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Project: Platform for interdisciplinary isotopic research by means of multi-collector inductively coupled plasma - mass spectrometry

2016-07-01 – 2022-06-30


As a hybrid mass spectrometer, MC-ICPMS combines an inductively coupled plasma (ICP) plasma source, an energy filter, a magnetic sector analyzer, and multiple collectors for the measurement of ions. The ions are produced by introducing the sample into an inductively coupled plasma which strips off electrons thereby creating positively charged ions. These ions are accelerated across an electrical potential gradient (up to 10 KV) and focused into a beam via a series of slits and electrostatically charged plates. This ion beam then passes through an energy filter, which results in a consistent energy spectrum in the ion beam and then through a magnetic field where the ions are separated on the basis of their mass to charge ratio. These mass-resolved beams are then directed into collectors where the ions reaching the collectors are converted into voltage. Isotope ratios are calculated by comparing voltages from the different collectors.

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