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- Journal Article
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Flood risk management in Flanders: past developments and future challenges
A holistic evaluation of conservation agriculture as a measure to combat desertification and land degradation in the North Ethiopian Highlands
- Conference Paper
- C3
- open access
Water ponding and catchment runoff as influenced by conservation agriculture in May Zeg-zeg (Ethiopia)
A questionnaire to evaluate the GI job market in Flanders: first findings
Bevraging van de GI-arbeidsmarkt 2012: eerste resultaten (juni 2012)
- Journal Article
- A1
- open access
Impact of conservation agriculture on catchment runoff and soil loss under changing climate conditions in May Zeg-zeg (Ethiopia)
Fine-scale geomorphological mapping of sandbank environments for the prediction of macrobenthic occurrences, Belgian part of the North Sea
- Conference Paper
- C1
- open access
An SDI for the GIS-education at the UGent Geography Department
Applications of habitat suitability models in marine management and research
- Conference Paper
- C3
- open access
Development and validation of spatial distribution models of marine habitats, in support of the ecological valuation of the seabed