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Veranderingen in fysieke activiteit, sedentair gedrag en cardiorespiratoire fitheid zijn gerelateerd aan cardiometabole gezondheid
Influencing factors of sedentary behavior in European preschool settings: an exploration through focus groups with teachers
Correlates of change in adults' television viewing time: a four-year follow-up study
Adverse associations of increases in television viewing time with 5-year changes in glucose homoeostasis markers: the AusDiab study
Sport participation and stress among women and men
Influencing factors of screen time in preschool children: an exploration of parents' perceptions through focus groups in six European countries
- Journal Article
- A1
- open access
Television viewing and incident cardiovascular disease: prospective associations and mediation analysis in the EPIC Norfolk study
- Journal Article
- A1
- open access
Socio-demographic, psychosocial and home-environmental attributes associated with adults' domestic screen time
Specific associations between types of physical activity and components of mental health
Sedentary behaviour, physical activity and a continuous metabolic syndrome risk score in adults