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Since the installation of an ITER-like wall, the JET programme has focused on the consolidation of ITER design choices and the preparation for ITER operation, with a specific emphasis given to the bulk tungsten melt experiment, which has been crucial for the final decision on the material choice for the day-one tungsten divertor in ITER. Integrated scenarios have been progressed with the re-establishment of long-pulse, high-confinement H-modes by optimizing the magnetic configuration and the use of ICRH to avoid tungsten impurity accumulation. Stationary discharges with detached divertor conditions and small edge localized modes have been demonstrated by nitrogen seeding. The differences in confinement and pedestal behaviour before and after the ITER-like wall installation have been better characterized towards the development of high fusion yield scenarios in DT. Post-mortem analyses of the plasma-facing components have confirmed the previously reported low fuel retention obtained by gas balance and shown that the pattern of deposition within the divertor has changed significantly with respect to the JET carbon wall campaigns due to the absence of thermally activated chemical erosion of beryllium in contrast to carbon. Transport to remote areas is almost absent and two orders of magnitude less material is found in the divertor.


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Romanelli, F., et al. “Overview of the JET Results.” NUCLEAR FUSION, vol. 55, no. 10, IOP PUBLISHING LTD, 2015, doi:10.1088/0029-5515/55/10/104001.
Romanelli, F., Abhangi, M., Abreu, P., Aftanas, M., Afzal, M., Aggarwal, K., … Zychor, I. (2015). Overview of the JET results. NUCLEAR FUSION, 55(10).
Chicago author-date
Romanelli, F, M Abhangi, P Abreu, M Aftanas, M Afzal, KM Aggarwal, L Aho-Mantila, et al. 2015. “Overview of the JET Results.” NUCLEAR FUSION 55 (10).
Chicago author-date (all authors)
Romanelli, F, M Abhangi, P Abreu, M Aftanas, M Afzal, KM Aggarwal, L Aho-Mantila, E Ahonen, M Aints, M Airila, R Albanese, D Alegre, E Alessi, P Aleynikov, A Alfier, A Alkseev, P Allan, S Almaviva, A Alonso, B Alper, I Alsworth, D Alves, G Ambrosino, R Ambrosino, V Amosov, F Andersson, E Andersson Sunden, M Angelone, A Anghel, M Anghel, C Angioni, L Appel, G Apruzzese, P Arena, M Ariola, H Arnichand, G Arnoux, S Arshad, A Ash, E Asp, O Asunta, CV Atanasiu, Y Austin, L Avotina, MD Axton, C Ayres, C Bachmann, A Baciero, D Baiao, V Bailescu, B Baiocchi, A Baker, RA Baker, I Balboa, M Balden, N Balshaw, R Bament, JW Banks, YF Baranov, IL Barlow, MA Barnard, D Barnes, A Barnsley, A Baron Wiechec, M Baruzzo, V Basiuk, M Bassan, R Bastow, A Batista, P Batistoni, R Bauer, B Bauvir, B Bazylev, J Beal, PS Beaumont, A Becoulet, P Bednarczyk, N Bekris, M Beldishevski, K Bell, F Belli, M Bellinger, JK Belo, P Belo, E Belonohy, NA Benterman, H Bergsaker, J Bernardo, M Bernert, M Berry, L Bertalot, MNA Beurskens, B Bieg, J Bielecki, T Biewer, M Bigi, P Bilkova, F Binda, JPS Bizarro, C Bjorkas, K Blackman, TR Blackman, P Blanchard, E Blanco, P Blatchford, V Bobkov, A Boboc, G Bodnar, O Bogar, T Bolzonella, L Boncagni, R Bonham, G Bonheure, J Boom, J Booth, D Borba, D Borodin, A Botrugno, C Boulbe, P Boulting, KV Bovert, M Bowden, C Bower, T Boyce, HJ Boyer, JMA Bradshaw, V Braic, B Breizman, S Bremond, PD Brennan, A Brett, S Brezinsek, MDJ Bright, M Brix, W Broeckx, M Brombin, BC Brown, DPD Brown, M Brown, E Bruno, J Bucalossi, J Buch, MA Buckley, K Bucko, R Budny, H Bufferand, M Bulman, N Bulmer, P Bunting, P Buratti, G Burcea, A Burckhart, A Buscarino, PR Butcher, NK Butler, I Bykov, J Byrne, A Byszuk, A Cackett, P Cahyna, G Cain, G Calabro, CP Callaghan, DC Campling, J Cane, B Cannas, AJ Capel, M Caputano, PJ Card, A Cardinali, P Carman, D Carralero, L Carraro, BB Carvalho, I Carvalho, P Carvalho, FJ Casson, C Castaldo, R Cavazzana, M Cavinato, A Cazzaniga, M Cecconello, E Cecil, A Cenedese, C Centioli, R Cesario, CD Challis, M Chandler, D Chandra, CS Chang, A Chankin, IT Chapman, SC Chapman, M Chernyshova, P Chiru, G Chitarin, B Chouli, N Chung, G Ciraolo, D Ciric, J Citrin, F Clairet, E Clark, D Clatworthy, R Clay, M Clever, JP Coad, PA Coates, V Coccorese, V Cocilovo, S Coda, R Coelho, JW Coenen, I Coffey, L Colas, S Collins, JE Conboy, S Conroy, N Cook, D Coombs, D Cooper, SR Cooper, Y Corre, G Corrigan, S Cortes, D Coster, AS Couchman, M Cox, MP Cox, P Cox, T Craciunescu, S Cramp, F Crisanti, I Cristescu, G Croci, O Croft, Kristel Crombé, R Crowe, N Cruz, G Cseh, K Cull, L Cupido, D Curran, M Curuia, A Czarnecka, T Czarski, S Dalley, A Dalziel, D Darrow, R Davies, W Davis, C Day, IE Day, E de la Cal, E de la Luna, M De Magistris, JL de Pablos, G De Tommasi, PC de Vries, K Deakin, J Deane, J Decker, F Degli Agostini, R Dejarnac, E Delabie, N den Harder, RO Dendy, P Denner, S Devaux, P Devynck, F Di Maio, L Di Pace, T Dittmar, D Dodt, T Donne, P Dooley, SE Dorling, S Dormido-Canto, S Doswon, D Douai, PT Doyle, T Dreischuh, P Drewelow, V Drozdov, K Drozdowicz, R Dumont, P Dumortier, D Dunai, M Dunne, I Duran, F Durodie, P Dutta, B Duval, R Dux, K Dylst, N Dzysiuk, PV Edappala, AM Edwards, T Eich, A Ekedahl, T Elevant, R El-Jorf, CG Elsmore, G Ericsson, A Eriksson, J Eriksson, LG Eriksson, B Esposito, HG Esser, D Esteve, GE Evans, J Evans, GD Ewart, DT Ewers, D Fagan, D Falie, JW Farthing, A Fasoli, L Fattorini, B Faugeras, J Faustin, N Fawlk, G Federici, N Fedorczak, RC Felton, C Fenzi, A Fernades, H Fernandes, J Ferreira, JA Fessey, L Figini, A Figueiredo, J Figueiredo, A Fil, P Finburg, M Firdaouss, U Fischer, L Fittill, M Fitzgerald, D Flammini, J Flanagan, C Fleming, K Flinders, A Formisano, L Forsythe, L Fortuna, M Fortune, M Frasca, L Frassinetti, M Freisinger, R Fresa, D Frigione, V Fuchs, J Fyvie, M Gadomska, K Gal, C Galperti, R Galvao, X Gao, S Garavaglia, J Garcia, A Garcia-Carrasco, M Garcia-Munoz, M Gardner, L Garzotti, P Gaudio, E Gauthier, JW Gaze, DF Gear, SJ Gee, M Gelfusa, E Genangeli, S Gerasimov, G Gervasini, M Ghate, M Gherendi, JC Giacalone, L Giacomelli, CS Gibson, T Giegerich, D Gin, E Giovannozzi, JB Girardo, C Giroud, G Giruzzi, C Gleason-Gonzalez, J Godwin, P Gohil, A Gojska, V Goloborod’ko, R Gomes, B Goncalves, M Goniche, S Gonzalez, B Goodsell, A Goodyear, G Gorini, A Goussarov, B Graham, ME Graham, J Graves, N Grazier, NR Green, H Greuner, E Grigore, FS Griph, C Grisolia, D Grist, M Groth, CN Grundy, M Gryaznevich, D Guard, D Gubb, C Guillemaut, Y Guo, HH Utoh, LJ Hackett, S Hacquin, A Hagar, A Hakola, M Halitovs, SJ Hall, SP Hallworth Cook, K Hammond, J Hart, D Harting, N Hartmann, TDV Haupt, NC Hawkes, J Hawkins, PW Haydon, S Hazel, PJL Heesterman, K Heinola, C Hellesen, T Hellsten, W Helou, ON Hemming, TC Hender, M Henderson, R Henriques, D Hepple, G Hermon, C Hidalgo, EG Highcock, JW Hill, M Hill, J Hillairet, J Hillesheim, D Hillis, A Hjalmarsson, J Hobirk, CHA Hogben, GMD Hogeweij, DA Homfray, J Horacek, AR Horton, LD Horton, SP Hotchin, MR Hough, PJ Howarth, A Huber, TM Huddleston, M Hughes, CL Hunter, H Hurzlmeier, S Huygen, P Huynh, J Igitkhanov, D Iglesias, M Imrisek, D Ivanova, I Ivanova-Stanik, E Ivings, S Jachmich, AS Jacobsen, P Jacquet, K Jakubowska, J James, F Janky, A Jarvinen, F Jaulmes, S Jednorog, C Jenkins, I Jenkins, K Jesko, E Joffrin, R Johnson, T Johnson, L Joita, G Jones, TTC Jones, L Joyce, C Jupen, KK Hoshino, A Kallenbach, D Kalupin, K Kamiya, J Kaniewski, A Kantor, J Karhunen, G Kasprowicz, G Kaveney, Y Kazakov, DL Keeling, J Keep, M Kempenaars, C Kennedy, D Kenny, E Khilkevich, M Kiisk, HT Kim, HS Kim, C King, D King, RF King, DJ Kinna, V Kiptily, K Kirov, A Kirschner, G Kizane, C Klepper, M Knaup, SJ Knipe, T Kobuchi, F Kochl, G Kocsis, D Kogut, S Koivuranta, M Koppen, T Koskela, HR Koslowski, V Kotov, E Kowalska-Strzeciwilk, A Krasilnikov, V Krasilnikov, A Kreter, K Krieger, Y Krivchenkov, A Krivska, U Kruezi, I Ksiazek, A Kukushkin, A Kundu, T Kurki-Suonio, OT Kwon, V Kyrytsya, M Laan, C Labate, L Laguardia, N Lam, C Lane, PT Lang, J Lapins, A Lasa, JR Last, A Lawson, KD Lawson, A Lazaros, E Lazzaro, S Lee, HJ Leggate, M Lehnen, D Leichtle, P Leichuer, F Leipold, I Lengar, M Lennholm, E Lerche, M Leyland, W Leysen, Y Liang, J Likonen, V Lindholm, J Linke, C Linsmeier, B Lipschultz, X Litaudon, G Liu, Y Liu, VP Lo Schiavo, T Loarer, A Loarte, RC Lobel, N Lohr, PJ Lomas, J Lonnroth, J Lopez, JM Lopez, F Louche, AB Loving, S Lowbridge, C Lowry, T Luce, RMA Lucock, A Lukin, AM Lungu, CP Lungu, I Lupelli, A Lyssoivan, P Macheta, AS Mackenzie, G Maddaluno, GP Maddison, B Magesh, P Maget, CF Maggi, H Maier, J Mailloux, A Maj, T Makkonen, R Makwana, A Malaquias, F Mansffield, M Mansfield, ME Manso, P Mantica, M Mantsinen, A Manzanares, Y Marandet, N Marcenko, C Marchetto, O Marchuk, M Marinelli, M Marinucci, T Markovic, D Marocco, L Marot, CA Marren, S Marsen, R Marshal, A Martin, DL Martin, Y Martin, A Martin de Aguilera, JR Martin-Solis, A Masiello, M Maslov, V Maslova, S Matejcik, M Mattei, GF Matthews, Dmitry Matveev, M Matveev, F Maviglia, M Mayer, ML Mayoral, D Mazon, C Mazzotta, R McAdams, PJ McCarthy, KG McClements, K McCormick, PA McCullen, D McDonald, R Mcgregor, R McKean, J McKehon, R McKinley, I Meadows, RC Meadows, F Medina, M Medland, S Medley, S Meigh, AG Meigs, L Meneses, S Menmuir, IR Merrigan, P Mertens, S Meshchaninov, A Messiaen, B Meszaros, H Meyer, G Miano, R Michling, D Middleton-Gear, J Miettunen, P Migliucci, E Militello-Asp, S Minucci, F Mirizzi, Y Miyoshi, J Mlynar, I Monakhov, P Monier-Garbet, R Mooney, S Moradi, S Mordijck, L Moreira, R Moreno, PD Morgan, R Morgan, L Morley, C Morlock, AW Morris, J Morris, L Moser, D Moulton, A Murari, A Muraro, I Mustata, NN Asakura, F Nabais, T Nakano, E Nardon, V Naulin, MFF Nave, I Nedzelski, N Neethiraj, G Nemtsev, F Nespoli, A Neto, R Neu, O Neubauer, M Newman, KJ Nicholls, D Nicolai, T Nicolas, P Nieckchen, P Nielsen, MPS Nightingale, E Nilsson, D Nishijima, C Noble, M Nocente, D Nodwell, H Nordman, I Nunes, B O’Meara, M Oberkofler, B Obryk, T Odupitan, MT Ogawa, T O’Gorman, M Okabayashi, S Olariu, M O’Mullane, J Ongena, F Orsitto, BI Oswuigwe, N Pace, D Pacella, A Page, A Paget, D Pagett, E Pajuste, S Palazzo, J Pamela, S Pamela, A Panin, S Panja, P Papp, V Parail, P Paris, SCW Parish, M Park, A Parsloe, R Pasqualotto, IJ Pearson, MA Pedrosa, R Pereira, E Perelli Cippo, C Perez von Thun, C Perez-Von-Thun, V Pericoli-Ridolfini, A Perona, S Peruzzo, S Peschanyi, M Peterka, P Petersson, G Petravich, V Petrzilka, D Pfefferle, V Philipps, A Pietropaolo, M Pillon, G Pintsuk, P Piovesan, A Pires dos Reis, A Pironti, F Pisano, R Pitts, C Plusczyk, V Plyusnin, N Pomaro, O Pompilian, PJ Pool, S Popovichev, F Porcelli, C Porosnicu, M Porton, A Pospieszczyk, G Possnert, S Potzel, T Powell, K Pozniak, J Pozzi, V Prajapati, R Prakash, G Prestopino, D Price, R Price, P Prior, R Prokopowicz, R Proudfoot, P Puglia, ME Puiatti, D Pulley, K Purahoo, T Putterich, A Quercia, E Rachlew, M Rack, J Raeder, MSJ Rainford, G Ramogida, S Ranjan, J Rasmussen, JJ Rasmussen, K Rathod, G Ratta, C Rayner, M Rebai, D Reece, A Reed, D Refy, B Regan, J Regana, M Reich, P Reid, M Reinelt, ML Reinke, M Reinke, D Reiser, D Reiter, D Rendell, C Reux, V Riccardo, FG Rimini, M Riva, JEC Roberts, RJ Robins, SA Robinson, T Robinson, DW Robson, P Roddick, R Rodionov, V Rohde, F Romanelli, M Romanelli, S Romanelli, A Romano, D Rowe, S Rowe, A Rowley, M Rubel, G Rubinacci, L Ruchko, M Ruiz, C Ruset, L Ryc, J Rzadkiewicz, S Saarelma, R Sabot, S Sadakov, E Safi, P Sagar, G Saibene, F Saint-Laurent, M Salewski, A Salmi, F Salzedas, U Samm, D Sandiford, P Sandquist, P Santa, MIK Santala, F Sartori, R Sartori, R Saunders, O Sauter, R Scannell, A Scarabosio, T Schlummer, V Schmidt, O Schmitz, S Schmuck, M Schneider, M Scholz, K Schopf, B Schweer, G Sergienko, A Serikov, M Sertoli, A Shabbir, M Shannon, MMJ Shannon, SE Sharapov, I Shaw, SR Shaw, A Shepherd, A Shevelev, A Shumack, M Sibbald, B Sieglin, C Silva, PA Simmons, A Sinha, SK Sipila, ACC Sips, P Siren, A Sirinelli, H Sjostrand, M Skiba, R Skilton, B Slade, N Smith, PG Smith, TJ Smith, L Snoj, S Soare, ER Solano, S Soldatov, P Sonato, A Sopplesa, J Sousa, CBC Sowden, C Sozzi, A Sparkes, T Spelzini, F Spineanu, G Stables, I Stamatelatos, MF Stamp, V Stancalie, R Stankiewicz, G Stankunas, M Stano, C Stan-Sion, DE Starkey, MJ Stead, M Stejner, AV Stephen, M Stephen, BD Stevens, D Stoyanov, J Strachan, P Strand, M Stransky, P Strom, G Stubbs, W Studholme, F Subba, HP Summers, Y Sun, J Svensson, N Sykes, BD Syme, T Szabolics, G Szepesi, A Szydlowski, TT Suzuki, F Tabares, V Takalo, B Tal, T Tala, AR Talbot, C Taliercio, P Tamain, C Tame, M Tardocchi, L Taroni, KA Taylor, G Telesca, N Teplova, A Terra, D Testa, B Teuchner, S Tholerus, F Thomas, JD Thomas, P Thomas, A Thompson, CA Thompson, VK Thompson, L Thomson, L Thorne, PA Tigwell, N Tipton, I Tiseanu, H Tojo, MZ Tokar, M Tomes, P Tonner, S Tosti, M Towndrow, P Trimble, M Tripsky, M Tsalas, E Tsitrone, D Tskhakaya jun, O Tudisco, I Turner, MM Turner, M Turnyanskiy, G Tvalashvili, SGJ Tyrrell, Z Ul-Abidin, D Ulyatt, B Unterberg, H Urano, I Uytdenhouwen, AP Vadgama, D Valcarcel, M Valisa, M Valovic, D Van Eester, W Van Renterghem, GJ van Rooij, CAF Varandas, S Varoutis, S Vartanian, K Vasava, V Vdovin, J Vega, Geert Verdoolaege, R Verhoeven, C Verona, M Vervier, E Veshchev, D Vezinet, J Vicente, S Villari, F Villone, I Vinyar, B Viola, R Vitelli, A Vitins, M Vlad, I Voitsekhovitch, P Vondracek, M Vrancken, WW Pires de Sa, CWF Waldon, M Walker, M Walsh, RJ Warren, J Waterhouse, NW Watkins, C Watts, T Wauters, MW Way, A Webster, A Weckmann, J Weiland, H Weisen, M Weiszflog, S Welte, J Wendel, R Wenninger, AT West, MR Wheatley, S Whetham, AM Whitehead, BD Whitehead, P Whittington, AM Widdowson, S Wiesen, D Wilkes, J Wilkinson, M Williams, AR Wilson, DJ Wilson, HR Wilson, M Wischmeier, G Withenshaw, DM Witts, D Wojciech, A Wojenski, D Wood, S Wood, C Woodley, U Woznicka, J Wright, J Wu, L Yao, D Yapp, V Yavorskij, MG Yoo, J Yorkshades, C Young, D Young, ID Young, W Zabolotny, J Zacks, R Zagorski, FS Zaitsev, R Zanino, V Zaroschi, KD Zastrow, W Zeidner, A Ziolkowski, V Zoita, S Zoletnik, and I Zychor. 2015. “Overview of the JET Results.” NUCLEAR FUSION 55 (10). doi:10.1088/0029-5515/55/10/104001.
Romanelli F, Abhangi M, Abreu P, Aftanas M, Afzal M, Aggarwal K, et al. Overview of the JET results. NUCLEAR FUSION. 2015;55(10).
F. Romanelli et al., “Overview of the JET results,” NUCLEAR FUSION, vol. 55, no. 10, 2015.
  abstract     = {{Since the installation of an ITER-like wall, the JET programme has focused on the consolidation of ITER design choices and the preparation for ITER operation, with a specific emphasis given to the bulk tungsten melt experiment, which has been crucial for the final decision on the material choice for the day-one tungsten divertor in ITER. Integrated scenarios have been progressed with the re-establishment of long-pulse, high-confinement H-modes by optimizing the magnetic configuration and the use of ICRH to avoid tungsten impurity accumulation. Stationary discharges with detached divertor conditions and small edge localized modes have been demonstrated by nitrogen seeding. The differences in confinement and pedestal behaviour before and after the ITER-like wall installation have been better characterized towards the development of high fusion yield scenarios in DT. Post-mortem analyses of the plasma-facing components have confirmed the previously reported low fuel retention obtained by gas balance and shown that the pattern of deposition within the divertor has changed significantly with respect to the JET carbon wall campaigns due to the absence of thermally activated chemical erosion of beryllium in contrast to carbon. Transport to remote areas is almost absent and two orders of magnitude less material is found in the divertor.}},
  articleno    = {{104001}},
  author       = {{Romanelli, F and Abhangi, M and Abreu, P and Aftanas, M and Afzal, M and Aggarwal, KM and Aho-Mantila, L and Ahonen, E and Aints, M and Airila, M and Albanese, R and Alegre, D and Alessi, E and Aleynikov, P and Alfier, A and Alkseev, A and Allan, P and Almaviva, S and Alonso, A and Alper, B and Alsworth, I and Alves, D and Ambrosino, G and Ambrosino, R and Amosov, V and Andersson, F and Andersson Sunden, E and Angelone, M and Anghel, A and Anghel, M and Angioni, C and Appel, L and Apruzzese, G and Arena, P and Ariola, M and Arnichand, H and Arnoux, G and Arshad, S and Ash, A and Asp, E and Asunta, O and Atanasiu, CV and Austin, Y and Avotina, L and Axton, MD and Ayres, C and Bachmann, C and Baciero, A and Baiao, D and Bailescu, V and Baiocchi, B and Baker, A and Baker, RA and Balboa, I and Balden, M and Balshaw, N and Bament, R and Banks, JW and Baranov, YF and Barlow, IL and Barnard, MA and Barnes, D and Barnsley, A and Baron Wiechec, A and Baruzzo, M and Basiuk, V and Bassan, M and Bastow, R and Batista, A and Batistoni, P and Bauer, R and Bauvir, B and Bazylev, B and Beal, J and Beaumont, PS and Becoulet, A and Bednarczyk, P and Bekris, N and Beldishevski, M and Bell, K and Belli, F and Bellinger, M and Belo, JK and Belo, P and Belonohy, E and Benterman, NA and Bergsaker, H and Bernardo, J and Bernert, M and Berry, M and Bertalot, L and Beurskens, MNA and Bieg, B and Bielecki, J and Biewer, T and Bigi, M and Bilkova, P and Binda, F and Bizarro, JPS and Bjorkas, C and Blackman, K and Blackman, TR and Blanchard, P and Blanco, E and Blatchford, P and Bobkov, V and Boboc, A and Bodnar, G and Bogar, O and Bolzonella, T and Boncagni, L and Bonham, R and Bonheure, G and Boom, J and Booth, J and Borba, D and Borodin, D and Botrugno, A and Boulbe, C and Boulting, P and Bovert, KV and Bowden, M and Bower, C and Boyce, T and Boyer, HJ and Bradshaw, JMA and Braic, V and Breizman, B and Bremond, S and Brennan, PD and Brett, A and Brezinsek, S and Bright, MDJ and Brix, M and Broeckx, W and Brombin, M and Brown, BC and Brown, DPD and Brown, M and Bruno, E and Bucalossi, J and Buch, J and Buckley, MA and Bucko, K and Budny, R and Bufferand, H and Bulman, M and Bulmer, N and Bunting, P and Buratti, P and Burcea, G and Burckhart, A and Buscarino, A and Butcher, PR and Butler, NK and Bykov, I and Byrne, J and Byszuk, A and Cackett, A and Cahyna, P and Cain, G and Calabro, G and Callaghan, CP and Campling, DC and Cane, J and Cannas, B and Capel, AJ and Caputano, M and Card, PJ and Cardinali, A and Carman, P and Carralero, D and Carraro, L and Carvalho, BB and Carvalho, I and Carvalho, P and Casson, FJ and Castaldo, C and Cavazzana, R and Cavinato, M and Cazzaniga, A and Cecconello, M and Cecil, E and Cenedese, A and Centioli, C and Cesario, R and Challis, CD and Chandler, M and Chandra, D and Chang, CS and Chankin, A and Chapman, IT and Chapman, SC and Chernyshova, M and Chiru, P and Chitarin, G and Chouli, B and Chung, N and Ciraolo, G and Ciric, D and Citrin, J and Clairet, F and Clark, E and Clatworthy, D and Clay, R and Clever, M and Coad, JP and Coates, PA and Coccorese, V and Cocilovo, V and Coda, S and Coelho, R and Coenen, JW and Coffey, I and Colas, L and Collins, S and Conboy, JE and Conroy, S and Cook, N and Coombs, D and Cooper, D and Cooper, SR and Corre, Y and Corrigan, G and Cortes, S and Coster, D and Couchman, AS and Cox, M and Cox, MP and Cox, P and Craciunescu, T and Cramp, S and Crisanti, F and Cristescu, I and Croci, G and Croft, O and Crombé, Kristel and Crowe, R and Cruz, N and Cseh, G and Cull, K and Cupido, L and Curran, D and Curuia, M and Czarnecka, A and Czarski, T and Dalley, S and Dalziel, A and Darrow, D and Davies, R and Davis, W and Day, C and Day, IE and de la Cal, E and de la Luna, E and De Magistris, M and de Pablos, JL and De Tommasi, G and de Vries, PC and Deakin, K and Deane, J and Decker, J and Degli Agostini, F and Dejarnac, R and Delabie, E and den Harder, N and Dendy, RO and Denner, P and Devaux, S and Devynck, P and Di Maio, F and Di Pace, L and Dittmar, T and Dodt, D and Donne, T and Dooley, P and Dorling, SE and Dormido-Canto, S and Doswon, S and Douai, D and Doyle, PT and Dreischuh, T and Drewelow, P and Drozdov, V and Drozdowicz, K and Dumont, R and Dumortier, P and Dunai, D and Dunne, M and Duran, I and Durodie, F and Dutta, P and Duval, B and Dux, R and Dylst, K and Dzysiuk, N and Edappala, PV and Edwards, AM and Eich, T and Ekedahl, A and Elevant, T and El-Jorf, R and Elsmore, CG and Ericsson, G and Eriksson, A and Eriksson, J and Eriksson, LG and Esposito, B and Esser, HG and Esteve, D and Evans, GE and Evans, J and Ewart, GD and Ewers, DT and Fagan, D and Falie, D and Farthing, JW and Fasoli, A and Fattorini, L and Faugeras, B and Faustin, J and Fawlk, N and Federici, G and Fedorczak, N and Felton, RC and Fenzi, C and Fernades, A and Fernandes, H and Ferreira, J and Fessey, JA and Figini, L and Figueiredo, A and Figueiredo, J and Fil, A and Finburg, P and Firdaouss, M and Fischer, U and Fittill, L and Fitzgerald, M and Flammini, D and Flanagan, J and Fleming, C and Flinders, K and Formisano, A and Forsythe, L and Fortuna, L and Fortune, M and Frasca, M and Frassinetti, L and Freisinger, M and Fresa, R and Frigione, D and Fuchs, V and Fyvie, J and Gadomska, M and Gal, K and Galperti, C and Galvao, R and Gao, X and Garavaglia, S and Garcia, J and Garcia-Carrasco, A and Garcia-Munoz, M and Gardner, M and Garzotti, L and Gaudio, P and Gauthier, E and Gaze, JW and Gear, DF and Gee, SJ and Gelfusa, M and Genangeli, E and Gerasimov, S and Gervasini, G and Ghate, M and Gherendi, M and Giacalone, JC and Giacomelli, L and Gibson, CS and Giegerich, T and Gin, D and Giovannozzi, E and Girardo, JB and Giroud, C and Giruzzi, G and Gleason-Gonzalez, C and Godwin, J and Gohil, P and Gojska, A and Goloborod'ko, V and Gomes, R and Goncalves, B and Goniche, M and Gonzalez, S and Goodsell, B and Goodyear, A and Gorini, G and Goussarov, A and Graham, B and Graham, ME and Graves, J and Grazier, N and Green, NR and Greuner, H and Grigore, E and Griph, FS and Grisolia, C and Grist, D and Groth, M and Grundy, CN and Gryaznevich, M and Guard, D and Gubb, D and Guillemaut, C and Guo, Y and Utoh, HH and Hackett, LJ and Hacquin, S and Hagar, A and Hakola, A and Halitovs, M and Hall, SJ and Hallworth Cook, SP and Hammond, K and Hart, J and Harting, D and Hartmann, N and Haupt, TDV and Hawkes, NC and Hawkins, J and Haydon, PW and Hazel, S and Heesterman, PJL and Heinola, K and Hellesen, C and Hellsten, T and Helou, W and Hemming, ON and Hender, TC and Henderson, M and Henriques, R and Hepple, D and Hermon, G and Hidalgo, C and Highcock, EG and Hill, JW and Hill, M and Hillairet, J and Hillesheim, J and Hillis, D and Hjalmarsson, A and Hobirk, J and Hogben, CHA and Hogeweij, GMD and Homfray, DA and Horacek, J and Horton, AR and Horton, LD and Hotchin, SP and Hough, MR and Howarth, PJ and Huber, A and Huddleston, TM and Hughes, M and Hunter, CL and Hurzlmeier, H and Huygen, S and Huynh, P and Igitkhanov, J and Iglesias, D and Imrisek, M and Ivanova, D and Ivanova-Stanik, I and Ivings, E and Jachmich, S and Jacobsen, AS and Jacquet, P and Jakubowska, K and James, J and Janky, F and Jarvinen, A and Jaulmes, F and Jednorog, S and Jenkins, C and Jenkins, I and Jesko, K and Joffrin, E and Johnson, R and Johnson, T and Joita, L and Jones, G and Jones, TTC and Joyce, L and Jupen, C and Hoshino, KK and Kallenbach, A and Kalupin, D and Kamiya, K and Kaniewski, J and Kantor, A and Karhunen, J and Kasprowicz, G and Kaveney, G and Kazakov, Y and Keeling, DL and Keep, J and Kempenaars, M and Kennedy, C and Kenny, D and Khilkevich, E and Kiisk, M and Kim, HT and Kim, HS and King, C and King, D and King, RF and Kinna, DJ and Kiptily, V and Kirov, K and Kirschner, A and Kizane, G and Klepper, C and Knaup, M and Knipe, SJ and Kobuchi, T and Kochl, F and Kocsis, G and Kogut, D and Koivuranta, S and Koppen, M and Koskela, T and Koslowski, HR and Kotov, V and Kowalska-Strzeciwilk, E and Krasilnikov, A and Krasilnikov, V and Kreter, A and Krieger, K and Krivchenkov, Y and Krivska, A and Kruezi, U and Ksiazek, I and Kukushkin, A and Kundu, A and Kurki-Suonio, T and Kwon, OT and Kyrytsya, V and Laan, M and Labate, C and Laguardia, L and Lam, N and Lane, C and Lang, PT and Lapins, J and Lasa, A and Last, JR and Lawson, A and Lawson, KD and Lazaros, A and Lazzaro, E and Lee, S and Leggate, HJ and Lehnen, M and Leichtle, D and Leichuer, P and Leipold, F and Lengar, I and Lennholm, M and Lerche, E and Leyland, M and Leysen, W and Liang, Y and Likonen, J and Lindholm, V and Linke, J and Linsmeier, C and Lipschultz, B and Litaudon, X and Liu, G and Liu, Y and Lo Schiavo, VP and Loarer, T and Loarte, A and Lobel, RC and Lohr, N and Lomas, PJ and Lonnroth, J and Lopez, J and Lopez, JM and Louche, F and Loving, AB and Lowbridge, S and Lowry, C and Luce, T and Lucock, RMA and Lukin, A and Lungu, AM and Lungu, CP and Lupelli, I and Lyssoivan, A and Macheta, P and Mackenzie, AS and Maddaluno, G and Maddison, GP and Magesh, B and Maget, P and Maggi, CF and Maier, H and Mailloux, J and Maj, A and Makkonen, T and Makwana, R and Malaquias, A and Mansffield, F and Mansfield, M and Manso, ME and Mantica, P and Mantsinen, M and Manzanares, A and Marandet, Y and Marcenko, N and Marchetto, C and Marchuk, O and Marinelli, M and Marinucci, M and Markovic, T and Marocco, D and Marot, L and Marren, CA and Marsen, S and Marshal, R and Martin, A and Martin, DL and Martin, Y and Martin de Aguilera, A and Martin-Solis, JR and Masiello, A and Maslov, M and Maslova, V and Matejcik, S and Mattei, M and Matthews, GF and Matveev, Dmitry and Matveev, M and Maviglia, F and Mayer, M and Mayoral, ML and Mazon, D and Mazzotta, C and McAdams, R and McCarthy, PJ and McClements, KG and McCormick, K and McCullen, PA and McDonald, D and Mcgregor, R and McKean, R and McKehon, J and McKinley, R and Meadows, I and Meadows, RC and Medina, F and Medland, M and Medley, S and Meigh, S and Meigs, AG and Meneses, L and Menmuir, S and Merrigan, IR and Mertens, P and Meshchaninov, S and Messiaen, A and Meszaros, B and Meyer, H and Miano, G and Michling, R and Middleton-Gear, D and Miettunen, J and Migliucci, P and Militello-Asp, E and Minucci, S and Mirizzi, F and Miyoshi, Y and Mlynar, J and Monakhov, I and Monier-Garbet, P and Mooney, R and Moradi, S and Mordijck, S and Moreira, L and Moreno, R and Morgan, PD and Morgan, R and Morley, L and Morlock, C and Morris, AW and Morris, J and Moser, L and Moulton, D and Murari, A and Muraro, A and Mustata, I and Asakura, NN and Nabais, F and Nakano, T and Nardon, E and Naulin, V and Nave, MFF and Nedzelski, I and Neethiraj, N and Nemtsev, G and Nespoli, F and Neto, A and Neu, R and Neubauer, O and Newman, M and Nicholls, KJ and Nicolai, D and Nicolas, T and Nieckchen, P and Nielsen, P and Nightingale, MPS and Nilsson, E and Nishijima, D and Noble, C and Nocente, M and Nodwell, D and Nordman, H and Nunes, I and O'Meara, B and Oberkofler, M and Obryk, B and Odupitan, T and Ogawa, MT and O'Gorman, T and Okabayashi, M and Olariu, S and O'Mullane, M and Ongena, J and Orsitto, F and Oswuigwe, BI and Pace, N and Pacella, D and Page, A and Paget, A and Pagett, D and Pajuste, E and Palazzo, S and Pamela, J and Pamela, S and Panin, A and Panja, S and Papp, P and Parail, V and Paris, P and Parish, SCW and Park, M and Parsloe, A and Pasqualotto, R and Pearson, IJ and Pedrosa, MA and Pereira, R and Perelli Cippo, E and Perez von Thun, C and Perez-Von-Thun, C and Pericoli-Ridolfini, V and Perona, A and Peruzzo, S and Peschanyi, S and Peterka, M and Petersson, P and Petravich, G and Petrzilka, V and Pfefferle, D and Philipps, V and Pietropaolo, A and Pillon, M and Pintsuk, G and Piovesan, P and Pires dos Reis, A and Pironti, A and Pisano, F and Pitts, R and Plusczyk, C and Plyusnin, V and Pomaro, N and Pompilian, O and Pool, PJ and Popovichev, S and Porcelli, F and Porosnicu, C and Porton, M and Pospieszczyk, A and Possnert, G and Potzel, S and Powell, T and Pozniak, K and Pozzi, J and Prajapati, V and Prakash, R and Prestopino, G and Price, D and Price, R and Prior, P and Prokopowicz, R and Proudfoot, R and Puglia, P and Puiatti, ME and Pulley, D and Purahoo, K and Putterich, T and Quercia, A and Rachlew, E and Rack, M and Raeder, J and Rainford, MSJ and Ramogida, G and Ranjan, S and Rasmussen, J and Rasmussen, JJ and Rathod, K and Ratta, G and Rayner, C and Rebai, M and Reece, D and Reed, A and Refy, D and Regan, B and Regana, J and Reich, M and Reid, P and Reinelt, M and Reinke, ML and Reinke, M and Reiser, D and Reiter, D and Rendell, D and Reux, C and Riccardo, V and Rimini, FG and Riva, M and Roberts, JEC and Robins, RJ and Robinson, SA and Robinson, T and Robson, DW and Roddick, P and Rodionov, R and Rohde, V and Romanelli, F and Romanelli, M and Romanelli, S and Romano, A and Rowe, D and Rowe, S and Rowley, A and Rubel, M and Rubinacci, G and Ruchko, L and Ruiz, M and Ruset, C and Ryc, L and Rzadkiewicz, J and Saarelma, S and Sabot, R and Sadakov, S and Safi, E and Sagar, P and Saibene, G and Saint-Laurent, F and Salewski, M and Salmi, A and Salzedas, F and Samm, U and Sandiford, D and Sandquist, P and Santa, P and Santala, MIK and Sartori, F and Sartori, R and Saunders, R and Sauter, O and Scannell, R and Scarabosio, A and Schlummer, T and Schmidt, V and Schmitz, O and Schmuck, S and Schneider, M and Scholz, M and Schopf, K and Schweer, B and Sergienko, G and Serikov, A and Sertoli, M and Shabbir, A and Shannon, M and Shannon, MMJ and Sharapov, SE and Shaw, I and Shaw, SR and Shepherd, A and Shevelev, A and Shumack, A and Sibbald, M and Sieglin, B and Silva, C and Simmons, PA and Sinha, A and Sipila, SK and Sips, ACC and Siren, P and Sirinelli, A and Sjostrand, H and Skiba, M and Skilton, R and Slade, B and Smith, N and Smith, PG and Smith, TJ and Snoj, L and Soare, S and Solano, ER and Soldatov, S and Sonato, P and Sopplesa, A and Sousa, J and Sowden, CBC and Sozzi, C and Sparkes, A and Spelzini, T and Spineanu, F and Stables, G and Stamatelatos, I and Stamp, MF and Stancalie, V and Stankiewicz, R and Stankunas, G and Stano, M and Stan-Sion, C and Starkey, DE and Stead, MJ and Stejner, M and Stephen, AV and Stephen, M and Stevens, BD and Stoyanov, D and Strachan, J and Strand, P and Stransky, M and Strom, P and Stubbs, G and Studholme, W and Subba, F and Summers, HP and Sun, Y and Svensson, J and Sykes, N and Syme, BD and Szabolics, T and Szepesi, G and Szydlowski, A and Suzuki, TT and Tabares, F and Takalo, V and Tal, B and Tala, T and Talbot, AR and Taliercio, C and Tamain, P and Tame, C and Tardocchi, M and Taroni, L and Taylor, KA and Telesca, G and Teplova, N and Terra, A and Testa, D and Teuchner, B and Tholerus, S and Thomas, F and Thomas, JD and Thomas, P and Thompson, A and Thompson, CA and Thompson, VK and Thomson, L and Thorne, L and Tigwell, PA and Tipton, N and Tiseanu, I and Tojo, H and Tokar, MZ and Tomes, M and Tonner, P and Tosti, S and Towndrow, M and Trimble, P and Tripsky, M and Tsalas, M and Tsitrone, E and Tskhakaya jun, D and Tudisco, O and Turner, I and Turner, MM and Turnyanskiy, M and Tvalashvili, G and Tyrrell, SGJ and Ul-Abidin, Z and Ulyatt, D and Unterberg, B and Urano, H and Uytdenhouwen, I and Vadgama, AP and Valcarcel, D and Valisa, M and Valovic, M and Van Eester, D and Van Renterghem, W and van Rooij, GJ and Varandas, CAF and Varoutis, S and Vartanian, S and Vasava, K and Vdovin, V and Vega, J and Verdoolaege, Geert and Verhoeven, R and Verona, C and Vervier, M and Veshchev, E and Vezinet, D and Vicente, J and Villari, S and Villone, F and Vinyar, I and Viola, B and Vitelli, R and Vitins, A and Vlad, M and Voitsekhovitch, I and Vondracek, P and Vrancken, M and Pires de Sa, WW and Waldon, CWF and Walker, M and Walsh, M and Warren, RJ and Waterhouse, J and Watkins, NW and Watts, C and Wauters, T and Way, MW and Webster, A and Weckmann, A and Weiland, J and Weisen, H and Weiszflog, M and Welte, S and Wendel, J and Wenninger, R and West, AT and Wheatley, MR and Whetham, S and Whitehead, AM and Whitehead, BD and Whittington, P and Widdowson, AM and Wiesen, S and Wilkes, D and Wilkinson, J and Williams, M and Wilson, AR and Wilson, DJ and Wilson, HR and Wischmeier, M and Withenshaw, G and Witts, DM and Wojciech, D and Wojenski, A and Wood, D and Wood, S and Woodley, C and Woznicka, U and Wright, J and Wu, J and Yao, L and Yapp, D and Yavorskij, V and Yoo, MG and Yorkshades, J and Young, C and Young, D and Young, ID and Zabolotny, W and Zacks, J and Zagorski, R and Zaitsev, FS and Zanino, R and Zaroschi, V and Zastrow, KD and Zeidner, W and Ziolkowski, A and Zoita, V and Zoletnik, S and Zychor, I}},
  issn         = {{0029-5515}},
  journal      = {{NUCLEAR FUSION}},
  language     = {{eng}},
  location     = {{Govt Russian Federat, St Petersburg, RUSSIA}},
  number       = {{10}},
  pages        = {{14}},
  publisher    = {{IOP PUBLISHING LTD}},
  title        = {{Overview of the JET results}},
  url          = {{}},
  volume       = {{55}},
  year         = {{2015}},

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