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Characterizing compaction variability with an electromagnetic induction sensor in a puddled paddy rice field
Modeling within field variation of the compaction layer in a paddy rice field using a proximal soil sensing system
Using bivariate multiple-point statistics and proximal soil sensor data to map fossil ice-wedge polygons
Identifying soil patterns at different spatial scales with a multi-receiver EMI sensor
Mapping complex soil patterns with multiple-point geostatistics
Exploring the potential of multi-receiver EMI survey for geoarchaeological prospection: a 90 ha dataset
Key variables for the identification of soil management classes in the aeolian landscapes of north–west Europe
Depth slicing of multi-receiver EMI measurements to enhance the delineation of contrasting subsoil features
Ability of a non-invasive sensor to improve soil management of paddy rice fields
(2012) -
Electrical conductivity depth modelling with a multireceiver EMI sensor for prospecting archaeological features