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Chronic diseases associated with meat consumption : epidemiology and mechanisms
- Journal Article
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Mechanisms linking colorectal cancer to the consumption of (processed) red meat : a review
The near equivalence of haem and non-haem iron bioavailability and the need for reconsidering dietary iron recommendations
The recommendation to limit or avoid consumption of processed meat is justified because of the association with the incidence of colorectal cancer and justifies the use of alternatives for nitrite in meat processing
The World Cancer Research Fund report 2007: A challenge for the meat processing industry
In vitro examination of DHA-edible micro-algae, 2: effect on rumen methane production and apparent degradability of hay
Effect of variation in the proportion of solid- and liquid-associated rumen bacteria in duodenal contents on the estimation of duodenal bacterial nitrogen flow
- Journal Article
- A1
- open access
Milk odd- and branched-chain fatty acids in relation to the rumen fermentation pattern
- Journal Article
- A1
- open access
Milk fatty acid composition and associated rumen lipolysis and fatty acid hydrogenation when feeding forages from intensively managed or semi-natural grasslands
Use of odd and branched-chain fatty acids in rumen contents and milk as a potential microbial marker