Project: INclusive Holistic carE for REfugee and migrant victims of sexual violence in Belgium, Sweden and UK
2019-11-01 – 2021-10-31
- Abstract
INHeRE aims to improve holistic care for migrants, applicants of international protection (AIPS) and refugees (MAR) who have been sexually victimized (SV) and/or sex trafficked (ST), regardless of their sex, gender, sexual orientation, legal and/or protection status. The objectives are:
1) Build capacity and enhance the culturally/diversity-competent practices of 5 key professional groups (asylum reception staff, nurses & psychologists at SACCs, police authorities, follow-up psychologists and cultural intermediators/interpreters) working with MAR by providing online and onsite training.
2) Align national policies with EU regulations and guidelines for the safe reporting of SV regardless of legal status.
3) Bridge the competencies, practices and policies across professions to streamline the care pathways.
INHeRE’ participatory approach will produce: 1 good practice checklist for detection, referral and care at asylum reception facilities, 1 script for police SV&ST MAR hearings, 1 optimized remote interpreting system, 1 online capacity building platform hosting 8 MOOCs (150 professionals trained), 4 Training of Trainers (60 professionals trained who will give each 2 follow-on sessions), 1 cartography of national policies, laws and procedures on safe reporting, 1 safe reporting procedure for undocumented MAR victims. Our guiding frameworks are the Community Based Participatory Research and the Acceptability Frameworks by Levesque (2013) and Sekhon (2017). All training materials are produced by 3 partner countries (PC) and published in 4 EU languages. Strong coordination and management is ensured through monthly consortium meetings, and 5 Implementation and Community Advisory Board (ICAB) meetings in 3 PCs. All partners, ICAB members, and experts will disseminate the project website, online training tools and procedures, and policy brief(s) in their networks and at the final INHeRE seminar (100 participants) and workshop at the 2020 ICSOR conference (50 participants).
Safe reporting framework for migrant victims of sexual violence
(2021) -
- Miscellaneous
- open access
Processus de signalement sécurisé pour les migrants victimes de violences sexuelles
(2021) -
- Miscellaneous
- open access
Misure di denuncia in sicurezza per migranti vittime di violenza sessuale
(2021) -
- Miscellaneous
- open access
Kader voor veilig melden van seksueel geweld voor migranten slachtoffers
(2021) -
- Miscellaneous
- open access
Safe reporting for migrant victims of sexual violence : mapping policies in Belgium, Ireland, and the UK
(2021) -
- Miscellaneous
- open access
Richtlijnen voor politieverhoren met Migranten, Verzoekers om Internationale Bescherming en Vluchtelingen (MiViV), slachtoffers van mensenhandel en LGBT+ slachtoffers van seksueel geweld
(2021) -
- Miscellaneous
- open access
Modello di buona prassi per gli agenti di polizia che conducono colloqui con migranti, richiedenti protezione internazionale, rifugiati (MRR), vittime di tratta e persone LGBT+ che hanno subito violenza sessuale
(2021) -
- Miscellaneous
- open access
Outil de bonnes pratiques pour les interrogatoires de police avec les victimes de violences sexuelles étant des migrants, réfugiés, demandeurs de protection internationale (MRD), des victimes de la traite des êtres humains et des victimes LGBT+
(2021) -
- Miscellaneous
- open access
Good practice tool for police hearings with migrant, applicant for international protection, refugee (MAR), trafficked, and LGBT+ victims of sexual violence