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ORCID logo 0000-0002-7610-9614
Bio (via ORCID)
Ignited by my first experience as an archaeology student in a Belgian Medieval cathedral, my research focuses on the study of architectural remains as a way to understand ancient building practices and the societies that commissioned and experienced monuments. With this two-fold interest for ancient architecture and societies at heart, I have developed a hands-on experience with the Aegean architectural record throughout my Ph.D. (2009), post-doctoral research (2010-2021), and past and ongoing fieldwork. A focus on the Minoan architectural record has provided me with an ideal field of research for exploring new approaches of the built environment, including the estimation of the labour-time invested in the construction of Aegean vernacular and elite edifices. This creative attitude towards the understanding of the built environment is fed by my dynamic involvement in archaeological projects and the direction of the study of the Minoan Palace at Malia. The detailed investigation of this monumental edifice has made it possible for me to develop and test alternative approaches of specific aspects of construction, such as the involvement of local labourers and itinerant craftspeople and the impact of vernacular building practices on palatial architecture. With Bronze Age architecture as the backbone of my research, I have also kept expanding my interests and field experience in a wider geographical and chronological framework through my collaborative work on cut-stone architecture in the broader Eastern Mediterranean, as well as my targeted involvement in field projects on early Iron Age, Classical and Hellenistic sites in Crete and in Delphi.
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