processen. Daarom is het vandaag duidelijk dat het niet-coderende transcriptoom extra dimensies toevoegt aan het centrale dogma van de moleculaire biologie. Sterker nog, het is aangetoond dat misregulatie van verschillende lncRNAs een rol speelt in verschillende ziektebeelden bij de mens. Door de hoge weefsel-specifieke expressie van de meeste lncRNAs, vormen deze aantrekkelijke doelwitten voor toekomstige behandelingen die momenteel nog onbenut blijven. Daarom dat inzichten in lncRNA biologie een veelbelovende weg kunnen vormen voor nieuwe diagnostische, prognostische en therapeutische doeleinden. Een grote drempel in onderzoek naar lncRNAs blijft het ontrafelen van het moleculaire mechanisme dat onderliggend is aan de functie die zij uitoefenen in de cel. Desondanks kunnen deze inzichten een baanbrekend inzicht geven in de ontwikkeling van behandelingen die synergistisch zijn aan bestaande behandelingen of die mogelijke resistentiemechanismen vermijden. Een lncRNA werkt zelden alleen. Meestal vormt het complexen met andere moleculaire entiteiten in de cel zoals DNA of eiwitten. Desondanks recente technologische doorbraken, blijft het zeer moeilijk om eiwit interacties met een lncRNA te identificeren. De methodes die hiervoor nodig zijn, zijn zeer moeilijk op te zetten en hebben elks hun voor- en nadelen. De meeste van deze methodes steunen op het principe van RNA purificatie met gebiotinyleerde probes die complementair zijn aan het lncRNA. Ondanks dat er meerdere van deze conceptueel dezelfde methodes ontwikkeld zijn, hebben kleine technische verschillen gezorgd voor een groot verschil in de hoeveelheid en de aard van de eiwitten die geïdentificeerd zijn. In het onderzoeksveld van eiwit-eiwit interacties is het ondertussen duidelijk dat orthogonale methodes nodig zijn om eiwit interacties met hoge condifentie te definiëren. In deze thesis, hebben we ChIRP-MS gecombineerd met RNA-BioID om een set van RNA-bindende eiwitten met hoge betrouwbaarheid te identificeren. Voor het opzetten en evalueren van deze methodes, hebben we deze toegepast op het lncRNA HOTAIR, dat een goed gekende rol speelt in ontwikkeling van de ledematen. Overexpressie van HOTAIR wordt tevens ook geassocieerd met metastases van borst- en eierstokkanker. Ondanks dat het geweten is dat HOTAIR interageert met de PRC2 en LSD1 eiwitcomplexen om zijn functie uit te oefenen, is er nog nooit een hypothese-vrije en comprehensieve methode toegepast om alle eiwit interactors van HOTAIR te identificeren. Hier hebben we de significant aangerijkte eiwitten van beide methodes gecombineerd. Naast PRC2 en LSD1, vinden we ook mitochondriale ribosomen als de voornaamste interactiepartners. We tonen echter aan dat deze interactie niet in de mitochondriën plaatsvindt. Na de optimalisatie van ChIRP-MS op HOTAIR, hebben we dit ook toegepast op NESPR, een neuroblastoom-specifiek lncRNA dat we mechanistisch aan het onderzoeken zijn. Neuroblastoom is een kinderkanker die afgeleid is van het sympathische zenuwstelsel. Neuroblastoom is een heterogene kanker die bestaat uit een adrenerge en mesenchymale cellulaire identiteit. We hebben specifiek gezocht naar lncRNAs die geassocieerd zijn met de adrenerge identiteit en prioritizeerden NESPR omwille van: zijn adrenerg-specifieke expressie patroon, zijn associatie met klinische parameters, maar vooral omwille van zijn genomische locatie. NESPR wordt zeer sterk tot expressie gebracht van de PHOX2B super-enhancer, een cruciaal adrenerg-specifiek identiteitsgen. Uitschakelen van NESPR toont een significante reductie in PHOX2B expressie, wat aantoont dat NESPR PHOX2B in cis reguleert. 4C-sequenering toont aan dat NESPR en PHOX2B een geïsoleerde genetische zone vormen in adrenerge maar niet in mesenchymale cellen. We tonen aan dat het uitschakelen van NESPR geen invloed heeft op het vormen van deze genetische zone, en daarnaast tonen we ook dat NESPR niet bindt op regulatorische elementen in deze zone. We vinden hiernaast echter ook indirect bewijs dat NESPR wel andere genen zou kunnen binden. Na toepassing van een stringente filterstrategie, tonen we dat NESPR het gene ESRRG in trans kan binden, en aansluitend met een regulatorische rol tonen we aan dat NESPR associeert met eiwitten die een belangrijke rol spelen in het behouden van de integriteit van het genoom en de transcriptionele machinerie.
- Keywords
- long non-coding RNA, RNA-protein interactions, proteomics, neuroblastoma
- full text (Published version)
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Please use this url to cite or link to this publication: http://hdl.handle.net/1854/LU-8753919
- Delhaye, Louis. Pinpointing Molecular Mechanisms of Long Non-Coding RNAs : At the Crossroads of Biochemistry and Genetics. Ghent University. Faculty of Medicine and Health Sciences, 2022.
- Delhaye, L. (2022). Pinpointing molecular mechanisms of long non-coding RNAs : at the crossroads of biochemistry and genetics. Ghent University. Faculty of Medicine and Health Sciences, Ghent, Belgium.
- Chicago author-date
- Delhaye, Louis. 2022. “Pinpointing Molecular Mechanisms of Long Non-Coding RNAs : At the Crossroads of Biochemistry and Genetics.” Ghent, Belgium: Ghent University. Faculty of Medicine and Health Sciences.
- Chicago author-date (all authors)
- Delhaye, Louis. 2022. “Pinpointing Molecular Mechanisms of Long Non-Coding RNAs : At the Crossroads of Biochemistry and Genetics.” Ghent, Belgium: Ghent University. Faculty of Medicine and Health Sciences.
- Vancouver
- 1.Delhaye L. Pinpointing molecular mechanisms of long non-coding RNAs : at the crossroads of biochemistry and genetics. [Ghent, Belgium]: Ghent University. Faculty of Medicine and Health Sciences; 2022.
- [1]L. Delhaye, “Pinpointing molecular mechanisms of long non-coding RNAs : at the crossroads of biochemistry and genetics,” Ghent University. Faculty of Medicine and Health Sciences, Ghent, Belgium, 2022.
@phdthesis{8753919, abstract = {{Ribonucleic acid (RNA) is one of the major molecular biopolymers in all known forms of life. Although originally known for its crucial roles in directing diverse aspects of translation, today it is know its functions extend to other, if not all, areas of cellular biology. This is demonstrated by the fact that although >80% of the genome is pervasively transcribed, only 2% of the genome accounts for protein-coding genes, putting forward the question on the function, if any, of these non-coding transcripts? Since the sequencing of the human genome, advancements in massively parallel sequencing and RNA extraction methods have revealed a previously unprecedented complexity of the non-coding transcriptome. These ncRNAs comprise a highly diverse group with high structural and functional variation. LncRNAs are of particular interest, as these comprise the bulk of the transcriptome in terms of number of genes. Although some lncRNAs have been extensively studied and characterized, most lncRNAs have long been regarded as transcriptional noise, owing in part by their generally low expression levels. However, for the last three decades, pioneering research has demonstrated that lncRNA transcripts can have important if not essential functions in cellular biology, and it has become clear that the non-coding part of the transcriptome adds several layers of regulation on the central dogma. In addition, dysregulated expression of lncRNAs can contribute to a wide plethora of human diseases. The highly tissue-specific expression profile of many of these lncRNA genes makes the human lncRNome an untapped source of potential targets for precision medicine, and translating these insights to the clinic may lead to new exciting avenues for diagnostic, prognostic, and therapeutic applications. A big hurdle in lncRNA research remains the elucidation of the molecular mechanism of these transcripts. However, insights in these mechanisms may prove to be very useful for the development of treatment modalities that are synergistic to existing therapy or to predict and counter potential resistance mechanisms. A lncRNA rarely acts as a sole effector molecule, but rather functions by interacting with other biomolecular entities such as DNA or proteins. Although recent technological advances to interrogate an RNA’s interactome have been made, these methods have proven difficult to implement and each has its own benefits and drawbacks. Most methods to characterize an RNA’s interactome rely on RNA pulldown methods using various ways of cross-linking and the use of biotinylated tiling probes complementary to the RNA of interest (e.g. iDRiP-MS, RAP-MS, ChIRP-MS, etc). Although conceptually the same, small technical differences have shown great differences in size and content of the identified interactome. Drawing upon the PPI field, a strong case can be made for the need of orthogonal methods to create high confidence sets of interaction candidates. We combined comprehensive identification of RNA-binding proteins by mass spectrometry (ChIRP-MS) and RNA-BioID to create a high confidence RBP set of several lncRNAs. To evaluate these methods, they were applied them on HOX Transcript Antisense Intergenic RNA (HOTAIR). HOTAIR is a well-known lncRNA expressed from the HOXC gene cluster and shown to regulate the expression of the HOXD gene cluster in trans during the development limb patterning. Overexpression of HOTAIR has been associated with a metastasis-promoting phenotype in breast and ovarian cancer. Although HOTAIR is known to bind PRC2 and LSD1 protein complexes for its mode of action, an unbiased and comprehensive method to map its interactome has not yet been performed. We overlapped significantly enriched proteins in both methods and identified proteins including the hallmark interactors PRC2 and REST/CoREST chromatin remodeler complexes, but surprisingly also subunits of mitochondrial ribosomes (MRPLs). We elaborated on the MRPL-HOTAIR interaction and show the interaction does not occur in mitochondria. After optimizing ChIRP-MS on HOTAIR, we applied the method on NESPR, a neuroblastoma-specific lncRNA that we are actively dissecting at a mechanistic level. Neuroblastoma is a childhood cancer derived from the SA lineage that is defined by an adrenergic and mesenchymal cell identity. We screened lncRNAs associated with the adrenergic identity and prioritized NESPR due to its adrenergic-specific expression profile, its association with clinical parameters, and foremost its genomic location. NESPR is abundantly expressed from the PHOX2B super-enhancer, a crucial adrenergic-specific cell identity gene. Knockdown of the NESPR fraction significantly decreases cellular survival and induces an apoptotic program. RNA-sequencing upon NESPR knockdown revealed a significant reduction in the expression of PHOX2B. 4C-sequencing demonstrated that the NESPR and PHOX2B loci form an insulated neighborhood in adrenergic but not mesenchymal cells, demonstrating that NESPR regulates PHOX2B in cis. We show that perturbation of NESPR does not impact the chromatin looping between the PHOX2B and NESPR loci, nor do we find evidence for direct NESPR DNA binding at enhancer elements in the loop. However, RNA-sequencing data from NESPR and PHOX2B knockdown experiments revealed a PHOX2B-independent function for NESPR. After stringent filtering, ChIRP-sequencing revealed one in trans target gene, ESRRG. Consistent with a genetic regulatory role, we show that NESPR interacts with proteins that are involved in genome stability and transcription machinery.}}, author = {{Delhaye, Louis}}, keywords = {{long non-coding RNA,RNA-protein interactions,proteomics,neuroblastoma}}, language = {{eng}}, pages = {{141}}, publisher = {{Ghent University. Faculty of Medicine and Health Sciences}}, school = {{Ghent University}}, title = {{Pinpointing molecular mechanisms of long non-coding RNAs : at the crossroads of biochemistry and genetics}}, year = {{2022}}, }