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Analysis of scapular kinematics and muscle activity by use of fine-wire electrodes during shoulder exercises
Klinisch onderzoek van de cervicale wervelkolom
(2017) -
- Miscellaneous
- open access
Low back pain and radicular pain : assessment and management
The influence of induced shoulder muscle pain on rotator cuff and scapulothoracic muscle activity during elevation of the arm
Algemene benadering van cervicalgie
A clinical test of lumbopelvic control : discriminative capabilities and relation between movement pattern and muscle activation
Are chronic neck pain, scapular dyskinesis and altered scapulothoracic muscle activity interrelated? : a case-control study with surface and fine-wire EMG
Scapulothoracic muscle activity during elevation exercises measured with surface and fine wire EMG : a comparative study between patients with subacromial impingement syndrome and healthy controls
Modifying the shoulder joint position during shrugging and retraction exercises alters the activation of the medial scapular muscles
Serratus anterior or pectoralis minor : which muscle has the upper hand during protraction exercises?