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Microscopic study of proteins, starch and cell walls in potato trimmings
Raman spectroscopy of fat networks
Crystallization behavior and structural build-up of palm stearin - wax hybrid fat blends
(2024) -
Crystallization behavior and structural build-up of palm stearin : wax hybrid fat blends
Macroconstituents in food side streams and alternative biomass studied by multiple microscopy techniques
(2024) -
- Journal Article
- A1
- open access
Microalgal lipid bodies : detection and comparative analysis using imaging flow cytometry, confocal laser scanning and Raman microscopy
- Journal Article
- A1
- open access
Visualisation of microalgal lipid bodies through electron microscopy
- Journal Article
- A1
- open access
Impact of potato trimming acidification on protein characteristics and bacterial community during long-term storage
Fluorecsence and Raman microscopy to investigate plant cell wall polysaccharides
Fluorescence, Raman and Cryo-SEM microscopy to investigate plant cell wall polysaccharides in food waste streams