A capital between lands and waters : reconstructing the evolution of the alluvial landscape around Ravenna through digital and field geoarchaeology
- Author
- Michele Abballe
- Promoter
- Frank Vermeulen (UGent) , Fabio Saggioro, Jeroen Verhegge (UGent) and Devi Taelman (UGent)
- Organization
- Project
- Abstract
- The thesis studies the geomorphological transformations that have occurred in the hinterland of Ravenna in the last three millennia by employing a combination of digital and field geoarchaeological approaches to understand how landscape transformations have influenced and have been influenced by human-environment relationships. The study area, corresponding to the southeastern portion of the Po Valley, has undergone intense changes that have led to the burial of palaeosurfaces and associated archaeological sites. Human actions have also intensified these natural processes via extensive land reclamation. Thus, strong geomorphological biases hinder the reconstruction of past settlement patterns. To shed light on the evolution of this highly dynamic floodplain landscape, I employed a multidisciplinary and multiscale approach combining scientific data with interpretations of historical and cartographic sources. After an introductory part on the geomorphological configuration and the historical-archaeological dynamics of the study area, six chapters follow, each focusing on a methodological application, related datasets created/employed and the results obtained. The methodologies are geomorphometric analysis, remote sensing, discussion of cartographic and medieval written sources, analysis of archaeological data, collection and interpretation of geoarchaeological data, and data integration for palaeoDEM modelling. Although these methodologies have been treated separately, the knowledge that each one generated gradually adds up to the previous ones to shed light on the transformations that have taken place in the study area. From a methodological point of view, for the first time established approaches were applied systematically over the entire study area, leading to the mapping of hundreds of fluvial remains, several abandoned medieval fortified sites, and possible traces of unique field systems of various chronologies. In addition, I was able to shed light on the land reclamation process in the area, proving that it began as early as the Middle Ages and continued into the 20th century CE. At the same time, all the collected data were used to push the limits of palaeoDEM modelling applied to an extensive and biased context, testing a strategy to improve further the results obtained. In this way, it was possible to create models of the archaeological potential and palaeogeographical maps for four different chronological periods. Finally, revised and newly acquired knowledge abled me to rewrite a geoarchaeological history of the rivers flowing through the hinterland of Ravenna, the real pivot of the vicissitudes of this territory. Through the evidence of rectification, reclamation and natural and non-natural avulsions, it is possible to understand very well the impact that local communities have had in shaping the current landscape.
- De scriptie bestudeert de geomorfologische transformaties die de afgelopen drie millennia hebben plaatsgevonden in het achterland van Ravenna door middel van een combinatie van geoarcheologische benaderingen, zowel digitaal als in het veld, om te begrijpen hoe landschapstransformaties van invloed zijn geweest op de mens-milieu relaties en andersom. Het onderzoeksgebied, dat overeenkomt met het zuidoostelijke deel van de Po-vlakte, heeft intense veranderingen ondergaan die hebben geleid tot de begraving van paleobodems en bijbehorende archeologische sites. Menselijke handelingen hebben deze natuurlijke processen ook versterkt via uitgebreide landontginning. Sterke geomorfologische transformaties hinderen dus de reconstructie van de nederzettingspatronen uit het verleden. Om licht te werpen op de evolutie van dit zeer dynamische overstromingsvlakkelandschap, gebruikte ik een multidisciplinaire en multischalige aanpak waarbij wetenschappelijke gegevens werden gecombineerd met interpretaties van historische en cartografische bronnen. Na een inleidend deel over de geomorfologische configuratie en de historisch-archeologische dynamiek van het onderzoeksgebied, er volgen zes hoofdstukken, elk met de focus op een methodologische toepassing, gerelateerde datasets die zijn gemaakt/gebruikt, en de verkregen resultaten. De methodologieën zijn geomorfometrische analyse, remote sensing, bespreking van cartografische en middeleeuwse geschreven bronnen, analyse van archeologische gegevens, verzameling en interpretatie van geoarcheologische gegevens en integratie van gegevens voor palaeoDEM-modellering. Hoewel deze methodologieën afzonderlijk zijn behandeld, draagt de kennis die elk heeft gegenereerd geleidelijk bij aan de vorige om licht te werpen op de transformaties die hebben plaatsgevonden in het onderzoeksgebied. Vanuit methodologisch oogpunt werden voor het eerst gevestigde benaderingen systematisch toegepast over het hele onderzoeksgebied. Dit heeft geleid tot het in kaart brengen van honderden fluviale overblijfselen, verschillende verlaten middeleeuwse versterkte sites en mogelijke sporen van unieke veldsystemen van verschillende chronologieën. Bovendien slaagde ik erin om licht te werpen op het landontginningsproces in het gebied, waarbij werd aangetoond dat het al in de middeleeuwen begon en doorging tot in de 20e eeuw van de gangbare jaartelling. Tegelijkertijd werden alle verzamelde gegevens gebruikt om de grenzen van palaeoDEM-modellering toegepast op een breed en complex territoriaal kader te verleggen. Hierbij werd een strategie getest om de verkregen resultaten verder te verbeteren. Op deze manier was het mogelijk om modellen te maken van het archeologische potentieel en paleogeografische kaarten voor vier verschillende chronologische perioden. Uiteindelijk heeft herziene en nieuw verworven kennis me in staat gesteld om een geoarcheologische geschiedenis van de rivieren die door het achterland van Ravenna stromen te herschrijven, het ware middelpunt van de wisselvalligheden van dit gebied. Aan de hand van bewijs van rechtzetting, inpoldering en natuurlijke en niet-natuurlijke afsnijdingen, is het mogelijk om heel goed te begrijpen welke invloed lokale gemeenschappen hebben gehad op de vormgeving van het huidige landschap.
- Keywords
- landscape archaeology, geoarchaeology, wetland archaeology, remote sensing, digital archaeology, digital geoarchaeology
Please use this url to cite or link to this publication: http://hdl.handle.net/1854/LU-01H8S1BMHAVM029JX5JECZ53BF
- Abballe, Michele. A Capital between Lands and Waters : Reconstructing the Evolution of the Alluvial Landscape around Ravenna through Digital and Field Geoarchaeology. Ghent University. Faculty of Arts and Philosophy ; Università di Verona, 2023.
- Abballe, M. (2023). A capital between lands and waters : reconstructing the evolution of the alluvial landscape around Ravenna through digital and field geoarchaeology. Ghent University. Faculty of Arts and Philosophy ; Università di Verona, Ghent, Belgium ; Verona, Italy.
- Chicago author-date
- Abballe, Michele. 2023. “A Capital between Lands and Waters : Reconstructing the Evolution of the Alluvial Landscape around Ravenna through Digital and Field Geoarchaeology.” Ghent, Belgium ; Verona, Italy: Ghent University. Faculty of Arts and Philosophy ; Università di Verona.
- Chicago author-date (all authors)
- Abballe, Michele. 2023. “A Capital between Lands and Waters : Reconstructing the Evolution of the Alluvial Landscape around Ravenna through Digital and Field Geoarchaeology.” Ghent, Belgium ; Verona, Italy: Ghent University. Faculty of Arts and Philosophy ; Università di Verona.
- Vancouver
- 1.Abballe M. A capital between lands and waters : reconstructing the evolution of the alluvial landscape around Ravenna through digital and field geoarchaeology. [Ghent, Belgium ; Verona, Italy]: Ghent University. Faculty of Arts and Philosophy ; Università di Verona; 2023.
- [1]M. Abballe, “A capital between lands and waters : reconstructing the evolution of the alluvial landscape around Ravenna through digital and field geoarchaeology,” Ghent University. Faculty of Arts and Philosophy ; Università di Verona, Ghent, Belgium ; Verona, Italy, 2023.
@phdthesis{01H8S1BMHAVM029JX5JECZ53BF, abstract = {{The thesis studies the geomorphological transformations that have occurred in the hinterland of Ravenna in the last three millennia by employing a combination of digital and field geoarchaeological approaches to understand how landscape transformations have influenced and have been influenced by human-environment relationships. The study area, corresponding to the southeastern portion of the Po Valley, has undergone intense changes that have led to the burial of palaeosurfaces and associated archaeological sites. Human actions have also intensified these natural processes via extensive land reclamation. Thus, strong geomorphological biases hinder the reconstruction of past settlement patterns. To shed light on the evolution of this highly dynamic floodplain landscape, I employed a multidisciplinary and multiscale approach combining scientific data with interpretations of historical and cartographic sources. After an introductory part on the geomorphological configuration and the historical-archaeological dynamics of the study area, six chapters follow, each focusing on a methodological application, related datasets created/employed and the results obtained. The methodologies are geomorphometric analysis, remote sensing, discussion of cartographic and medieval written sources, analysis of archaeological data, collection and interpretation of geoarchaeological data, and data integration for palaeoDEM modelling. Although these methodologies have been treated separately, the knowledge that each one generated gradually adds up to the previous ones to shed light on the transformations that have taken place in the study area. From a methodological point of view, for the first time established approaches were applied systematically over the entire study area, leading to the mapping of hundreds of fluvial remains, several abandoned medieval fortified sites, and possible traces of unique field systems of various chronologies. In addition, I was able to shed light on the land reclamation process in the area, proving that it began as early as the Middle Ages and continued into the 20th century CE. At the same time, all the collected data were used to push the limits of palaeoDEM modelling applied to an extensive and biased context, testing a strategy to improve further the results obtained. In this way, it was possible to create models of the archaeological potential and palaeogeographical maps for four different chronological periods. Finally, revised and newly acquired knowledge abled me to rewrite a geoarchaeological history of the rivers flowing through the hinterland of Ravenna, the real pivot of the vicissitudes of this territory. Through the evidence of rectification, reclamation and natural and non-natural avulsions, it is possible to understand very well the impact that local communities have had in shaping the current landscape.}}, author = {{Abballe, Michele}}, keywords = {{landscape archaeology,geoarchaeology,wetland archaeology,remote sensing,digital archaeology,digital geoarchaeology}}, language = {{eng}}, pages = {{XLVI, 519}}, publisher = {{Ghent University. Faculty of Arts and Philosophy ; Università di Verona}}, school = {{Ghent University}}, title = {{A capital between lands and waters : reconstructing the evolution of the alluvial landscape around Ravenna through digital and field geoarchaeology}}, url = {{https://zenodo.org/communities/geoarchaeology-palaeodems-ravenna-hinterland/edit/}}, year = {{2023}}, }