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The uraemic toxin indoxylsulfate induces leukocyte-endothelial adhesion and induces impaired blood flow in the rat peritoneal microcirculation
Protein-bound uremic toxins stimulate crosstalk between leukocytes and vessel wall
A novel UPLC–MS–MS method for simultaneous determination of seven uremic retention toxins with cardiovascular relevance in chronic kidney disease patients
Determination of seven uremic retention toxins in serum of chronic kidney disease patients by UPLC-MS/MS
Removal of water-soluble and protein-bound solutes with reversed mid-dilution versus post-dilution haemodiafiltration
In vivo effects of the protein-bound uremic toxins p-cresylsulfate, p-cresylglucuronide and indoxylsulfate on the cross-talk between leukocytes and the vessel wall
- Conference Paper
- C3
- open access
Development of an UPLC-MS/MS method for the determination of seven uremic retention toxins in serum of chronic kidney disease patients
Oral supplementation with sulodexide inhibits neo-angiogenesis in a rat model of peritoneal perfusion
Novel method for simultaneous determination of p-cresylsulphate and p-cresylglucuronide: clinical data and pathophysiological implications
Comparison of removal capacity of two consecutive generations of high-flux dialysers during different treatment modalities