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Progress from ASDEX Upgrade experiments in preparing the physics basis of ITER operation and DEMO scenario development

(2022) NUCLEAR FUSION. 62(4).
An overview of recent results obtained at the tokamak ASDEX Upgrade (AUG) is given. A work flow for predictive profile modelling of AUG discharges was established which is able to reproduce experimental H-mode plasma profiles based on engineering parameters only. In the plasma center, theoretical predictions on plasma current redistribution by a dynamo effect were confirmed experimentally. For core transport, the stabilizing effect of fast ion distributions on turbulent transport is shown to be important to explain the core isotope effect and improves the description of hollow low-Z impurity profiles. The L-H power threshold of hydrogen plasmas is not affected by small helium admixtures and it increases continuously from the deuterium to the hydrogen level when the hydrogen concentration is raised from 0 to 100%. One focus of recent campaigns was the search for a fusion relevant integrated plasma scenario without large edge localised modes (ELMs). Results from six different ELM-free confinement regimes are compared with respect to reactor relevance: ELM suppression by magnetic perturbation coils could be attributed to toroidally asymmetric turbulent fluctuations in the vicinity of the separatrix. Stable improved confinement mode plasma phases with a detached inner divertor were obtained using a feedback control of the plasma beta. The enhanced D- alpha H-mode regime was extended to higher heating power by feedback controlled radiative cooling with argon. The quasi-coherent exhaust regime was developed into an integrated scenario at high heating power and energy confinement, with a detached divertor and without large ELMs. Small ELMs close to the separatrix lead to peeling-ballooning stability and quasi continuous power exhaust. Helium beam density fluctuation measurements confirm that transport close to the separatrix is important to achieve the different ELM-free regimes. Based on separatrix plasma parameters and interchange-drift-Alfven turbulence, an analytic model was derived that reproduces the experimentally found important operational boundaries of the density limit and between L- and H-mode confinement. Feedback control for the X-point radiator (XPR) position was established as an important element for divertor detachment control. Stable and detached ELM-free phases with H-mode confinement quality were obtained when the XPR was moved 10 cm above the X-point. Investigations of the plasma in the future flexible snow-flake divertor of AUG by means of first SOLPS-ITER simulations with drifts activated predict beneficial detachment properties and the activation of an additional strike point by the drifts.


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Please use this url to cite or link to this publication:

Stroth, U., et al. “Progress from ASDEX Upgrade Experiments in Preparing the Physics Basis of ITER Operation and DEMO Scenario Development.” NUCLEAR FUSION, vol. 62, no. 4, 2022, doi:10.1088/1741-4326/ac207f.
Stroth, U., Aguiam, D., Alessi, E., Angioni, C., Arden, N., Parra, R. A., … Zoletnik, S. (2022). Progress from ASDEX Upgrade experiments in preparing the physics basis of ITER operation and DEMO scenario development. NUCLEAR FUSION, 62(4).
Chicago author-date
Stroth, U., D. Aguiam, E. Alessi, C. Angioni, N. Arden, R. Arredondo Parra, V Artigues, et al. 2022. “Progress from ASDEX Upgrade Experiments in Preparing the Physics Basis of ITER Operation and DEMO Scenario Development.” NUCLEAR FUSION 62 (4).
Chicago author-date (all authors)
Stroth, U., D. Aguiam, E. Alessi, C. Angioni, N. Arden, R. Arredondo Parra, V Artigues, O. Asunta, M. Balden, V Bandaru, A. Banon-Navarro, K. Behler, A. Bergmann, M. Bergmann, J. Bernardo, M. Bernert, A. Biancalani, R. Bielajew, R. Bilato, G. Birkenmeier, T. Blanken, V Bobkov, A. Bock, T. Body, T. Bolzonella, N. Bonanomi, A. Bortolon, B. Boeswirth, C. Bottereau, A. Bottino, H. van den Brand, M. Brenzke, S. Brezinsek, D. Brida, F. Brochard, C. Bruhn, J. Buchanan, A. Buhler, A. Burckhart, Y. Camenen, B. Cannas, P. Cano Megias, D. Carlton, M. Carr, P. Carvalho, C. Castaldo, M. Cavedon, C. Cazzaniga, C. Challis, A. Chankin, C. Cianfarani, F. Clairet, S. Coda, R. Coelho, J. W. Coenen, L. Colas, G. Conway, S. Costea, D. Coster, T. Cote, A. J. Creely, G. Croci, D. J. Cruz Zabala, O. D’Arcangelo, G. Cseh, A. Czarnecka, I Cziegler, A. Dal Molin, P. David, C. Day, M. de Baar, P. de Marne, R. Delogu, S. Denk, P. Denner, A. Di Siena, J. J. Dominguez Palacios Duran, D. Dunai, A. Drenik, M. Dreval, R. Drube, M. Dunne, B. P. Duval, R. Dux, T. Eich, S. Elgeti, A. Encheva, K. Engelhardt, B. Erdos, I Erofeev, B. Esposito, E. Fable, M. Faitsch, U. Fantz, M. Farnik, H. Faugel, F. Felici, O. Ficker, S. Fietz, A. Figueredo, R. Fischer, O. Ford, L. Frassinetti, M. Froeschle, G. Fuchert, J. C. Fuchs, H. Fuenfgelder, S. Futatani, K. Galazka, J. Galdon-Quiroga, D. Gallart Escola, A. Gallo, Y. Gao, S. Garavaglia, M. Garcia Munoz, B. Geiger, L. Giannone, S. Gibson, L. Gil, E. Giovannozzi, S. Gloeggler, M. Gobbin, J. Gonzalez Martin, T. Goodman, G. Gorini, T. Gorler, D. Gradic, G. Granucci, A. Graeter, H. Greuner, M. Griener, M. Groth, A. Gude, L. Guimarais, S. Gunter, G. Haas, A. H. Hakola, C. Ham, T. Happel, N. den Harder, G. Harrer, J. Harrison, V Hauer, T. Hayward-Schneider, B. Heinemann, T. Hellsten, S. Henderson, P. Hennequin, A. Herrmann, E. Heyn, F. Hitzler, J. Hobirk, K. Hoefler, J. H. Holm, M. Hoelzl, C. Hopf, L. Horvath, T. Hoeschen, A. Houben, A. Hubbard, A. Huber, K. Hunger, V Igochine, M. Iliasova, T. Ilkei, K. Insulander Bjork, C. Ionita-Schrittwieser, I. Ivanova-Stanik, W. Jacob, N. Jaksic, F. Janky, A. Jansen van Vuuren, A. Jardin, F. Jaulmes, F. Jenko, T. Jensen, E. Joffrin, A. Kallenbach, S. Kalvin, M. Kantor, A. Kappatou, O. Kardaun, J. Karhunen, C-P Kasemann, S. Kasilov, A. Kendl, W. Kernbichler, E. Khilkevitch, A. Kirk, S. Kjer Hansen, Veronika Klevarová, G. Kocsis, M. Koleva, M. Komm, M. Kong, A. Kraemer-Flecken, K. Krieger, A. Krivska, O. Kudlacek, T. Kurki-Suonio, B. Kurzan, B. Labit, K. Lackner, F. Laggner, A. Lahtinen, P. T. Lang, P. Lauber, N. Leuthold, L. Li, J. Likonen, O. Linder, B. Lipschultz, Y. Liu, A. Lohs, Z. Lu, T. Luda di Cortemiglia, N. C. Luhmann, T. Lunt, A. Lyssoivan, T. Maceina, J. Madsen, A. Magnanimo, H. Maier, J. Mailloux, R. Maingi, O. Maj, E. Maljaars, P. Manas, A. Mancini, A. Manhard, P. Mantica, M. Mantsinen, P. Manz, M. Maraschek, C. Marchetto, L. Marrelli, P. Martin, A. Martitsch, F. Matos, M. Mayer, M-L Mayoral, D. Mazon, P. J. McCarthy, R. McDermott, R. Merkel, A. Merle, D. Meshcheriakov, H. Meyer, D. Milanesio, P. Molina Cabrera, F. Monaco, M. Muraca, F. Nabais, V Naulin, R. Nazikian, R. D. Nem, A. Nemes-Czopf, G. Neu, R. Neu, A. H. Nielsen, S. K. Nielsen, T. Nishizawa, M. Nocente, J-M Noterdaeme, I Novikau, S. Nowak, M. Oberkofler, R. Ochoukov, J. Olsen, F. Orain, F. Palermo, O. Pan, G. Papp, I. Paradela Perez, A. Pau, G. Pautasso, C. Paz-Soldan, P. Petersson, P. Piovesan, C. Piron, U. Plank, B. Plaum, B. Plock, V Plyusnin, G. Pokol, E. Poli, L. Porte, T. Putterich, M. Ramisch, J. Rasmussen, G. Ratta, S. Ratynskaia, G. Raupp, D. Refy, M. Reich, F. Reimold, D. Reiser, M. Reisner, D. Reiter, T. Ribeiro, R. Riedl, J. Riesch, D. Rittich, J. F. Rivero Rodriguez, G. Rocchi, P. Rodriguez-Fernandez, M. Rodriguez-Ramos, V. Rohde, G. Ronchi, A. Ross, M. Rott, M. Rubel, D. A. Ryan, F. Ryter, S. Saarelma, M. Salewski, A. Salmi, O. Samoylov, L. Sanchis Sanchez, J. Santos, O. Sauter, G. Schall, K. Schluter, K. Schmid, O. Schmitz, P. A. Schneider, R. Schrittwieser, M. Schubert, C. Schuster, T. Schwarz-Selinger, J. Schweinzer, E. Seliunin, Aqsa Shabbir, A. Shalpegin, S. Sharapov, U. Sheikh, A. Shevelev, G. Sias, M. Siccinio, B. Sieglin, A. Sigalov, A. Silva, C. Silva, D. Silvagni, J. Simpson, S. Sipila, E. Smigelskis, A. Snicker, E. Solano, C. Sommariva, C. Sozzi, G. Spizzo, M. Spolaore, A. Stegmeir, M. Stejner, J. Stober, E. Strumberge, G. Suarez Lopez, H-J Sun, W. Suttrop, E. Sytova, T. Szepesi, B. Tal, T. Tala, G. Tardini, M. Tardocchi, D. Terranova, M. Teschke, E. Thoren, W. Tierens, D. Told, W. Treutterer, G. Trevisan, E. Trier, M. Tripsky, M. Usoltceva, M. Valisa, M. Valovic, M. van Zeeland, F. Vannini, B. Vanovac, P. Varela, S. Varoutis, N. Vianello, J. Vicente, Geert Verdoolaege, T. Vierle, E. Viezzer, I. Voitsekhovitch, U. von Toussaint, D. Wagner, X. Wang, M. Weiland, A. E. White, M. Willensdorfer, B. Wiringer, M. Wischmeier, R. Wolf, E. Wolfrum, Q. Yang, Q. Yu, R. Zagorski, I Zammuto, T. Zehetbauer, W. Zhang, W. Zholobenko, M. Zilker, A. Zito, H. Zohm, and S. Zoletnik. 2022. “Progress from ASDEX Upgrade Experiments in Preparing the Physics Basis of ITER Operation and DEMO Scenario Development.” NUCLEAR FUSION 62 (4). doi:10.1088/1741-4326/ac207f.
Stroth U, Aguiam D, Alessi E, Angioni C, Arden N, Parra RA, et al. Progress from ASDEX Upgrade experiments in preparing the physics basis of ITER operation and DEMO scenario development. NUCLEAR FUSION. 2022;62(4).
U. Stroth et al., “Progress from ASDEX Upgrade experiments in preparing the physics basis of ITER operation and DEMO scenario development,” NUCLEAR FUSION, vol. 62, no. 4, 2022.
  abstract     = {{An overview of recent results obtained at the tokamak ASDEX Upgrade (AUG) is given. A work flow for predictive profile modelling of AUG discharges was established which is able to reproduce experimental H-mode plasma profiles based on engineering parameters only. In the plasma center, theoretical predictions on plasma current redistribution by a dynamo effect were confirmed experimentally. For core transport, the stabilizing effect of fast ion distributions on turbulent transport is shown to be important to explain the core isotope effect and improves the description of hollow low-Z impurity profiles. The L-H power threshold of hydrogen plasmas is not affected by small helium admixtures and it increases continuously from the deuterium to the hydrogen level when the hydrogen concentration is raised from 0 to 100%. One focus of recent campaigns was the search for a fusion relevant integrated plasma scenario without large edge localised modes (ELMs). Results from six different ELM-free confinement regimes are compared with respect to reactor relevance: ELM suppression by magnetic perturbation coils could be attributed to toroidally asymmetric turbulent fluctuations in the vicinity of the separatrix. Stable improved confinement mode plasma phases with a detached inner divertor were obtained using a feedback control of the plasma beta. The enhanced D- alpha  H-mode regime was extended to higher heating power by feedback controlled radiative cooling with argon. The quasi-coherent exhaust regime was developed into an integrated scenario at high heating power and energy confinement, with a detached divertor and without large ELMs. Small ELMs close to the separatrix lead to peeling-ballooning stability and quasi continuous power exhaust. Helium beam density fluctuation measurements confirm that transport close to the separatrix is important to achieve the different ELM-free regimes. Based on separatrix plasma parameters and interchange-drift-Alfven turbulence, an analytic model was derived that reproduces the experimentally found important operational boundaries of the density limit and between L- and H-mode confinement. Feedback control for the X-point radiator (XPR) position was established as an important element for divertor detachment control. Stable and detached ELM-free phases with H-mode confinement quality were obtained when the XPR was moved 10 cm above the X-point. Investigations of the plasma in the future flexible snow-flake divertor of AUG by means of first SOLPS-ITER simulations with drifts activated predict beneficial detachment properties and the activation of an additional strike point by the drifts.}},
  articleno    = {{042006}},
  author       = {{Stroth, U. and Aguiam, D. and Alessi, E. and Angioni, C. and Arden, N. and Parra, R. Arredondo and Artigues, V and Asunta, O. and Balden, M. and Bandaru, V and Banon-Navarro, A. and Behler, K. and Bergmann, A. and Bergmann, M. and Bernardo, J. and Bernert, M. and Biancalani, A. and Bielajew, R. and Bilato, R. and Birkenmeier, G. and Blanken, T. and Bobkov, V and Bock, A. and Body, T. and Bolzonella, T. and Bonanomi, N. and Bortolon, A. and Boeswirth, B. and Bottereau, C. and Bottino, A. and van den Brand, H. and Brenzke, M. and Brezinsek, S. and Brida, D. and Brochard, F. and Bruhn, C. and Buchanan, J. and Buhler, A. and Burckhart, A. and Camenen, Y. and Cannas, B. and Cano Megias, P. and Carlton, D. and Carr, M. and Carvalho, P. and Castaldo, C. and Cavedon, M. and Cazzaniga, C. and Challis, C. and Chankin, A. and Cianfarani, C. and Clairet, F. and Coda, S. and Coelho, R. and Coenen, J. W. and Colas, L. and Conway, G. and Costea, S. and Coster, D. and Cote, T. and Creely, A. J. and Croci, G. and Cruz Zabala, D. J. and D'Arcangelo, O. and Cseh, G. and Czarnecka, A. and Cziegler, I and Dal Molin, A. and David, P. and Day, C. and de Baar, M. and de Marne, P. and Delogu, R. and Denk, S. and Denner, P. and Di Siena, A. and Palacios Duran, J. J. Dominguez and Dunai, D. and Drenik, A. and Dreval, M. and Drube, R. and Dunne, M. and Duval, B. P. and Dux, R. and Eich, T. and Elgeti, S. and Encheva, A. and Engelhardt, K. and Erdos, B. and Erofeev, I and Esposito, B. and Fable, E. and Faitsch, M. and Fantz, U. and Farnik, M. and Faugel, H. and Felici, F. and Ficker, O. and Fietz, S. and Figueredo, A. and Fischer, R. and Ford, O. and Frassinetti, L. and Froeschle, M. and Fuchert, G. and Fuchs, J. C. and Fuenfgelder, H. and Futatani, S. and Galazka, K. and Galdon-Quiroga, J. and Gallart Escola, D. and Gallo, A. and Gao, Y. and Garavaglia, S. and Garcia Munoz, M. and Geiger, B. and Giannone, L. and Gibson, S. and Gil, L. and Giovannozzi, E. and Gloeggler, S. and Gobbin, M. and Gonzalez Martin, J. and Goodman, T. and Gorini, G. and Gorler, T. and Gradic, D. and Granucci, G. and Graeter, A. and Greuner, H. and Griener, M. and Groth, M. and Gude, A. and Guimarais, L. and Gunter, S. and Haas, G. and Hakola, A. H. and Ham, C. and Happel, T. and den Harder, N. and Harrer, G. and Harrison, J. and Hauer, V and Hayward-Schneider, T. and Heinemann, B. and Hellsten, T. and Henderson, S. and Hennequin, P. and Herrmann, A. and Heyn, E. and Hitzler, F. and Hobirk, J. and Hoefler, K. and Holm, J. H. and Hoelzl, M. and Hopf, C. and Horvath, L. and Hoeschen, T. and Houben, A. and Hubbard, A. and Huber, A. and Hunger, K. and Igochine, V and Iliasova, M. and Ilkei, T. and Bjork, K. Insulander and Ionita-Schrittwieser, C. and Ivanova-Stanik, I. and Jacob, W. and Jaksic, N. and Janky, F. and van Vuuren, A. Jansen and Jardin, A. and Jaulmes, F. and Jenko, F. and Jensen, T. and Joffrin, E. and Kallenbach, A. and Kalvin, S. and Kantor, M. and Kappatou, A. and Kardaun, O. and Karhunen, J. and Kasemann, C-P and Kasilov, S. and Kendl, A. and Kernbichler, W. and Khilkevitch, E. and Kirk, A. and Hansen, S. Kjer and Klevarová, Veronika and Kocsis, G. and Koleva, M. and Komm, M. and Kong, M. and Kraemer-Flecken, A. and Krieger, K. and Krivska, A. and Kudlacek, O. and Kurki-Suonio, T. and Kurzan, B. and Labit, B. and Lackner, K. and Laggner, F. and Lahtinen, A. and Lang, P. T. and Lauber, P. and Leuthold, N. and Li, L. and Likonen, J. and Linder, O. and Lipschultz, B. and Liu, Y. and Lohs, A. and Lu, Z. and di Cortemiglia, T. Luda and Luhmann, N. C. and Lunt, T. and Lyssoivan, A. and Maceina, T. and Madsen, J. and Magnanimo, A. and Maier, H. and Mailloux, J. and Maingi, R. and Maj, O. and Maljaars, E. and Manas, P. and Mancini, A. and Manhard, A. and Mantica, P. and Mantsinen, M. and Manz, P. and Maraschek, M. and Marchetto, C. and Marrelli, L. and Martin, P. and Martitsch, A. and Matos, F. and Mayer, M. and Mayoral, M-L and Mazon, D. and McCarthy, P. J. and McDermott, R. and Merkel, R. and Merle, A. and Meshcheriakov, D. and Meyer, H. and Milanesio, D. and Cabrera, P. Molina and Monaco, F. and Muraca, M. and Nabais, F. and Naulin, V and Nazikian, R. and Nem, R. D. and Nemes-Czopf, A. and Neu, G. and Neu, R. and Nielsen, A. H. and Nielsen, S. K. and Nishizawa, T. and Nocente, M. and Noterdaeme, J-M and Novikau, I and Nowak, S. and Oberkofler, M. and Ochoukov, R. and Olsen, J. and Orain, F. and Palermo, F. and Pan, O. and Papp, G. and Perez, I. Paradela and Pau, A. and Pautasso, G. and Paz-Soldan, C. and Petersson, P. and Piovesan, P. and Piron, C. and Plank, U. and Plaum, B. and Plock, B. and Plyusnin, V and Pokol, G. and Poli, E. and Porte, L. and Putterich, T. and Ramisch, M. and Rasmussen, J. and Ratta, G. and Ratynskaia, S. and Raupp, G. and Refy, D. and Reich, M. and Reimold, F. and Reiser, D. and Reisner, M. and Reiter, D. and Ribeiro, T. and Riedl, R. and Riesch, J. and Rittich, D. and Rivero Rodriguez, J. F. and Rocchi, G. and Rodriguez-Fernandez, P. and Rodriguez-Ramos, M. and Rohde, V. and Ronchi, G. and Ross, A. and Rott, M. and Rubel, M. and Ryan, D. A. and Ryter, F. and Saarelma, S. and Salewski, M. and Salmi, A. and Samoylov, O. and Sanchis Sanchez, L. and Santos, J. and Sauter, O. and Schall, G. and Schluter, K. and Schmid, K. and Schmitz, O. and Schneider, P. A. and Schrittwieser, R. and Schubert, M. and Schuster, C. and Schwarz-Selinger, T. and Schweinzer, J. and Seliunin, E. and Shabbir, Aqsa and Shalpegin, A. and Sharapov, S. and Sheikh, U. and Shevelev, A. and Sias, G. and Siccinio, M. and Sieglin, B. and Sigalov, A. and Silva, A. and Silva, C. and Silvagni, D. and Simpson, J. and Sipila, S. and Smigelskis, E. and Snicker, A. and Solano, E. and Sommariva, C. and Sozzi, C. and Spizzo, G. and Spolaore, M. and Stegmeir, A. and Stejner, M. and Stober, J. and Strumberge, E. and Lopez, G. Suarez and Sun, H-J and Suttrop, W. and Sytova, E. and Szepesi, T. and Tal, B. and Tala, T. and Tardini, G. and Tardocchi, M. and Terranova, D. and Teschke, M. and Thoren, E. and Tierens, W. and Told, D. and Treutterer, W. and Trevisan, G. and Trier, E. and Tripsky, M. and Usoltceva, M. and Valisa, M. and Valovic, M. and van Zeeland, M. and Vannini, F. and Vanovac, B. and Varela, P. and Varoutis, S. and Vianello, N. and Vicente, J. and Verdoolaege, Geert and Vierle, T. and Viezzer, E. and Voitsekhovitch, I. and von Toussaint, U. and Wagner, D. and Wang, X. and Weiland, M. and White, A. E. and Willensdorfer, M. and Wiringer, B. and Wischmeier, M. and Wolf, R. and Wolfrum, E. and Yang, Q. and Yu, Q. and Zagorski, R. and Zammuto, I and Zehetbauer, T. and Zhang, W. and Zholobenko, W. and Zilker, M. and Zito, A. and Zohm, H. and Zoletnik, S.}},
  issn         = {{0029-5515}},
  journal      = {{NUCLEAR FUSION}},
  language     = {{eng}},
  number       = {{4}},
  pages        = {{17}},
  title        = {{Progress from ASDEX Upgrade experiments in preparing the physics basis of ITER operation and DEMO scenario development}},
  url          = {{}},
  volume       = {{62}},
  year         = {{2022}},

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