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Solution of nonlinear differential equation for falling body viscosity meter
Quantitative beam emission spectroscopy on TEXTOR 94
Experimental and theoretical study of the imprisonment of the Kr S-1(0)-P-3(1) 123.58 nm resonance radiation.
Influence of the gas velocity on a DC glow discharge operating at atmospheric pressure
Modelling and measurement of the Opto-Galvanic Effect in the positive column of a krypton discharge
The motional Stark effect diagnostic on TEXTOR-94: First measurements.
A 1D fluid model for the measurement of perpendicular flow in strongly magnetized plasmas.
Influence of the gas velocity on a DC glow discharge. Operating at atmospheric pressure
MSE measurements during RI mode on TEXTOR-94
Modelling and Measurement of the Opto-Galvanic Effect in the Positive Column of a Krypton Discharge.