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Angiography for acute lower gastrointestinal hemorrhage: efficacy of cut film compared with digital subtraction techniques
Hepatic bile duct hamartomas (von Meyenburg complexes): MR and MR cholangiography findings
Detachable balloon embolization of an aneurysmal gastroduodenal arterioportal fistula.
Bacillary angiomatosis in a patient with aids
T-1 relaxation times for viability evaluation of the engrafted and the native liver in a rat model of heterotopic auxiliary liver transplantation: a pilot study
Hemangiopericytoma of the parotid gland: CT and MR features.
Skull base granuloma: an unusual location idiopathic midline destructive disease.
Hadju-Cheney syndrome
Embolization as a first approach with endoscopically unmanageable acute nonvariceal gastrointestinal hemorrhage.
Imaging studies in the diagnostic workup of neonatal nasal obstruction.