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Philosophy of history after 1945 : a bibliometric study
- Journal Article
- A2
- open access
International responses to the Academic Manifesto: reports from 14 countries = Respuestas internacionales al Manifiesto Académico : informes desde 14 países
The Academic Manifesto : the situation in Flanders
- Issue Editor
- open access
Social epistemology meets the philosophy of the humanities
Anton Froeyman (UGent) , Laszlo Kosolosky and Jeroen Van Bouwel (UGent) -
Introduction : social epistemology meets the philosophy of the humanities
Ethics, aesthetics, and the anticipation of the unanticipatable
Hermeneutics, life and dialogue: a sketch of a Buberian dialogue with the past
Introduction: the future of the theory and philosophy of history
Philosophy of history, from social criticism to philosophy of science and back again
Het sprookje van Waer: wetenschap is geen eiland
(2013) De Standaard.