Project: One size does not fit all: from a common approach towards performance-specific speech intervention and long-term learning in children with a cleft palate
2022-10-01 – 2026-09-30
- Abstract
Speech therapy in children with a palate deals with two scientific challenges that will be addressed in this project. The first challenge is selecting the best speech approach for a child with a specific cleft speech characteristic (CSC). Many speech therapists use a ‘one-size-fits-all’ approach to treat compensatory CSCs resulting in poor short- and long-term speech outcomes. To increase the effectiveness and quality of cleft speech care, it is necessary to find the best match between a specific therapy and a given type of CSC. Therefore, this proposal will compare the effect of 3 different speech approaches on the speech and quality of life in Dutch-speaking children with different types of CSCs. For an eventual global implementation of these approaches, it is important to investigate this best match in different linguistic contexts. Hence, a cross-linguistic comparison will be made between Dutch-speaking children and English-speaking children. The second challenge is selecting the best speech approach to enhance long-term learning and transfer of newly established speech skills to untrained consonants. To date, research mainly focused on immediate therapy effects. It is unknown if permanent speech changes occur. Hence, this project will also investigate the short-term and long-term learning effects (retention and transfer) of the different speech approaches from the first objective. This proposal will improve evidence-based and patient-tailored cleft speech therapy.
- Journal Article
- A1
- open access
Effects of suspension pharyngeal flap on speech in Filipino individuals with velopharyngeal insufficiency
Metaphonological intervention in children with a cleft palate: what, why, and when?
(2024) -
Treatment fatigue and drop-out: a qualitative study on speech therapy in children with a cleft palate
(2024) -
'The decision to end speech therapy brought more peace and tranquillity into our family' : exploring speech-related treatment fatigue and dropout in parents and children with a cleft palate
- Conference Paper
- C3
- open access
Logopedie voor kinderen met schisis : de blik van diverse stakeholders
Do adult naïve listeners perceive differences in speech before and after therapy for cleft palate speech disorders? A reliability study of perceptual speech ratings
Dutch (Flemish) multilingual children’s speech development
- Journal Article
- A2
- open access
Logopedische diagnostiek en behandeling bij kinderen geboren met een lip-, kaak- en verhemeltespleet : een state-of-the-art overzicht
Evidence-based phonological intervention in children with a cleft palate : what, why, and when?
- Journal Article
- A1
- open access
Telepractice in the diagnosis and treatment of pediatric speech-language disorders : the opinions and experiences of speech-language pathologists