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A benchmark for dutch end-to-end cross-document event coreference resolution
- Journal Article
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EventDNA : a dataset for Dutch news event extraction as a basis for news diversification
End-to-end Spoken Language Understanding : performance analyses of a voice command task in a low resource setting
- Conference Paper
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Event prominence extraction combining a knowledge-based syntactic parser and a BERT classifier for Dutch
- Conference Paper
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Corpus generation for voice command in smart home and the effect of speech synthesis on End-to-End SLU
- Conference Paper
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Context-aware voice-based interaction in smart home : VocADom@A4H corpus collection and empirical assessment of its usefulness
Learning natural language understanding systems from unaligned labels for voice command in smart homes
- Conference Paper
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Towards end-to-end spoken intent recognition in smart home
SLU for voice command in smart home : comparison of pipeline and end-to-end approaches
- Conference Paper
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Towards a french smart-home voice command corpus : design and nlu experiments
(2018) TEXT, SPEECH, AND DIALOGUE (TSD 2018). In Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence 11107. p.509-517