Project: SolidLab Flanders
2022-02-01 – 2024-01-31
- Abstract
To reinforce the trust of its citizens and help companies compete against internet giants, Flanders is leading the race to set a new standard in data protection. A EUR 7 million government investment is providing a major boost for the practical implementations of a technology called Solid. Three of Flanders’ leading universities are joining forces in SolidLab Vlaanderen.
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ConSolid : a federated ecosystem for heterogeneous multi-stakeholder projects
Reinforcement learning-based SPARQL join ordering optimizer
(2023) The Semantic Web : ESWC 2023 Satellite Events. In Lecture notes in computer science 13998. p.43-47 -
- Conference Paper
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How does the link queue evolve during traversal-based query processing?
- Conference Paper
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YARRRML + LDES : simultaneously lowering complexity from knowledge graph generation and publication
- Conference Paper
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- open access
Towards algebraic mapping operators for knowledge graph construction
- Conference Paper
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A rule-based software agent on top of personal data stores
- Conference Paper
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Aggregators to realize scalable querying across decentralized data sources
- Conference Paper
- C1
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POD-QUERY : schema mapping and query rewriting for solid pods
- Conference Paper
- C1
- open access
Assessing the economic viability of data intermediation services as defined in the DGA
- Conference Paper
- C3
- open access
Personal Data Stores and data cooperatives : a two-pronged, sociotechnical approach for data activism