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Maximum tolerated dose in a phase I trial on adaptive dose painting by numbers for head and neck cancer
Adaptive dose painting by numbers for head-and-neck cancer
Design of and technical challenges involved in a framework for multicentric radiotherapy treatment planning studies
A phase I clinical trial on adaptive dose painting by numbers for head and neck cancer: the first clinical results
Preliminary results on setup precision of prone-lateral patient positioning for whole breast irradiation
Monte Carlo treatment planning for photon and electron beams
Measurement techniques, Modeling strategies and pitfalls to avoid when implementing a mini MLC in a non dedicated planning system
Comparison of 6 MV and 18 MV photons for IMRT treatment of lung cancer
Implementation and validation of an add-on MLC for Monte Carlo dose calculations in conformal stereotactic radiosurgery
MLC based stereotactic radiosurgery: The accuracy of the collapse cone algorithm of pinnacle 7.4 modelled and controlled using a consistent data set obtained by several independent detectors.