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Photographable femininities in women’s magazines and on Instagram
- Journal Article
- A1
- open access
'It’s not just Instagram models' : exploring the gendered political potential of young women’s Instagram use
'Everybody needs to post a selfie every once in a while' : exploring the politics of Instagram curation in young women’s self-representational practices
- PhD Thesis
- open access
Instagrammable femininities : exploring the gender politics of self-representations on Instagram and women’s magazines
(2020) -
- Journal Article
- A1
- open access
Between the mundane and the political : women’s self-representations on Instagram
Digital humanities : knowledge and critique in a digital age
'Shop it. Wear it. Gram it' : a qualitative textual analysis of women’s glossy fashion magazines and their intertextual relationship with Instagram
Instagrammable femininities : exploring young women's understandings of gendered self-representations on Instagram
'Getting word out through Instagram' : understanding young women's experiences of the gendered infrastructural politics of Instagram
'Everybody needs to post a selfie every once in a while' : exploring young women's self-representation practices on Instagram