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PIEO onder de loep: longitudinaal onderzoek naar het effect van onderwijsinnovatie op de leerresultaten, leerwinst en het welbevinden van leerlingen in sociaal-etnisch gesegregeerde basisscholen
(2015) -
Differences between Flemish and Chinese primary students' mastery of basic arithmetic operations
- Journal Article
- A1
- open access
Curriculum sequencing and the acquisition of clock reading skills among Chinese and Flemish children
- PhD Thesis
- open access
Time-related competences in primary education
(2012) -
- Journal Article
- A1
- open access
Clock reading: an underestimated topic in children with mathematics difficulties
Autisme en vrije tijd: hoe toegankelijk zijn de Vlaamse jeugdverenigingen?
Problemen in rekenen-wiskunde
How to teach the clock? Primary school teachers’ pedagogical content knowledge and beliefs on the teaching of time-related competences
(2010) -
- Conference Paper
- P1
- open access
It's about time: an explanatory study on children's difficulties with the concept of time
Illuminating the complexity of time: the development of time-related competences in primary school children.