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ZEB2 stably represses RAB25 expression through epigenetic regulation by SIRT1 and DNMTs during epithelial-to-mesenchymal transition
The role of the ZEB family of transcription factors in development and disease
The role and mechanisms of SIP1 in the dedifferentiation of epithelial cancers
(2008) -
- Journal Article
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Direct repression of cyclin d1 by SIP1 attenuates cell cycle progression in cells undergoing an epithelial mesenchymal transition
VHL promotes E2 box-dependent E-cadherin transcription by HIF-mediated regulation of SIP1 and snail
Regulation of vimentin by SIP1 in human epithelial breast tumor cells
- Journal Article
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SIP1/ZEB2 induces EMT by repressing genes of different epithelial cell-cell junctions